Chapter 10

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Blood dripping from the machete my brother wielded, the body of the District Eight tribute laying lifeless at his feet. Percy shaking his head, headed straight towards Abigail, whom was pinned to the ground preventing one of the female tributes from the Career pack from driving her knife into her chest. Percy didn't even hesitate to knock the Career off Abigail as he quickly launched her back onto her feet as they ran away from the cornucopia. Heading deeper into the marshlands.

"Okay you two. Go outside for a bit," Evangeline told us.

Before either of us could argue even with the sound of canon's going off and dying screams of tributes playing behind us. Evangeline held a hand up to prevent us from voicing our arguments.

"Spend some time outside, I'll call you back around lunch. Or whenever Percy's shown on screen again."

Finnick and I just nodded as we headed outside.


Walking along the shallow waters edge on the beach, all was quiet.

Unless you count the soft sound of waves crashing against the sand bringing a sense of ease with the salty tropical air. Or the feeling of the water up to our shins.

The quietness leaving me to my thoughts. More bad than good. Didn't help that Finnick's non-stop talking was nowhere to be heard or found. Which was odd in itself.

Yelping as water was suddenly splashed into my face and smirking Finnick trying not to laugh. I glared lightly at him which only got laughter in response. So, mid laugh I took my revenge by splashing him back in the face with the salty water, some getting into his mouth. Causing my chaotic best friend to start dramatically choking like he was drowning or something. Although that did get a laugh from me. 

"You dork," I laughed watching the theatrics that the bronze haired boy can come up with.

"Well, if I'm a dork then you must be a nerd," Finnick retorted with a proud grin.

"How many braincells did you kill coming up with that?" I questioned tilting my head innocently fighting back the cheeky grin that threatened to appear.

Finnick just stared at me mouth agape in absolute bewilderment. Before I caught the undoubted flash of mischief in his eyes as he closed his mouth grin still present.

I ran down the beach giggling as I avoided his attempts at revenge, except I abruptly turned around kicking water at him. Which brought me a bit of time as I decided to move deeper into the water. 

When I got deeper I could here the sounds of water splashing as Finnick waddled his way further into the water after me. So, I dove into the depths of the water, only for when I resurfaced to find out how far away I got from my best friend, whom was out for vengeance. Only for when I looked I was meet was a wave of water that was created by the arm movement of my best friend who cackled at my spluttering reaction.

"That serves you right!" Finnick exclaimed with a chuckle.

I just gave him an unimpressed look causing him to burst into laughter again. I just playfully rolled my eyes before pouncing at him, knocking him under the surface of the water. When he resurfaced, bits of his hair that seemed to shine golden with the sunlight reflecting off it, hung loosely close to his eyes, casting a shadow over them, but his sea green eyes seemed to glow. 

I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting him to burst into laughter all over again, but that just caused me to join in. He knew exactly how to cheer me up or distract me from the bad and worrisome thoughts I have.

Finnick and I then spent I don't even know how long swimming and watching the aquatic life swim by us. Although at one point when Finnick and I went back to the surface he had seaweed in his hair causing me to burst into a fit of giggles. 

"What?" He questioned me.

"Nothing. . . Seaweed brain," I snickered.

Finnick narrowed his eyes at me lightly before slowly raising a hand to his hair. Only to grab a piece of seaweed before he went to throw it at me. That caused me to quickly sink down into the water to avoid it getting me.

I watched as Finnick also sunk back down into the water as we stared at each other for a moment before we looked at a family of otters swimming together. Some swimming to the seafloor to either find some clams or crabs. Maybe an octopus, I know they sometimes eat them. Some others were going after some fish. 

The way they swim is so adorable.

Finnick then dove deeper into the water as if he saw something interesting. I just tilted my head in both confusion and curiosity, but decided to slowly follow after him. Not because my curiosity was getting the better of me. No not at all.

Okay fine, my curiosity got the better of me.

Although my attention drifted to a nurse shark swimming along the seabed, but I looked back to Finnick as I stopped behind him gently moving my arms in the water to keep me in place. Finnick ended up picking something up in his right hand. When he turned to look at me he opened his hand to show me this beautiful small white shell that had the colors of the sunset. Which ranged from yellows, to oranges, to pinks, to purples. 

It was beautiful. It reminds me of the sunset that Evangeline described from her childhood on the day she became friends with my mother.

I'm almost certain he would have already picked it up. Hmm. I'm curious to know if that was what he was really going after or not. I'll figure it out. Eventually.

When we made it back to the surface we heard Evangeline call out.

"Kids lunch!"

Both Finnick and I looked at each other with surprised looks. Obviously we were not expecting to have been in the water for that long. At least we had fun.

"So, what are you planning on doing with the shell?" I asked Finnick as we made it back onto the beach.

"I don't know. Maybe Mags will help make it into a necklace when her, Tyler and Percy get back," Finnick shrugged with a smile.

"It will be a beautiful present for your Mum," I smiled at him.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," he grinned as we walked towards his home.

I just playfully rolled my eyes at him still smiling before I took of running.

"Race ya to the house!"

"Oh, you're on!" 

Finnick chased after me with a laugh. 

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