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Akk was informed that he would be handling an artist on his own now. He was ecstatic and nervous in equal measure. He had joined webtoon developing company at whim. He was good at marketing and planning so it seemed like as a good career as any. On top of that he enjoyed reading webtoons. His parents had considered them waste of time but Akk sneaked around to read as many as he could. It was different kind of peace to get lost in another world full of someone else's problem. He had even tried his hand at drawing them but soon accepted he was bad at drawing so he just stuck to reading them. When he had joined Haverhill, he wasn't sure he would be able to stay here. His poor communication skill put him at an disadvantage but he had technical skills to make up for that.

He would say he was lucky enough to work under the most understanding team manager. His team manager, Mew Suppasit was kind and talented. He had understood early on that Akk wasn't great at expressing himself and had helped him along the way. Akk was sitting in the meeting room with Mew waiting for his artist to arrive. He had been full of doubts when Mew told him that he will be managing an artist. He didn't think he would do a good job but Mew had reassured him. The man arrived sharp at nine, he was dressed in formal shirt and pants, hair styled back, with a nonchalant expression on his face. Akk had a feeling he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recall where exactly.

The man's eyes widened when he saw Akk but didn't say anything. He took his seat and Mew introduced them.

"Akk, this is Ayan Thanawat. The artist you'll be managing from now on. Ayan, this is Akk Kanaphan, your producer."

Akk extended his hand for handshake but Ayan just stared at him with disinterest. He pulled his hand back feeling self-conscious. They discussed about the storyline and approaching deadline for a bit and ended the meeting when things were sorted. Ayan left immediately after the meeting making Akk run after him.

"Ayan wait." Akk said breathlessly.


Akk took out his business card and handed it to Ayan, "Here is my business card. I need your number to contact you whenever needed."

Ayan stared at him with thoughtful expression, "Why are pretending like we've never met before?"

"What? We have? Where?"

"Are you for real? You're that pervert from the cafe."

Akk cheeks coloured at being disrespected, "Hey, I'm not a p-pervert. Why would you say that?"

"You tried to hit on my sister."

"What? Oh..... It's a misunderstanding. I wasn't hitting on her."

"I don't believe you."

"But it's true. I went there for blind date. I mistook your sister for my date. It was a mistake. I wasn't planning to hit on her or anything." Akk tried to explain.

"Where did your date go?"

"She ditched me."

Ayan took out his business card and handed it to Akk before walking away. Akk willed his cheeks to return to their normal color. How embarrassing. Why did it have to be Ayan of all people? As if being humiliated in cafe wasn't enough, he had to work with the man. He wanted to ask Mew to give him another artist but that would look unprofessional and what would he even say was the reason for his request. It would be better to keep working with Ayan rather than recounting his embarrassing ordeal in front of his team manager.

It was a good opportunity to work as a producer and he shouldn't thrown it away because of stupid reason. Seeing that Ayan didn't say anything in the meeting, it was obvious he wasn't going to tell anyone about that so it was all okay. He could deal with it instead of making it into a complicated matter unnecessarily. Ayan went home in foul mood. Why did his previous producer had to quit? Now he was stuck with that weirdo. Ayan wasn't sure if Akk's clueless clumsy demeanor was just a front or that was his real nature. He got flustered so easily. It was a bit adorable.

"Oh my god, is the world coming to an end?" Amber shouted dramatically.

"Stop screaming in my ears." Ayan said.

"My stone hearted brother is smiling softly to himself. What's going on? Got your eyes on someone?" She wiggled her eyebrows in suggestive manner.

"Shut up. Why don't you complete your homework?"

She rolled her eyes, "I have got something called social life."

"Your social life can wait until you complete your work."

"Seriously you're no fun. You won't believe, I have got crush on someone."

"I would be surprised if that was a rare occurrence but you fall in love as often as people fall asleep."

Amber narrowed her eyes, "I'm greatly offended."

"As you should be. Having crush is nothing to brag about."

"There's nothing wrong with it either. He's really cute and he's in my class. I'm sitting just behind him."

"Poor him."

Amber hit her brother on arm making him flinch. Her karate classes were paying off.

"He has dreamy eyes, soft lips-"

"How do you know they are soft?" Ayan glared at her.

"Because they look soft."

"Don't get tangled with boys. They are bad news. Stay away from them."

"Blah blah."

"I'm serious. Have as many crushes as you want but admire them from far. No getting close to boys. No boyfriend until you graduate."

Amber gasped in horror, "WHAT? High school is for first love. It's punishable offense to stop anyone from falling in love."

"Highschool is for studies so focus on that."

"I need to have fun to."

"Have fun with your friends."

"I want a boyfriend." Amber pouted.

"You're not getting one anytime soon."

They went back and forth bickering with each other until it was time for the dinner.

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