Stagnant Situationship

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"Why are you doing this?" Akk asked exasperatedly.

"What?" Ayan asked nonchalantly.

"You know what I mean."

"I surely don't."

"This. You're being mean to me."

"How? I just got here."

Akk didn't know how to explain it. It just felt like something was amiss. Ayan was right, he hadn't really done anything out of ordinary but Akk could feel this gap between them and he didn't like it. Negative thoughts were already swirling in his head.

Ayan was disgusted with him.

There was no other rational explanation. He wouldn't even look at him properly. He had taken a step back when Akk had moved in his direction. If that wasn't a blatant rejection, he didn't know what was. Ayan was letting him down gently without embarrassing him and he should be grateful for that but all he could feel was sadness. Had he gotten used to having Ayan's attention on him?

They were currently going through some minor changes in the lastest update for the webtoon. He had been equal part excited and nervous for this meeting but not even once had he anticipated this indifference. Ayan had not looked at him properly for even a second. He had kept the meeting as professional as he could without coming across as rude. It felt like they were back to the square one. If Ayan was uneasy because of yesterday he could say so. It's not like Akk wouldn't understand. They could talk about it so that they could move past it. If Akk paid enough attention, it looked like Ayan was angry with him. What could be the reason? God, this was driving him insane. A part of him argued that he should just ask Ayan directly. Clear the air between them. He didn't want to. Call him coward if you may, but it would far more devastating to be told in clear terms that he wasn't good enough for Ayan.

Gulf was very angry when Akk did not pick up his phone. He decided to hit the bar to cool off. He was nursing his third drink when a good looking guy took the seat next to him looking frazzled while conversing angrily on the phone. Gulf tried to sneak glances sneakily while trying to appear nonchalant. He gulped down the drink being frustrated enough with Akk not returning any of his calls and his parents breathing down his neck to get on with the wedding as soon as possible. Sometimes he wondered why was he even in this mess to begin with. He had been perfectly fine with his Casanova lifestyle before returning to Korea. If it wasn't clear enough Gulf was not interested in getting married at all, moreover with someone like Akk.

Don't get him wrong, he did not look down on Akk and to be honest he could see that Akk good enough guy but he was prude and boring for him. Like what was wrong with the proposition he had put forward? Why couldn't Akk agree to it? Both of them would have been happier. They couldn't get out of this marriage anyway so why not enjoy it as much as they could. It was not like that they were in love or anything so Gulf thought it was a bit strong to call it cheating since they were not involved emotionally. Why couldn't his parents have paired him up with someone better or more fun. At the back of his mind Gulf could feel that he was getting more drunk as each minute passed and he should probably stop drinking and get back home but he did not want to be rational tonight. He wanted to forget about everything and be just wild like before.

The man beside Gulf was nursing his third drink as he furiously typed on his phone, obviously fighting with someone. Gulf was now blatantly staring at the man who seemed oblivious. All Gulf could think about was how utterly gorgeous the man was, not just good looking but sexy in a brooding kind of a way. He was practically undressing him with his eyes.

The man put down his phone and sighed exasperatedly. He picked the glass to drink but stopped short when he felt an intense stare on him. He turned to look at Gulf. That should have been enough to embarrass the said man and stop his lascivious staring but Gulf was too drunk to feel embarrassed. The man looked at him strangely and turned back to his drink. Gulf pouted at being ignored like that.

"Hi." He initiated the conversation when it seemed the like the other guy wouldn't.

The man didn't say anything at first but another pleasantry from Gulf made him mumble a hello in return.

"So looking for some company?" Gulf winced at such crusty pick up line. He could do better but he was too drunk to think.

"No." Came the single worded reply.

"Why not?"

"Just because."

"Then why did you even come the bar?" Gulf asked.

"Not everyone comes to bar to hook up."

"They do."

The man snorted, "Not everyone is that desperate."

Gulf frowned at being insulted, "Desperate? Do I look desperate?"

The man looked at him from head to toe with impenetrable gaze making Gulf squirm in discomfort. Was he looking down on him? He was pretty, Gulf knew that. He wasn't vain but self aware. He hated being made to feel ugly and this man was doing that without even saying anything.

"You're too drunk. You should get to your home." The man said after a while.

"Why? I don't want to." Gulf said petulantly.

"Whatever." The man shrugged indifferently and turned back to his phone.

Gulf didn't like that. Normally he didn't do the chasing, people came after him. He was the one deciding whom to pick and whom to discard. The one in control and desired. It kinda rubbed him wrong way to be ignored by a handsome man. He did understand that not everyone would be interested in him but it wasn't the night for logical stuffs so that's why he did what he did next.

"What the-" The man almost fell off the chair when Gulf took off his jacket and threw it at the said man.

"What's wrong with you?" The man shouted.

"You won't look at me so I decided to make it easier." Gulf giggled at his smartness.

The man sighed in exasperation as he put the jacket in Gulf's lap. He didn't come out to bar to deal with this. The guy was cute but not cute enough to deal with this crap. He was about to leave when he saw the guy about to open his shirt. He clutched his hand firmly and dragged him out of the seat.

"Are you crazy?" He screamed.

Gulf let the man drag him out of the bar. He was happily skipping after him.

"Nope." Gulf giggled again at the livid look on the man's face. At the back of his mind, sirens were blaring for danger. He shouldn't be making a stranger at bar angry. You never know what sort of person you could encounter.

"You were about to undress in a freaking bar. What the hell is wrong with you? Just go home."

Gulf pouted at being scolded by the pretty man. "Okay. Let's go to your house."

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