Chapter 11

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Currently Percy and Abigail were making their way further into the swampy marshlands, or the marshlands of the swamp. They had made a bit of a shelter in a tree the night before, although they did have a run in with a danger noodle. Which was a Burmese python. But it was nothing that they couldn't handle. Although Percy did find out that Abigail has a fascination when it came to snakes. 

"So, the reason for you're fascination towards snakes is because of an encounter with a coral reef sea snake?" Percy asked Abigail as they made their way over some falling trees that were on the ground.

"I guess you could say that. I was around six when I first saw one and the way it moved in the water was like it was gliding. So, when I got back to the orphanage I found a book that was about reptiles and amphibians. So, I read it," Abigail explained with a shrug as she hoisted herself over a fallen log.

"Wait. You're an orphan?" Percy questioned looking over his shoulder at her.

"Yeah, my family passed away when I was just a baby. My father due to a shark attack and my mother because of childbirth," Abigail explained to my brother.

Percy nodded as he looked forward a solemn look flashes across his face. I knew exactly where his mind was going or was.

"I don't really know what to say," Percy spoke as he ducked under a low branch.

"Don't be. It's kinda hard to miss someone that you never met. I can't imagine what it would have been like for you and Gwyneira," Abigail told my brother sympathy slipping into her words near the end.

"We have our moments where we can't help that longing to be in our mothers safe embrace. Or play ridiculous games with our father," Percy reminisced a fond smile on his face.

I couldn't help but smile at the memory of our father chasing Percy and I around the house while Percy used pillows as weapons. I also couldn't help remember how Mum would how me in her arms wrapped up in her shawl as she swayed gently, singing a soft melody. It just caused me to pull her shawl that was currently draped across my shoulders closer to myself, burying my nose inhaling the everlasting sweet, enveloping and warm scent that belonged to my mother.

"Sounds like you have a lot of fonds memories of them," Abigail pointed out with a smile on her face.

"I do," Percy responded with a chuckle.

They seemed to have slipped into a comfortable silence as they continued along their chosen paths apart from the fact the two of them seemed alarmed at the sound of a canon firing. 

"First canon of the day," Abigail muttered bitterly.

Percy just turned to look at her with an understanding look.

"At least we know it wasn't for us," Percy pointed out a positive which got a small laugh out of her.

They then continued to make their way forward brushing past reeds foraging for food. Although they did have a run in with a girl from District 6, who looked like she blended in with her environment only for her to fall into a trap Percy had set up while him and Abigail took sometime to rest. Percy ended up putting the girl out of her misery as the trap had sharpened bits of wood like stakes which had semi-what impaled the girl, except she had still been alive. Abigail apologizing for how her life had to end. I couldn't blame them really. Everyone was doing everything they could to survive the barbaric games. 

So, Percy was standing near a small body of water with his machete strapped to his back as he was keeping an eye on their surroundings as Abigail was boiling some water over a small fire. To get rid of all the bacteria within the water. Before she would then put the water into two metallic bottles. 

They then continued their trek through some long grass and reeds as they talked with each other. 

"So, what was it like growing up with Victors?" Abigail asked in pure curiosity.

Percy looked at her with a raised brow and a slight chuckle.

"I don't really know. All I know is that they've done their best to raise Gwyneira and I," Percy responded with a fond smile on his face.

"Well from what I've seen, they've done an amazing job," Abigail told him.

Before Percy could respond he suddenly fell down letting a curse out before being submerged in swampy algae water. He had been under for a minute probably processing what the hell had happened before he climbed back up as he looked towards Abigail who was trying her best not to fall into a fit of laughter.

Apart from she failed miserably, causing Percy to glare slightly at her.

"That was not even remotely funny."

That only caused Abigail to laugh harder as Percy shook his head at her with a look that could kill. But he did let a grin form as he chuckled a bit as he shook his damp hair like a dog would shake its soaking fur. Water hitting her causing her to yelp.

"You barbarian!" She yelped.

Percy just laughed in pure amusement before he suddenly when silent as he cocked his head to the side narrowing his eyes slightly as if to see something. Abigail turned to look out towards the algae covered water before a gasp escaped her lips. 

That was when both Finnick and I leant forward to try and see what they saw only to see something that looked like a log drifting on the surface of the water.

"Please tell me that's a log," Abigail muttered.

"Nope that's a . . ."

"Swamp puppy!" I exclaimed causing Finnick to let a laugh out.

Finnick and I then jumped when we heard.

"Gwyneira! I swear if you mentioned anything about that being a swamp puppy... Oooh just wait until I get home!" Percy exclaimed looking up towards the camera that's hidden.

Finnick and I looked between each other before a grin formed on Finnick's face.

"Imagine if he used his machete to reflect the light onto the water, causing the alligator to chase after the light," Finnick commented.

"You too, Odair! If you're encouraging her by saying anything to do with that gator chasing a reflective light... Just wait till I get home!"

Finnick and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"How'd he know?!" We exclaimed.

"Even when he isn't here he somehow knows," Finnick muttered looking at the live hologram footage in bewilderment. While I nodded.

Percy and Abigail then changed their direction as they started to walk away from where the alligator was.

"Why?" Abigail started to question only for my brother to cut her off.

"I know those two, too well," Percy glared at nothing in particular.

But fair enough, because unfortunately he wasn't wrong. At least he's confident that he'll get home.

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