Chapter 2

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Tam flicked through the files Keefe handed him. Keefe was sat on his desk while Tam was swaying side to side on the chair by the desk.

"Why did you join the Neverseen?" Keefe asked.
"Are you sure you're not like... secretly a spy from the Black Swan?"
"I assure you, I just want things to change." Tam said, still skimming over Keefe's writing and findings.
"The Neverseen seem to be good at executing their plans, and being quick with it. The Black Swan are being too cautious."

Tam glanced up at Keefe.
"Why'd you join?" Tam asked.
Keefe shrugged, tapping his fingers against the desk.
"I trust my mother." Keefe said, sort of mumbling.
"She's always been the only one who cared about me. When I found out she was the 'villain', I was obviously heartbroken. And then when Alvar revealed himself to be working for the Neverseen, I just... sort of thought to myself that...maybe my mother had a plan. Maybe I should join and help her out. "

"Mama's boy." Tam coughed under his breath.
Keefe shot a glare at Tam.
"At least my mother cares about me and-" Keefe began.
Keefe stopped himself when he felt a wave of painful emotions from Tam.
"Uhm... that was-" Keefe shook his head, trying to come up with a way to apologise to Tam.

"You have nothing worth knowing." Tam said, chucking the file onto the desk.
"All of this is basic knowledge, or knowledge I know."
Tam looked at Keefe.
"You're supposed to be getting information from Sophie?"
"I'm supposed to be making her fall in love with me, pretend I like her too, and eventually become a person she can rely on so I can get information from her." Keefe explained.

Tam raised his eyebrows.
"Huh, so you're seducing Foster? That's your mission?" Tam questioned.
"It's not seducing." Keefe huffed.
"... Just a bit of flirting."
"And I'm supposed to get information from everyone else?" Tam huffed.
"I'm not close to Fitz, can't you like drag information out of him?"

"He's not on speaking terms with me." Keefe said.
"He's a little annoyed that I've been all flirty with the girl he likes."
"Oh, I mean, how dare he? He's just making this difficult for us." Tam rolled his eyes.
"Exactly, so inconsiderate of our Fitzroy." Keefe sighed.
Tam looked at Keefe and a small smile grew on his face. Keefe looked at Tam and he raised his eyebrows.

"Did I just make you smile?" Keefe grinned, leaning in.
"Oh, screw off!" Tam scowled, looking away from Keefe.
"I just made the Tam Song smile! Me! Keefe Sencen!" Keefe exclaimed.
"Wow, I truly am talented."

"... Anyway. I can definitely talk to Biana about some stuff, she seems to trust me. And with Dex, I think I can talk to him too." Tam said.
"I'm pretty sure Dex also likes guys so I could see if he has any issues with any 'straight' guy crushes and-"
"Sorry, also likes guys?" Keefe furrowed his eyebrows.
Tam raised his eyebrows at Keefe.
"Yeah, I'm gay." Tam shrugged.
"And I'm pretty sure I've seen Dex and Fitz sort of getting closer."

"Dex and Fitz? Shut up." Keefe huffed.
"Fitz likes Sophie."
Tam shrugged, smiling at Keefe.
"Maybe that's what he wants you to think. What if he hasn't been talking to you because you've been busy with Sophie and he's been busy with Dex?" Tam questioned, tilting his head at Keefe.
Keefe blinked.
"No... no!" Keefe exclaimed.
"I would know, I'm Fitz's best friend and-"

"Oof, you're showing a lot of emotion for someone who you're going to stab in the back at some point." Tam clicked his tongue.
"... Fitz has always been my best friend." Keefe said.
"I still care for him. I just need this for my mother. I'm sure you still care for Linh, maybe you're doing this for her too."
Tam froze for a moment.

"... Linh and I will always be seen as outcasts." Tam stated.
"I mean, I'm gay, a Shade, and a twin. She also likes the same gender, once flooded a whole city, and a twin. And she's dating a Pyrokinetic."
Tam began to tug at his bangs as he stared at the table.

"The world is never going to accept the fact that people can't control what happens. People can't control how they feel for others, which can sometimes make them known as a 'bad match'. People are born with their abilities, they can't control what they manifest as, or even what they don't manifest as."

Keefe stared at Tam.
"... Yeah, our world is pretty messed up." Keefe said, kicking his legs back and forth.
"And it probably never will change. Which is why we need to make a stand. Why we need to rebel against the Councillors whole way of making the world work."
Tam looked at Keefe and Keefe managed to maintain eye contact with Tam.

"This is why the Neverseen are here. Sure, our tactics can be a bit... militant, a bit too much. And sure, people think we're trying to take over the world, but I think we're trying to make it a better place." Keefe smiled.
"So that people can be free to love who they want, so that people can use their abilities without being shamed, so that people without abilities aren't ridiculed."

They both stared at each other in a silence for a few moments.

"I hate to say it, but I think your mother was right." Tam said.
"We are more similar than we thought."
Keefe rolled his eyes.
"Eugh, don't say that." Keefe said, gently kicking Tam in his arm.
Tam smiled as he playfully shoved Keefe's leg.

"So, what do you want to do this weekend?" Keefe asked.
"Since, we need to get along."
Tam shrugged.
"Uh, you like arcades?" Tam asked, tilting his head at Keefe.
Keefe hummed for a moment, biting his inner cheek.
"Never been to one." Keefe confessed.
"I haven't had the chance either." Tam said.

"We have a 'date'?"
"A date? I'm flattered, Tammy, I don't think I've ever had a boy want to date me-"
"It was a figure of speech, oh my god!"
"... We have a 'date'."


Word count: 1045

A/N: I like the idea of the Neverseen actually trying to do something good for the Elvin society. Or at the very least that's what Keefe and Tam believe as members of the Neverseen.

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