Chapter 6

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A long snow white haired in a messy bun, Gwyneira was currently having some freshly baked apple cinnamon muffins and a hot chocolate with Mags. In other words Mags had some of her comfort stuff prepared for her.

"So, how is Finnick taking to the fact that this is your guys' first reaping?" Mags asked the fidgeting girl.

"He doesn't seem all that worried. Which is a little irritating considering reaping day is literally next week," Gwyneira muttered with narrowed eyes.

Mags just chuckled as she looked at the still nervous girl with narrowed eyes while sipping away at her tea. 

"I'm sure he is nervous, but is doing his best to stay strong for you," Mags gently told Gwyneira who snapped out of whatever she had fallen into.

"Why would he want to be strong for me?" Gwyneira questioned.

Gwyneira was absolutely confused. What would he gain out of being strong for her? She just couldn't fathom that thought. To her it seemed absurd.

Mags watched the puzzlement flash through the twelve year old's eyes, before promptly shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what had been said.

"Time will tell," was Mags vague response.

Gwyneira just stared at the woman who was like a grandmother to her in puzzlement. 

"That's not at all ominous."

Mags just chuckled at that as she took a long drink from her chamomile tea. Gwyneira decided to just shake of the vaguely ominous response that the elderly woman told her. Chalking it up to being an adult thing.

A while later Gwyneira was now exploring an underwater cavern, with walls that glowed with bioluminescent algae. She then swam up to the air pocket the cavern has as she lifted herself up onto the rocky overhang. The girl enjoyed the peacefulness that the cavern gave as she also looked at some of the aquatic life swimming around from what the bioluminescence could show. 

The ocean always gave her a sense of calm and peace. Somehow making her forget all her woes. The rhythmic sounds of the waves crashing against the beach or against rock, the way it looked when any type of light reflected off the surface. The way it filled you with wonder and awe. But at the same time it was unpredictable. That is one of the many things that she loves about the ocean and its unknown mysteries.

She didn't know how long she had been within her little hide away, but knew that it was probably time for her to head back. Especially in case anyone thought that she had just disappeared into thin air (Finnick). Or if something horrible had happened to her and no one knew (Percy). 

So, she dove back into the water and made her way out of the underwater cavern. Although she took her time. She really wasn't in any type of rush, because she knew that as soon as she would exit the water and walk up onto that beach, it would mean she was returning back to the real world. So, she was doing her best to just enjoy her time within the water, swept under the comforting waves. Letting the waves rid her of her troublesome thoughts. Let her feel that sense of freedom.

When she had made it onto the beach she noticed Percy and Finnick. One holding a towel and the other an ice cold drink. Which looked like homemade fruit punch. She just smile as she walked over to them. Sending Finnick a thankful look as she wrapped the towel around herself, before softly taking the fruit punch from her brother before taking a sip from the fruity yet bubbly drink as the coldness of it helped to keep her grounded.

"How was your swim?" Finnick asked.

Gwyneira instantly became suspicious as her eyes slowly started to narrow at the two boys in front of her, while she continued to slowly drink her punch.

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