Fuzzy In Head

443 22 14

If you could go back in time, what would you change? A mistake? Or maybe an accident? Or something just as crucial and trivial at the same time, right? Akk would strangle himself if he could back in time or maybe he could do that just now. As far as embarrassing incidents went Akk had something close to PhD in it but this one seemed to take the cake. He had been in lot of embarrassing situations in his 25 years of life but never had he contemplated picking up the pen and stabbing himself in neck. That sounded load better than dealing with the aftermath of his stupidity. Maybe he could faint, a heart attack would be much appreciated right now.

It had started few days ago. Akk had forgotten his notes at home and Ayan was on the way so he had very generously offered to pick up the notes from Akk's place if he didn't mind. Akk had been very grateful and given him his passcode. Nothing too out of place, right? Fairly normal situation you would say. Well, Akk would vehemently disagree with you because it brings us to the disaster at hand. They were scheduled for a meet up today and Ayan had suggested he could go to Akk's place which was fine by Akk. Ayan was supposed to arrive at 5 pm in the evening which was bit of a miscommunication on their part because Ayan was standing outside Akk's apartment at 3 pm, whole two hours earlier than anticipated.

Now it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it was given our Akk was in vulnerable state. He had been feeling very low past few days after the talk with his parents and had wanted desperately to relieve some tension but Damien had been busy with stuff to do a scene with him. He was tethering on the edge of subspace for quite a long time and felt incredibly stressed and lonely. He wanted to feel pretty and wanted but couldn't figure out how. So against his better judgement, Akk had dressed in a pretty frilly skirt, did his make up to his satisfaction and posed prettily in front of the camera. It lifted his spirit a little. He had two hours before Ayan would come and that was enough time for him to unwind.

The soft music in the background and the fog in his head made him deaf to the doorbell. He was a little fuzzy in head and busy with admiring his Reflection in the mirror that he missed the sound of door being opened, footsteps coming near and a shocked gasp that left Ayan's mouth.
Ayan had waited ten minutes outside Akk's apartment and when his third call went to voicemail, he started getting worried about Akk. He decided it would be okay if he went in himself, he could explain his reason to Akk. He opened the door and peeked inside, no one was in the living room so he stepped inside and made his way to Akk's room because he could hear soft music playing. Maybe Akk had fallen asleep. The sight in front of him made him stop in the track and let out a shocked gasp.

Akk was still engrossed in his world until he saw the Ayan's reflection in the mirror

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Akk was still engrossed in his world until he saw the Ayan's reflection in the mirror. It was like a bucket of ice cold water had been poured on his head. His eyes met Ayan's in the mirror and he took the surprise for disgust and did the only logical thing his mind could come up with, he cried or more like wailed. Ayan broke out of his shock when he saw Akk have a meltdown. He quickly gathered him in his arms and got down on the bed pulling down Akk with him. Akk resisted at first, too ashamed to be anywhere near Ayan but his need for comfort and acceptance won in the end and he snuggled close to Ayan as he wrapped his arms around his shaking frame. Tears still streamed down his face as he tried to come up with a reasonable explanation for all this.

Anything he said would sound stupid. There couldn't be any decent explanation for his current state. He should just accept his fate and be ready for Ayan's disgust and hate. No way was Ayan going to be okay with his producer dressing up in skirts of all things. So why was he hugging Akk like that? Why was he comforting him? Why hadn't he stormed out of Akk's place already? Why wasn't he calling Akk names and slurs? Akk didn't understand that. Maybe it was pity. Ayan was a good person, he simply couldn't see anyone in distress. He was just being a thoughtful human being, a generous person, that's all.

Ayan had acted on autopilot when he saw Akk in stress. He hadn't thought it out when he had pulled the boy in his arms. Maybe he should have because his body was having a not so innocent reaction to having his crush in his arms in nothing but a flimsy crop top and short skirt that left very little to imagination. The skirt came to Akk's mid thigh but because of being sprawled over Ayan, the skirt had ridden up and was barely doing it's job. His hand on Akk's waist was dangerously close to the skin exposed between the top and skirt and it was taking all of his will power to not move it lower. He wanted nothing more than to push Akk under him, pin his hands and do sinful things to him, watch that adorable face scrunch in pleasure and maybe a bit pain but shook his head to get rid of such thoughts.

He wiped the tears as new ones made their way down Akk's face. He hoped the boy would stop crying and working himself into panic. Against his better judgement he placed a kiss on Akk's forehead. He was part surprised and part pleased at the dazed look in Akk's eyes as he stared at Ayan in wonderment and affection. He practically melted against Ayan, not crying anymore.

"Um....uh....." Akk mumbled not feeling coherent enough to say anything tangible.

"What happened, pretty boy?" Ayan asked soothingly.

Akk blushed at the compliment, not expecting it even in the least and mewled in happiness making Ayan laugh at him in adoration.

"Does Akk like being called pretty? Huh? Does it makes you feel beautiful?"

Akk bit his lips to keep the embarrassing sound in his mouth. The compliments were going straight to his length, he definitely had praise kink, a severe case of that. He could feel himself getting hard at the soft and sweet words that left Ayan's mouth. Ayan kept complimenting him, saying honeyed words, smoothing his ruffled edges as the boy  completely submitted to him. Akk could feel himself slipping in subspace, something that hardly happened, he hadn't expected to feel so aroused at something not even sexual. Ayan was just trying to calm him down, he wasn't even trying to rile him up but Akk's body was reacting so strongly to such innocent words it made him shudder to even imagine what would happen when Ayan actually tried to arouse him. He definitely wouldn't survive that.

He wanted to warn Ayan, tell him to stop, tell him how he was losing control not that he had any in first place, tell him how he was seconds away from going over the edge. But words died in his mouth when Ayan whispered 'baby boy' in his ears making him climax with a loud moan, ruining his panties but he wasn't worried about that right now. He panted against Ayan's neck trying to breathe properly. He was too tired to worry about possible consequences of his actions. This would definitely not end in good way no matter what but he didn't want to think about that right now.

Ayan's arms tightened around Akk when he had climaxed. He couldn't believe that the boy had just cummed from some compliments. Ayan wanted to touch him at places that would push him over the edge for second time but refrained himself. He shouldn't be doing that, it would be like taking advantage of Akk, the boy seemed out if it. But could you blame him for letting his hand move a bit lower so that he was caressing the exposed skin? Not when Akk arched into him at the sensation mumbling, "Please....." He wasn't sure what was Akk begging for and to be honest he didn't want to know because he wouldn't be able to stop if Akk verbalized the need and want.

Had Akk ruined his skirt? He must be wearing something underneath that right? Right? He better be because Ayan's mental strength was deserting him. Was he......was he wearing panties? Damn.....that would justify his desire to flip Akk on his hands and knees and.......and.....he should stop here. He may not be able to if he went further with his thoughts. If Ayan didn't know better he would think Akk was drunk. He looked dazed like he was drunk on him, completely pliant in his arms.

Akk clung to Ayan as he picked him up and took him to the bathroom to get cleaned. Akk protested at leaving Ayan's warmth but Ayan coaxed him gently to get cleaned and changed. He turned around to give Akk some privacy and carried him out once he was done. He wasn't sure whether he should leave or stay but Akk made that decision for him. He whined when Ayan tried to move away and would not let go of his arm. They cuddled to sleep again, leaving the serious conversation for later. Something they did a lot. They just got into bed always leaving the important conversation for later. Ayan willed his erection to go down as he cuddled with Akk. It wasn't the right time for that. Will it be ever?

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