A Wrong Message

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Akk was questioning his life choices as he stood outside Ayan's apartment at 11 in the morning. He would be lying if he said he wasn't a little bit excited to see where Ayan lived but a major part of him was drowning in anxiety. His boss had asked him- no ordered him to discuss the next month plan for the story Ayan was working on. Akk had been more than happy to talk about it over the phone but Ayan wanted to have the meeting in person and since he was swamped with work what with deadline approaching near, he asked Akk to come to his apartment.

Akk couldn't say no, not that he has ever been good at refusing people, but with Ayan it was harder. He kinda wanted to please Ayan, if that made any sense. He rang the bell twice and was met with sight he definitely wasn't ready for yet or ever would be. Ayan had opened the door only in a towel, even that was fighting for its life on his waist. It looked like he had just come out of the shower, his hair still wet and few water droplets leisurely making their way down his chest. Akk was ashamed to admit but he was gawking at Ayan's abs when he had come out with pants on but hadn't made any effort to get a shirt on.

"You don't have to drool like that." Ayan smirked.

Akk was jolted out of his daydream, "I'm not drooling."

"Yeah. That's pretty much obvious."

Akk could feel the familiar heat spread over his cheeks, "Aren't you going to wear a shirt?"

"Nope. Why?"

"W-Why not? Aren't you embarrassed?"

"It's looks like you're more embarrassed than me. It's too hot to wear a shirt."

"But we need to focus on the meeting-"

"And you can't focus because of my body?"

Akk let out a strangled yelp, "NO. I n-never said that. It's just weird."

"Weird? Or arousing?" Ayan had closed the gap between them, standing directly in front of him as he bent down a little and ran a thumb over Akk's flushed cheeks.

Akk was in daze, his body had failed him completely and so has his mind, all he could do was gaze in Ayan's eyes and unknowingly let out a whimper when the thumb tracing his cheeks was over his lips. It broke the trance both of them were under. Ayan took few steps back to create some distance and Akk went an unhealthy shade of red.

"You're so sensitive. It makes me wonder how would you look when-" Ayan cut himself off before he could finish that sentence. He shouldn't be wondering such sinful things about his producer. But it didn't help that Akk looked like he had just been played with. The boy needed to get his expression and blushing under control else someone would surely lose control.

Things went pretty much smoothly after that. They discussed over the plan for next month and planned out a schedule to follow. It was 2 pm when they finished their meeting. Akk was tired and hungry since he didn't have breakfast in the morning, anxiety killed his hunger but now that he had relaxed, his hunger was back with vengeance that's why he couldn't control the grumbling of his stomach. He pouted at the amused glance Ayan was throwing at him.

"I'll cook something." Ayan offered.

"No, it's fine. I'll eat something at home."

"You may scare people on the way back home with the grumbling of your stomach. Are there some monsters inside? It's loud as hell."

The pout intensified as he glared at the younger, "It's not that loud. Stop being mean."

"Aw, is the baby angry now?" Ayan teased him further while dodging the punch that came his way.

Ayan couldn't help but look adoringly at the older as he happily munched on the food, he was a bit of messy eater but he looked adorable even in that. Ayan shook his head. What the hell was he thinking? Why would he find a grown adult cute? Akk brought out a side of him he wasn't even sure existed, it was strange and sweet at the same time. The only other person that could make him let down his gaurd was his little sister. He wasn't sure he liked being so vulnerable in front on Akk. Even with his subconscious in dilemma, he picked up the napkin to wipe Akk's mouth as he continued to eat.

Akk left after the lunch. Ayan busied himself with work and didn't even realize it was already midnight. He had the habit was getting engrossed in his work, forgetting about food or sleep. He was scrolling through his phone when he got a message. It was from Akk. That intrigued him enough to open the message immediately and the phone almost slipped out of his hand. It was a pic. Of Akk. In skirt. A FREAKING SKIRT.

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(Picture credit- Google)

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(Picture credit- Google)

The pictures were immediately deleted. Akk must've sent it to him by mistake. But that meant he was sending it to someone else. That thought didn't sit well with him. Why was he even wearing a skirt? He's a boy. Boys don't wear skirt. Or do they? It didn't make sense how can Akk looked better in skirt than girls do? Those lean legs, he knew Akk must have long legs since he was taller than him but did they have to be so long and smooth and soft- His thoughts were derailing. That waist, it was thinner than he had imagined not that he was imagining about Akk's waist in his free time but this was messing up with his brain.

Should he ask Akk why he had sent these to him? Or should he pretend this never happened? He could almost see how utterly embarrassed Akk must be right now. The boy would be malfunctioning with all the stress. Maybe he should put him out of his misery.

Ayan opened the messaging app and typed, "What did you send I couldn't see it? Was it something about the chapter I had submitted today?"

Akk replied, "No. It wasn't anything important. I was sending the message to someone else and sent it to you by mistake. You really didn't see it?"

"No. I was about to ask you about the chapter I had mailed but my sister called me out and when I got back you had deleted some messages."

"Oh okay. The chapter was pretty good. We'll upload it tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight. Sweet dreams."

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