"Was there a reason you did that?" I nod. Silence takes over the room. The puzzle pieces clicked in his brain, it made an almost visible reaction.

"Ohhhhh, got it." He leaves the area and goes to find some bandages. I stand there while I wait for him to return. " Hands please." I hold my hands out and he rolls up my sleeves. I cringe as the scabs are revealed for everyone to see. He wraps up my arm and shoots me an affirmative smile. I smile back. I tilt my head in order to look at the clock.

'13:00' the time rang in my brain.

"All done!" I nod as his words process in my brain.
"Thanks." I smile up at him and get up off the seat. Kacchan follows soon after I sit on the couch after grabbing my backpack and pulling out a binder full of work. I grab a pencil and start solving the problems. I stop at the fifth one, clearly stumped. I work out the math behind it but I can't get the puzzle pieces to fit. I groan as the gears in my brain turn, 'stupid, how could I not get that?' I mutter to myself as I get the answer. The couch suddenly shifts as I look over to see Kacchan sitting next to me.

"Answers, nerd."
"Hell no, do your own work." He pretends to fall off the couch as I roll my eyes at the pure stupidity he has. He grips his hand to his chest while the other flips over so that the back of his hand rests against his forehead. He mimics a wailing toddler and I chuck my binder at him.

"There, you got the answers, happy now?"
      "Very." I chuckle as his sarcasm overpowers the aroma in this room. He finishes his sheet and sets my binder down on the tray in front of us. He bounces back onto the couch.

"I will tell your mother that you're cheating kacchan." I say in a stuck up, yet playful tone

"You wouldn't dare." 
I nod and take out my phone as I jokingly hover over the mitsuki contact. He tackles me, playfully. I giggle as he tickles me, trying to get the phone out of my hands. Eventually I drop it and he grabs it. His smile instantly fades. He turns to me and gives me a hug.

"Uhm, are you okay?" He doesn't speak. He let's go if me and hands me the phone. It seems that while we were messing around, some tabs got clicked into and my da- hisashi's contact.

"Hey, it's alright! I'm not there anymo-"
"But you were. You were there, you dealt with that. Deku, it's okay to admit that, it's okay to admit that whatever went on there hurt you." I clear my throat in response, I choke down the tears as best I could.

"I-it wasn't that ba- bad" it's not that I'm stuttering, but I just can't catch my breath. He wraps me in a hug. I don't let the tears fall. I don't hug back. I don't let the memories flow down my brain.

- Katsukis P.O.V -
I wrestle his phone out of his grip. I grab the phone and stare into the screen. My smile drops as tears well up in my eyes. ' I need to tell Aizawa about this!' I stare at the screen and read the text messages between deku and his so-called father.

'Get your ass back home!'
'Did you fucking cook before you left, I'm fucking hungry, slut.'
'Just fucking wait till your ass is back home.'
'I swear to God, inko WILL be informed of this morning!'
I stare at the texts as tears well up in my eyes. I stare at him in utter disbelief. I reel him into a tight bear hug before he pulls away.

"Uhm, are you okay?" I try to get the words to come out but my voice refuses to be useful, DAMN IT! I hand him the phone and he reads the texts that were pulled up.

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