Chapter 7

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"You dare lay a finger on someone I care about?!"

Gisela sighed, setting down the paperwork in her hands as she smiled at Keefe who had stormed in.
"Keefe, dear, what a lovely surprise." Gisela said.
"You never come to see me during work unless if I call you in!"

Keefe glared at his mother.
"You hurt Tam." Keefe stated.
"He's not getting in the way of my assignment, why on earth would you think that he is a distraction?!"
Gisela looked up at Keefe.
"If he isn't a distraction, then why are you here, scolding me instead of planning out your next step to get closer to the Moonlark?" Gisela questioned, raising an eyebrow at Keefe.

"I have Sophie in my grasp!" Keefe snapped.
"I have her right where I want her!"
"Then why haven't you progressed in your assignment?!" Gisela snapped back.
The two of them glared at each other.
"Focus, Keefe. You need to focus in order for us to get the required information."

Keefe sighed out and he ran his fingers through his hair.
"... If you ever, EVER, lay a finger on him again, then I will quit being your secret little spy, I will run away to a place where you will never find me and you will fail." Keefe stared at his mother.
"I will be more focused on my assignment, just do not hurt him."
Gisela looked at Keefe.

"... One thing, dear." Gisela cleared her throat.
"Never reveal who you care most about. That's how people find your weakness and use you as their pet."
Keefe felt a fiery feeling in his chest.
"Do not use him as a way to get me to do your dirty work either." Keefe scowled.
Gisela smiled at Keefe.

"You should get back to work, dear." Gisela said, shooing Keefe away with her hand.
"You may go, I won't touch your precious Shade."
Keefe watched as his mother went back to work and he scoffed as he turned around, hurrying back to his room to ensure Tam was okay.


"Ow! Be gentler!" Tam scowled as Rayni tightened the bandage around Tam's shoulder.
Rayni rolled her eyes.

"You're a strong boy, you're fine." Rayni stated, tightening the bandage even more.
Tam winced and glared at Rayni.

Rayni looked at Tam once she finished bandaging up his shoulder.
"Seriously though, I didn't think Gisela would actually hurt you, I was just trying to make you feel a little scared, y'know, haze the new guy sorta thing." Rayni mumbled, getting an elixir from the floor next to her.
Tam looked at Rayni.
"I sorta thought so when I was on my way to Gisela yesterday." Tam sighed.

Rayni opened the elixir and she brought it up to Tam's mouth.
Tam scrunched up his face.
"I can do it myself-!" Tam began to snap.
"Keefe told me to take care of you." Rayni said softly.
"And technically he's my superior as he's Gisela's son."
Tam stayed silent and he let Rayni give him the elixir. Rayni brought the bottle to Tam's mouth and Tam took it, gulping it down with the help of Rayni.

Rayni took the bottle away once Tam downed it. Tam's face scrunched up and Rayni smiled.
"So, Keefe's your superior?" Tam questioned, fiddling with his hands as he looked at Rayni who set aside the empty elixir bottle and decided to go up and sit next to Tam on Keefe's bed.
"He's technically your superior too." Rayni stated, looking at Tam.
Tam rolled his eyes.
"Right, well, I'm never going to listen to him so-" Tam began.

"Keefe can be pretty scary when he's in command." Rayni cut Tam off.
"I mean, did you see him when I walked in and he snapped at me to look after you?"
Tam looked at Rayni.
"... He was just a little upset." Tam shrugged.
"Clearly you don't know Keefe as well as I do." Rayni sighed out.
"I mean-"

The door swung open and both Rayni and Tam looked over to see Keefe enter. Keefe rested his gaze on Tam as he shut the door behind him.
"Are you okay?" Keefe asked, making his way over to Tam.
Keefe stood in front of Tam and he crouched down on the floor, looking at Tam's shoulder which was bandaged.

Tam blinked and he smiled.

"I'm fine." Tam said.
"Rayni patched me up."

"Yeah, speaking of which, put your shirt back on." Rayni grinned, grabbing Tam's shirt and chucking it at Tam.
Tam yelped and he grinned as he grabbed his shirt from his lap, where it had landed when Rayni threw it just a moment ago, and began to put it on.

Keefe smiled slightly as he looked at Rayni, as he got up.
"Thanks for taking care of him." Keefe said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"Did you get in trouble?" Rayni asked, raising her eyebrows at Keefe.
Keefe sucked in a breath.
"... No, but... I don't know, I don't really know how to feel about what happened." Keefe shrugged at Rayni.

"Mmh, right... we're talking later on then." Rayni said, getting up and ruffling Keefe's hair.
Keefe scowled as he began to fix his hair.
"Not the hair!" Keefe wailed.
Rayni laughed and before she decided to walk off, she looked to Tam.

"... Take care of yourself, Tam. It can be rough working for Gisela. If you need me to patch anything up and ensure Keefe doesn't find out, then come and find me." Rayni stated.
"What-?" Keefe scowled, looking at Rayni for that comment she made about him not finding out.
"Thanks." Tam said, giving Rayni a small smile.
Rayni nodded and she then turned away, walking off and leaving the room, leaving Tam and Keefe alone again.

Keefe huffed and he looked at Tam.
"If my mother tries anything with you again, I need you to tell me." Keefe said, glaring at Tam.
"Sheesh, alright." Tam rolled his eyes as he grabbed his cape and clasped it over his shoulders.
"You shouldn't be so worried about me, seriously. Think about Sophie and your stupid plan of being her boyfriend."

Tam got up from the bed and Keefe furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wait, you can't stay for a little bit longer?" Keefe questioned, gently resting his hands on Tam's shoulders.
Tam looked at Keefe.
"I'm a distraction." Tam stated.
Keefe frowned.
"Tam-" Keefe began.
"Maybe if you progress in your assignment, I'll hang around a little longer, until then... I will come for  10 minutes to share any new information and... that's it." Tam said.

Tam gently took Keefe's hands and took them away from his shoulders.
"Linh is going to worry as well. I promised I'd be... home for dinner."
Keefe looked at their hands and he bit his lower lip.
"Okay." Keefe said quietly as he took his hands away from Tam's.
"I'll see you around then."
Tam smiled at Keefe before he walked off, leaving the room.

Keefe fiddled with his hands as he went over and sat down in the edge of his bed.

He had to progress with his assignment in order to spend more time with Tam, and to keep Tam safe from his mother.


Word count: 1206

A/N: Just wanted to let readers know on here that I will be publishing less often now since I need to focus on exams. I will be publishing once a week but it will alternate between this fanfic and another fanfic I have ongoing! :))

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