Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're okay?"
Tam rubbed his shoulder as he was following behind Linh and Biana to their usual table in the cafeteria.
"I'm fine... I just need to get myself some sort of elixir later on." Tam sighed.

"See, I don't even understand how you hurt yourself." Linh stated as they made it to the table.
Linh sat down and Tam slid into the seat next to her. Biana sat down beside Tam too.
"I just... pulled a muscle at some point." Tam shrugged.
"But how-?" Linh furrowed her eyebrows at Tam.

"Hey guys!" Dex sat down across from Linh, setting his tray of food down in front of him.
"Hey, I thought Fitz would be with you." Biana said, looking at Dex.
"You two have been together a lot recently."
Dex rolled his eyes.

"Your brother got hurt in one of his lessons. He got permission from Elwin to go home." Dex said.
"How did he get hurt-?" Biana furrowed her eyebrows.
"That's what I'd like to know about my own brother." Linh frowned at Tam.
Tam sighed.
"I'm fine." Tam stated.
"Yes, but I'm still concerned about you-" Linh began.

"But he's fine, Linh!!"
Tam and Linh looked over to see Keefe and Sophie approaching the table. Keefe had an arm around Sophie's shoulder and his other hand was stuffed in his pocket. Keefe grinned at Tam, but all that Tam could focus on was Keefe's arm around Sophie.

"I hate you so much." Tam scowled, tugging at his bangs as he looked away.
"Awh, sure you do." Keefe smiled as he took his arm away from Sophie and sat down across from Tam and next to Dex.
Sophie rolled her eyes.
"You two need to get along." Sophie stated as she sat down beside Keefe.

"We get along." Tam stated, looking at Sophie.
"Just... not often."
Tam looked at Keefe and they held eye contact for a few moments. Tam glanced at Keefe's lips for a split moment before looking away. Keefe blinked and he gulped, looking away.
Dex raised his eyebrows, as did Biana.

"Anyway..." Biana cleared her throat.
"What's happening between you two?"
Biana looked at Keefe and Sophie.
"I mean... you've been really close and you're always together nowadays. It must mean something."
Biana mostly rested her gaze on Keefe, seeing if he would show any sort of tell that he'd lie.
"Biana-" Sophie began to scowl, her cheeks turning red.

Keefe wrapped his arm around Sophie and pulled her closer.
"What is happening between us, Foster?" Keefe raised his eyebrows at Sophie.
Keefe felt many emotions from Sophie. A lot of awkward, sort of nervous, energy from her.
"Uhm..." Sophie gulped, tucking her hair behind her ears.
Keefe smiled.

Dex rolled his eyes, looking away from the two, not wanting to see them act all lovey dovey next to him. Tam's eyes were glued on Keefe and all his actions and facial expressions.
Biana glanced between Tam, Keefe and Sophie while Linh smiled at Keefe and Sophie's interaction.

Keefe leaned in closer to Sophie.
"What if we went on a date this weekend? See how that goes and... then we'll see if we will become a thing?" Keefe whispered into Sophie's ear.
Sophie's face turned red and she turned her head to look at Keefe. Their faces were extremely close.
"Sure." Sophie smiled.

"Awh, that was sort of cute." Linh smiled.
"Not really." Tam mumbled, looking away, feeling a little pissed off.
Biana glanced at Tam before looking at Keefe, who was looking at Tam.
Keefe seemed to not be entirely happy as he looked at Tam for a few more moments with some sort of negative, painful emotion in his eyes. Something that only Biana seemed to detect.

"So, do you have something planned out already?" Sophie asked, resting her head on Keefe's shoulder.
Keefe looked at Sophie and smiled.
"I may have a little idea of what we could do. I just need to actually prepare it all out!" Keefe exclaimed.
"Well, you'll have to let me know what sort of outfit I'd need to prepare for our date." Sophie said.

"How is Fitz going to feel about this?"
Everyone looked to Dex.
"Huh?" Sophie furrowed her eyebrows.
"I mean, you and him used to date, Keefe is Fitz's best friend, and now... you two are becoming a thing." Dex said, looking towards Keefe and Sophie.
"So... how is Fitz going to feel about this?"
Dex pointed his finger, waving it side-to-side between Sophie and Keefe.

"He'll have to get over it." Biana shrugged.
"Plus, I think he's beginning to move on from Sophie anyway."
Biana smiled at Dex.
"Really?" Dex questioned.
"Cause, he has liked Sophie for probably as long as Keefe has and-"
"Let's stop talking about Fitz." Sophie cleared her throat.
"It's... making me feel a little awkward."

"Ah, of course, whatever our Sophie wants to not feel uncomfortable." Tam smiled at Sophie.
Sophie raised her eyebrows at Tam.
"... I'm sorry, did I do something to you?" Sophie asked, tilting her head.
Tam shook his head.
"No, you just... act like you're better than everyone all the time and that we should do whatever makes you happy and-" Tam began.
"Tam." Linh scowled.

Tam looked to Linh and Linh raised her eyebrows at him, as if begging him not to cause a scene after such a 'sweet' moment between Sophie and Keefe.
"... Right, no one wants me here it seems." Tam said, getting up from his seat.
"I never indicated I don't want you here-!" Linh began.

"Well, if he's going to be mean to me, I don't want him here." Sophie said.
Tam stared at Sophie for a few moments.
"Have fun on your date." Tam smiled.
"Tam-" Biana began.
Tam shook his head at Biana before he walked off, leaving the table.

Biana sighed as she was about to get up.
"Leave him, he likes to be alone when he gets like this." Linh said, placing her hand on Biana's shoulder.
Biana looked to Keefe and Keefe seemed to be watching Tam leaving.
"... Fine." Biana shrugged.

"Uhm, congrats on finally making a move on Sophie though. I mean, I thought you'd just be flirting with her for years and years."
"Uh, rude."
"To be honest, I thought the same thing."
"... You could have asked me out!"


Word count: 1067

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