Moody Love

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A resounding crack of skin on skin reverberated through the hallway stunning everyone within the vicinity. Gulf was proud of not falling to the ground when his father had hit him across the face. A pathetic thing to be glad about but when you were a Kanawut you took your win wherever you could. Falling of his engagement had been something his parents strongly disapproved and were furious about which had lead to a heated argument and some physical repercussions. Gulf didn't have a loving relationship with his parents, most of the people didn't, right? So it didn't make him any special or someone to be pitied. He had been fairly average kid since childhood. He wasn't an outstanding genius nor was he complete failure. He survived somewhere in the middle of these two extremities. Surprisingly his parents were okay with that. They never put any unrealistic pressure on him to be an overachiever.

Gulf didn't have a sad childhood, he would say he had a quite decent one. He had everything he could wish for. Be it toys, games, delicacies, clothes, accessories, comfort and luxury. He was a people's person. He could make friends as easily as people made tea. People had been intimidated because of his fame and wealth and surely enough he had encountered people who only cared about his wealth and what he could do for them in return but didn't everyone deal with such people every once in a while? We all have such fake entities in our life who only sucked the life out of us. Who always wanted take and take and take until there wasn't anything left anymore. Gulf usually didn't pay much attention to such people. He had enough to give away and not care about.

Like every other person, Gulf fell in love too. A little too often to be clear. But could you blame him? He just got attached to people easily. There were so many people to love out there, how could he not? Some would call him a fickle and shallow person. Someone without integrity or loyalty. Gulf could care less about others opinion regarding him. He dated a lot and by that it meant a lot. He had never cheated on anyone, he had at least some decency. Every person he dated knew what they were getting into, he didn't make fake promises of forever and happily ever after. Still someone would get too close, a little too attached and then there would be an ugly break up. Was it his fault? He didn't think so. He had flings, hook ups, one night stands, relationships, but none ever lasted more than it should. He ended it as soon as he got bored. And Gulf got bored very easily.

Everything wears off sooner or later. Be it crush, infatuation or even love. Despite all that Gulf couldn't stop falling in love. He liked meeting new people, being close with them, the intimacy and connection made him thrive. There were lots of rumors about him circulating in school, college and even his workplace. People loved drama and he seemed like an easy target. No one said anything to his face, they wouldn't date to but they talked nasty behind his back. It's not like they weren't dating either but they loved shaming someone else for exactly same thing. It wasn't like he was two timing or anything but regardless he was fodder for gossip. These very people looking down on him fell over themselves to spend nights with him. The irony of it all.

Yet he could admit what he did to Akk was indeed selfish and insensitive. He had been jerk to many people but usually they deserved it but Akk didn't. He was so agitated with his messy breakup and his parents breathing down his neck that he taken out his frustration on poor Akk. The boy was a cinnamon roll, not be hurt. It was a very stupid thing to do. He couldn't believe he had suggested open marriage to poor guy. It wasn't like he himself liked the idea of having a open relationship, but at that he had just blurted out such a stupid thing. Meeting with Mew had really knocked some sense into him. He didn't regret canceling his wedding. That was a right choice for both of them. Akk would have been miserable with someone like him. Gulf would never be able to make Akk happy and feel loved the way he deserved.

People like Gulf weren't meant for settling down. It was a foreign concept to even entertain. Would he mind dating someone? No. Could he be in a long term relationship? Maybe. He wouldn't really think of long term relationship until he met Mew. Hear him out, it wasn't necessarily love at first sight, sounds cheesy as hell but it had been attraction at first sight, crush at second sight and infatuation at third one. He liked Mew. It was as simple as that. Did he know anything about the guy except he had two sisters and he hated Gulf? No. But that didn't stop him from falling deeper. Love worked in mysterious ways. It was flawed and unreasonable but that never stopped anyone.

Well, back to matter at hand. His father was shouting obscenity at him, calling him names while his mother frowned in disappointment. They were going to disown him. He had anticipated that much. It would be a lie to say it didn't scare him. He liked money and luxury. Now he would have to be without it and that was one scary thought. It's not like he couldn't get a job, he could and he would have to but no way would he able to enjoy those same perks anymore. He will be a poor guy working his ass off to secure a decent living condition. Not a happy thought to have. How dramatic did it sound to have left all the comfort and riches because Mew had seemed disappointed in him? He was definitely crazy. Crazy in love. Gulf inwardly cringed at that thought.

What was done was done. He walked out of the office with his belongings, trudging to the room he had rented as of now. Rent was so expensive. No one had ever told him that. His credit cards had been frozen so he was relying on some cash he had put aside. He needed a job asap else he would die hungry. Where should he apply? Who would hire him? He had decent enough experience and qualifications. Let's hope it would be soon enough.

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