Chapter 7

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The sun hidden behind grey clouds. The usual District Four heat that would accompany the day, now a bitter cold. Looking out towards the ocean, the waves raging against the sandy beach and the docks. It was as if the ocean knew what was to come. 

Gwyneira was quietly walking with her brother to meet up with Finnick before they would inevitably make their way towards the reaping. Gwyneira was still nervous, because no one can ever be certain if it will be them having to fight for their life or not. She just hopes it won't be either Percy or Finnick. 

Only she had a funny feeling that her first reaping would be one that she'll remember for a long time to come.

Percy could not stop himself from laughing at the sight that was before the siblings. Well the sight would have to be Finnick wearing an overly big green frilly dress. Although you could tell he was wearing some normal clothes beneath it.

"I can't believe you're actually in a dress," Percy wheezed between his laughter.

"Hey, at least I look stylish," Finnick stated as he pretended to have flipped some hair over his shoulder.

The boys then turned their attention to the girl wearing a seafoam green short sleeved dress with daisy patterns that goes around the chest and sleeves. Only to see her covering her mouth to stifle her semi-quiet laughter. 

"I can't breathe!" She wheezed as she started to use her hand as a fan in hopes it would settle down her laughter.

The boys couldn't help but smile at her, even Finnick's parents who exited their home to see what was going on before having to watch the reapings.

"Finnick was determined to get a laugh out of you," Evangeline Odair, Finnick's mother told the girl with a fond smile.

"Well, it worked," Finnick grinned as he looked at his best friend with a grin.

"He's not wrong," Gwyneira agreed once her laughter calmed down and she could finally breathe again.

"Finnick, get out of your mother's dress. You three should be making your way to the reaping," Ray Odair told his son.

Finnick was quick to race inside to get out of the dress. Within a minute he was back as the three started to make their way towards the reaping. Although they were taking their time. 

It wasn't too long before they came across where they will be having to be signed in by Peace Keepers. Percy turned to the two twelve year old's and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Everything will be fine. All they are going to do is prick your finger taking a little bit of blood," Percy told the two reassuringly. 

Gwyneira and Finnick looked at each other before looking towards the sign in stations then to Percy as they gave him a nod.

"Okay," they both said in unison.

They then made their way to the sign in stations. Gwyneira going to the girls, while Percy and Finnick went to the boys.

"Next," a female Peace Keeper spoke.

That caused Gwyneira to realize that it was her turn to be pricked/signed in. She was not looking forward to it, but knew she had to otherwise she didn't want to know what would happen. So, she gave the lady her hand where she pricked her finger before making her leave a bloody fingerprint on the paper. The lady then used a scanner on her drop of blood, before finally letting her leave.

Gwyneira was then standing in line with other female twelve year old's doing her best to keep herself calm as she also looked around at her surroundings. She then saw Tyler and Mags follow the Mayor out as they stood at the back as the escort came out after the Mayor of District Four did his speech.

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