Chapter 1

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A one year old Gwyneira was being carried by her five year old brother along the edge of the water, as he knew not to go in with her unless their mother or father were with them to supervise. Although their mother was sitting on the beach watching them, while their father was busy checking the fish and crab traps as he had also forced Tyler into helping him. 

"He's a good big brother," Mags commented causing the mother. Who was too preoccupied watching her son carry his little sister, whom had been pointing towards the water, to jump.

"Mags, I didn't hear you," Ri'nela told the woman while holding a hand over her heart, causing the older woman to chuckle gently.

"You were too busy keeping an eye on those two," she told the younger woman who smiled sheepishly.

"I'm a mother who deserves to be worried for her children," the golden haired Siren told the Districts mother. "You're right though. He is a good big brother who treats his little sister like she is a treasure that must stay hidden," she chuckled, getting a chuckle from the older woman.

"It might have to do with the fact that Gwyneira seems to be different, compared to other children her age. Especially with her platinum silver hair which looks more like a pure white," Mags pointed out to the woman who nodded.

"She's unique, but that's what makes her so loveable. It's because of her differences that make her . . . well her," Ri'nela told the woman as they both looked towards the two children by the edge of the water. 

Ri'nela looked at her two kids lovingly as Percy was picking up seashells for the little girl to look at. Only to watch as she would then purposely throw them into the water which would cause her brother to go into the water to grab it.

"She is also quite intelligent by the looks of it," Mags pointed out causing Ri'nela to nod her head in agreement.

"She loves the water as much as her brother does. Although we're starting to think she might like it a bit more than him," Ri'nela stated causing Mags to laugh.

"Well, her mother is a real life Siren and her father is an aquatic warrior. But what does Percy think of that?" The elderly woman asked.

"He says, 'impossible, she's to young.' That boy may love his sister to death, but he will not accept that she might like the water more than him," Ri'nela laughed gently.

"Well every child in District Four is drawn to the water. Just not as much as those two, from I can gather," came the voice of Tyler as he walked over to the two. Making them turn to him.

"Do I want to know what that husband of mine is up to?" Ri'nela asked, the only response she got from Tyler was a smirk as he pointed towards the direction of her two children. 

Only for them all to watch as Logan was attempting to sneak up on his children, but the youngest had turned her head and looked directly at him before giggling. That made her brother look at her before looking in the direction she was looking at, only to see their father.

"Nice try, Dad," Percy told his father who playfully glared at his daughter who seems almost impossible to sneak up on.

Gwyneira then looked over towards the three adults and made grabby hands for Ri'nela as she said, "m-ma-mama," Ri'nela's eyes widened as that was her first word.

"She just said her first word. She just said her first word!" Ri'nela cheered as she jumped to her feet in triumph, while Logan looked betrayed.

"While Percy's first word was for his father. Little Gwyneira's first word was for her mother," Tyler commented as Mags nodded.

"I'm not surprised. She is her mother's daughter after all," Mags added. 

Ri'nela had made her way over to her daughter and picked her up holding her up as she spun in a small circle causing the little one to giggle.

"I think, Dad's broken," Percy commented as he did his best to hold back his laughter as his father just stared at nothing unmoving.

Gwyneira giggled as she looked at her father as her mother had placed her on her hip. Ri'nela joined in with her daughters giggles as she looked at her husband before turning to Tyler.

"Want to get some payback for him making you go near town?" She asked, resulting in the man looking from the woman to the man who was still unmoving.

"Oh, I have been waiting for this," Tyler smirked as he started to make his way over to the still unmoving Logan.

Percy was quick to go towards his mother and Mags so he could watch the chaos unfold. They all watched as Tyler ended up grabbing Logan in a headlock as he dragged him into the water only to dunk him. Laughs erupted from everyone as Logan burst through out of the water with a high pitched yelp.

"Was that seriously necessary?!" Logan exclaimed only to get a babbling response with a giggle from his daughter.

"Oh, you think that was funny do you?" Logan playfully asked his youngest daughter who was wanting to be talkative today as she continued to babble at her father.

"She broke you," Tyler commented, causing the soaking wet man to look at him with a glare that held no heat.

"So, was dunking me really necessary?" Logan asked his friend incredulously who just nodded.

Ri'nela just shook her head in amusement at the two males who act like brothers. Who were now wrestling each other along the beach. She then looked to Mags who was also shaking her head in amusement.

Later on Ri'nela was floating on the waters surface on her back as Gwyneira was nestled into her chest, like a sea otter holding its young. As she was humming a lullaby in hopes that her highly curious and aware daughter would drift off to sleep.

Whilst Logan was trying to teach Percy how to fish with a throw net. Nearby, as Logan was also watching his two favorite girls. Happy to spend time with his three favorite people. Although he could see from where Percy and he was standing, that at every unnatural splash that was made would cause the gentle year old to snap her eyes open and look over without moving her head. Except if she was nestling further into her mothers embrace.

"How are my Sirens doing?" Logan asked cheekily from where he was standing with Percy.

"We were enjoying the warmth we were basking in, until you spoke," Ri'nela spoke with a bit of sass. 

She knew Gwyneira was sleeping until hearing noises that weren't either her mothers humming or the natural sounds of the ocean. Even though the little one was still getting used to the sound of the throw net hitting the water. 

"Gwyn woke up because of Dad," Percy stated as he looked at his baby sister who looked right back at him.

Ri'nela just kissed the top of her daughters head as she nodded at what Percy had said. Before a cheeky grin itched itself onto her lips. 

"That's because you're father is a noisy person. Also has been and always will be," Ri'nela told her son who laughed while nodding.

Logan wanted to argue with that and had a comment ready, but he wasn't going to say it in front of his son or his daughter. They were too innocent for what he was going to say. So, he just gave Ri'nela a look along with a playful glare.

Ri'nela knew exactly what he wanted to say, but couldn't and she found it hilarious. She was also thankful to her children being around as it definitely stopped him in his tracks. Ri'nela just gave him a cheeky grin before going back to humming to lull Gwyneira further to sleep as she rang her fingers gently through the softs whisps of white hair.

She enjoyed small moments like this. Especially knowing that Logan was going to be sent to the Capitol alongside Tyler to mentor this years tributes. So, she enjoyed giving them moments where everyone is happy, feeling peaceful and calm. 

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