Worthy of Anything?

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Ayan was shuffling groceries bags as he walked down the street to get some much needed food. He had forgotten to eat again because of work. He was going to faint if he didn't eat soon enough. He was just about to pop in a cafe down the road when he saw Akk some feets away. Ayan was still not over his disappointment to be able to face Akk. He should probably turn around and leave. He stopped in his track when a middle aged couple started screaming at him. The woman slapped Akk across his face. Ayan was flabbergasted and irked, why we're these people harassing Akk. Maybe he should intervene. But the next sentence put a stop to his heroic entry.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Akk sobbed.

"Sorry? You've the audacity to say that? After everything you've done?"


"How I hate hearing that word from your mouth." She said in disgust.

Akk took a shuddering breath unable to believe what he was hearing. "But-"

"I don't want to hear any excuses. What did you do to make Gulf cancel the wedding?"


His dad scoffed, "Couldn't you keep it together until the wedding? What ugly side did you show him to do this?"

"Dad, please-"

"You've never been of any use since your birth. I thought maybe you can finally be of some use. I had expected too much." He continued.

"Are you dating someone?" His mother asked suspiciously.

"N-No. I'm not."

"Then why did you mess it up? Do you even realize how important this merger was? Are you too stupid to even get that?" His dad screamed.

"Fix it. Go and beg Gulf if you've to but fix this mess."

Akk shook his head, "No, I won't. Mom please, I don't want to."

"You won't? Does it matter what you want? Just do as we say. Seduce him if you've to."

Akk couldn't believe this anymore. It's not like he didn't know his parents, he knew they didn't like him or even consider him worth anything but he couldn't believe they thought that low of him. "I won't."

"Then you aren't our son anymore. You're dead to us. We are disowning you."

"What?!" Akk stared in shook as his parents got in their car and left.

Did they mean it? Would they really not consider him family anymore? Was the business more important than him? Of course, it was. Why wouldn't it be. At least business was worth something unlike him. He was useless. He had no purpose or worth, he had always been just a burden on people around him. No wonder he was going to be left behind. That's how it always ended. Akk stared in daze at the figure in front of him. Someone was standing there. He was saying something. What was it? He couldn't hear anything over the buzz in his ears. Everything felt too loud and fast paced for him to catch up. He wanted to be at home wrapped in his favorite fluffy blanket with a hot chocolate and someone to tell him he is worth something. He didn't want to be standing here in pouring rain, his cheeks stinging from the slap earlier and his heart in shambles.

"Akk? Akk? Are you okay?" Someone was shaking him.

Akk tried to focus on at least something but it was all slipping away. What should he do? Run? But where to? For how long? He was being led somewhere, someone was clutching his hand in tight grip, it was grounding him a little but not enough to form any thoughts. He was gently seated inside a car. Should he be worried about being kidnapped? Maybe. A sane person would be. But he was somewhere far away, not here shivering in someone's car, he was somewhere nice. A quiet place. The car stopped moving after a while and it was kinda blank after that. There were gaps in his memory. He didn't really remember what happened after he got in the car. Maybe it was better this way. If only he could forget everything just as easily.

To say that Ayan was worried would be an understatement. He had never seen Akk like this. He wasn't responding at all, not saying anything. Ayan was freaking out. They were standing in pouring rain and Akk seemed frozen at the spot. He didn't know what the deal with his parents was but it wasn't pretty. He couldn't hear everything they talked about he could see how deeply affected Akk was from whatever he parents had said to him but before he got to that he needed to get them out of rain. He took matters in his hand and gently veered Akk to his car and drove to Akk's apartment. It worried him a lot to see there was no change in Akk's expression. Would he be okay?

As soon as they reached the apartment complex, Ayan ran out of the car to get Akk out and marched to the elevator. Akk was shivering, they both were. He hoped the door code hadn't changed because he didn't think Akk was in any condition to remember the code. Thankfully it was the same and he ushered them inside the apartment. He stopped in the middle of living room making a puddle where they stood wondering what to do next. How should he approach Akk now? What should be the next move? Akk was still staring in space with glassy dazed eyes. Ayan pushed every other thought out of his head. He will do whatever he could and just hope for the best. He took Akk to the bathroom and helped him to take of wet clothes and take a warm bath. He gave him as much privacy as he could while keeping an eye on him.

He rummaged through the closet to get some clothes for Akk to sleep in but the boy turned away from them.

"Akk, what's wrong? You don't like them?" He asked confused.

Akk still wouldn't look at him but he got up and took out a box kept at the back of closet hidden away like a treasure. He opened it and took out fluffy pink pullover and a white mini skirt. Akk glanced at Ayan taking the clothes in his hand and putting it in front of him. "This."

"You want to wear this?" Ayan asked

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"You want to wear this?" Ayan asked.

Akk nodded slightly like he wasn't sure he should.

Ayan helped him get dressed in the outfit and laid him down on the bed and moved away only to be pulled back. Akk was looking at him with glassy eyes. "Don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'll just change into dry clothes and came back quickly."

Ayan took the fastest shower known to mankind and pulled on the clothes he got from Akk's closet ignoring the fact that he was drowning in them. Akk was staring intently at the bathroom door, afraid Ayan wouldn't come out and when he did he sighed in relief. Ayan moved on the bed beside Akk and he quickly wrapped himself around Ayan to be as close as possible. Ayan softly ran his hands through Akk's hair, making him melt in his arm. Against his better judgement, he placed a tender kiss on Akk's forehead.

"It'll be all okay, Akk. I'm here." That was enough assurance for Akk to fall asleep.

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