Stealthy Visit (2023)

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This is my chance, "Okay! Where can I find a bathroom?"

"Just up those steps. It's the door farthest right." She says, finally disappearing into the kitchen.

I waste no time going up the steps. I open each door looking for June's old room. The first door I open is a small bedroom with medical supplies. This must have been where June's mom stayed. I go to the next and it's a big bed with flowery sheets. Too old women-y for June. I go to the next room right beside the bathroom. I open it up and am hit with June's familiar smell, sunscreen and vanilla. I take a moment to take everything in but snap out of it. I need to find something, anything. Maybe she got letters from the person who did this? I go to her nightstand. There's a layer of dust.

The first thing I pick up is a stack of unopened letters from her dad. I set them back down, her complex feelings for her dad probably doesn't relate to this. Next, I walk toward her bookshelf. There are a few romance books, nothing I've heard of. I take out a few of her books and shake them. Sometimes in movies they do this to find clues. Nothing comes out of the books except dust. This is useless! I'm not going through any drawers; I feel like that's crossing a boundary. Her work desk is the only thing left, and I see her laptop sitting there closed. I already have June's email, so what could her computer offer me? I go over and open it up. I don't expect much, especially to see a login page. You would think a computer that hasn't been touched in two years would be dead, but I guess not.

The background is June and her mom hugging. Seeing both of them in this picture makes me sad. One is dead and the other probably is too. Of course, its password protected. Ugh.

I don't have time to try anything because I can hear June's aunt call my name, "Henry! Are you still in the bathroom?"

I panic. What should I do? I look around again. I can't keep looking, her aunt will more than likely come up. Just as the thought occurs, I remember I haven't answered the question she just asked, "Yeah! I should be out in a minute!"

I don't think twice before grabbing the laptop. There has to be something on it. Now where do I hide it? Maybe I could sneak out the front door if Ms. Emma isn't around. For this to work she has to be back in the kitchen. I slowly creep out of June's room, shutting the door slowly. I tiptoe down the hall and look over the railing into the living room. I take a deep breath, she's not down there. Thank God. I make it down the stairs and open the front door.

I'm halfway outside when I hear her voice, "Henry? What are you doing?"

I need an excuse and quick. "I'm not feeling well. I think it's... those cupcakes! Yes, those cupcakes from last night gave me food poisoning I think."

"Oh. That must be horrible! You should head home quickly then."

I look at the computer I'm hiding in my other hand, the one Ms. Emma can't see from where she's standing, and reply, "I will. Thank you for having me."

Just as I go to shut the door, she speaks up again, "What is that..." I've been caught. How can I defend stealing her missing niece's computer? I can already picture myself in handcuffs. "That... soup! The soup your mama makes so well! Is it chicken?"

I haven't been caught! Feeling relieved is an understatement! I smile at Ms. Emma and nod my head yes.

"Ask her to make you some! It will sort this sickness right out!"

"I will!" I say, shutting her door and speeding to my truck. My adrenaline is pumping the whole ride home.

I'm in my room and looking over the computer. What could the password be? I've tried the variations of her name and special numbers like her age and birthday. It's no use, I need someone with computer skills. My mind immediately goes to Isaac. Asking him to hack into June's computer would mean telling him about the investigation. I try to think of ways telling him would backfire, but I can't think of any except him refusing to help and wanting me to stop. If that happens then I'll just have to pretend to stop.

I decide to text Isaac and ask.

"Hey, can you come over?"

It doesn't take long for his reply.

"Headed that way."

It shouldn't take him long considering he lives- wait. Where does he live now? It's probably with Bailey somewhere, but I realize now I know nothing about Isaac anymore. It makes me sad, we used to be so close. Our phones messing up this past year really had a strain on our friendship.

He must not live far because in ten minutes he's knocking on my door. My mom lets him in and he bursts through my door, "you needed me?"

"Yeah, I appreciate you showing up. I know it was kinda last minute." I say, standing up from my desk chair.

"It was no problem... so, what did you need?" Isaac asks, putting his hands in his pockets.

I laugh nervously, "this is going to sound really weird, but I promise I will explain everything." Isaac's face grows into a concerned look, and I decide to go ahead and start. "So, a couple of days ago I got a letter in the mail. It said, "You really gave up on June that easily?" And-" Isaac's face looks full of shock now. "Yeah, I had that same reaction. Anyway, after I got the letter, June's email account emailed me a riddle. Long story short it was the password to her email account, so in the email account I found a website June wrote to anonymously saying she feared going camping that night. The same night she went missing. So, I talked to Maggie, and she told me June was drunk that night! Also, I was given this weird cassette tape that was Victoria and June arguing from that night. Now I want you to help me hack June's laptop." I have to catch my breath.

Isaac stays quiet for a few seconds before responding, "This is all really weird, but... yes. I will help you hack into June's computer.

I'm so overcome with happiness I hug Isaac, "thank you!"

Isaac laughs a little, "no problem, man, now where's the laptop?"

I move my hands from Isaac and to my desk, grabbing the laptop. Isaac opens it and laughs, "this will take ten minutes top!"

Isaac was right, hacking the computer didn't take him long at all. After eight minutes he was done, and I was staring at June's home screen.

"This is incredible! How can I repay you?" I ask, smiling over at him.

"Diapers? Repay me in diapers please." Isaac says, laughing. "Anyway, I should go. Bailey's gonna have the baby any day now. The only reason she let me over is because I promised to pick her up Mexican food on my way home."

I laugh now, "will do! See you around."

Isaac waves bye and leaves. Now I'm left alone with June's computer. What should I check first? I pull up her search engine and see the tabs she pinned, some kind of game website and Chirp. I click on June's Chirp account and her feed immediately fills with pictures of Maggie, Jalen, and Connor. Two years' worth of posts load in. I decide to start looking into another thing in her Chirp account, the messages. 

Their Last SummerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt