Chapter 6

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Tam flinched as he looked over and saw Keefe leaning against the locker next to Tam's locker.
"Hey." Tam mumbled.
Tam shut his locker and he leaned against it, looking at Keefe.
"Shouldn't you be flirting-?" Tam began to tease Keefe.

"Why'd you leave without saying bye to me?" Keefe asked.
Tam gulped as he scanned around, ensuring no prodigy was nearby who would be listening to them.
"Keefe-"Tam began.
"Don't make an excuse." Keefe said.
"We should talk about this when we're alone." Tam stated, keeping his voice low as he looked at Keefe.

"Tam-" Keefe began, placing a hand on Tam's left shoulder.
Tam winced and shoved Keefe's hand away. Keefe furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hey, no, wait, what'd she do?" Keefe asked, his voice soft now.
"She did nothing-" Tam began, looking at the ground, shaking his head.
"Tam." Keefe scowled.

Tam looked up at Keefe and saw how serious Keefe looked.
"What did she do-?!" Keefe was about to shout.
"Lower your voice, you're going to bring unwanted attention to us." Tam scowled, glaring at Keefe.
Tam brought his hand to his left shoulder and rubbed it.
"I'm fine."
Tam walked off, leaving Keefe alone now.

Keefe scoffed and he banged his hand against the lockers. Keefe grumbled as he leaned against the lockers and he shut his eyes for a few moments. Tam's shoulder was injured, and it was fine yesterday. All of a sudden, he goes to see Keefe's mother and his shoulder is injured?

Keefe needed to get Tam to talk to him later on, so that Keefe could talk to his mother about what she and Tam had talked about last night and what exactly she did to him.


Keefe fiddled with a pencil in his hand as he stared at the blank page in his sketchbook. He just loved having art block, along with the emotion of worry and wondering where Tam was.

I mean, Tam should've arrived a little while ago, so why wasn't he-?

Keefe looked over at his door as he heard a knock.
"Come in!" Keefe called.
The door opened and Keefe let out a sigh of relief as Tam was the one to enter the room, shutting the door behind him.

"What took you so long?" Keefe asked.
"Linh was getting worried about me." Tam mumbled as he went over to Keefe's bed.
Tam sat down on the bed and he fiddled with his hands as he looked at the sketchbook on Keefe's lap.
"She claims that I've been away from home too much. Wants to know what's up, I managed to make something up, there's no reason to worry."

Keefe shut his sketchbook and he set it aside, along with his pencil.
"Soo, you gonna tell me what happened with my mom and you yesterday?" Keefe asked, about to press their shoulders together before he realised he would be against Tam's injured shoulder.
Tam shrugged.
"Nothing-" Tam began.

"Do not give me that fucking bullshit." Keefe scowled.
Tam looked up at Keefe and Keefe looked at Tam with worry.
"Tam, we're partners in crime-"
"Please stop it with that." Tam rolled his eyes, but the corner of his lips twitched as if he were about to smile.
Keefe smiled slightly.

"... My mother can be tough, I know that. Just talk to me, Tam." Keefe said softly.
Tam reluctantly rested his head on Keefe's shoulder. Keefe kept his eyes on Tam.
"... Rayni didn't tell her, but she's noticed that we've been very close." Tam stated.
"And... Uhm..."
Tam gulped. Keefe felt a lot of emotions of anxiety and fear from Tam. Keefe wrapped his arm around Tam and rubbed his right shoulder in a comforting way.

"She states that I'm distracting you from your mission. To date Sophie." Tam said.
"And... well, I was just a bit...stunned and so I was questioning her, and your mother has really, really sharp nails, may I add-"
Keefe furrowed his eyebrows as he took his arm away from Tam and looked at him confused.

Tam lifted his head and he bit his lower lip as he unclasped his cape from his shoulders.
Keefe watched Tam as Tam untucked his shirt from his pants and pulled it over his head. Keefe's gaze rested on Tam's left shoulder which had marks on it. Keefe scoffed.

"What-?" Keefe gently traced his fingers against the marks.
Tam bit his tongue as he winced. Keefe took his hand away and he looked at Tam.
"She... hurt you." Keefe stated, looking at the scratches.
"Her nails are like fucking daggers." Tam huffed.
"I just... Keefe, I didn't say bye because I didn't want to see you after what happened."
Keefe gulped and he got up from his bed.

Tam furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Keefe head towards the door.
"W-what are you-? Where are you going?" Tam asked.
Keefe looked back at Tam.
"I can't just let her get away with this! She hurt you, Tam!" Keefe exclaimed.
"And-- I can't allow that! You're-- you're my friend!"

"Keefe, it's fine, I'm fine!" Tam exclaimed.
"It's just a few scratches-"
Keefe scoffed as he stormed over to Tam.
"Just a few scratches?!" Keefe snapped.

The door opened and Keefe growled as he looked over to see Rayni looking into the room.
"Uhm, everything good here?" Rayni asked.
"I heard shouting and-"
Rayni rested her gaze on Tam and saw that he was shirtless.

"... Keefe, I never knew you moved so quickly-!" Rayni began to tease.
Keefe stormed over to Rayni.
"In. Take care of Tam while I go talk to my mother." Keefe scowled, yanking Rayni in by her arm.
"What-?" Rayni furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Keefe who stormed past her.

Rayni looked back at Tam.
"What is he on about-?"
Rayni cut herself off as she noticed the marks on Tam's shoulder. Rayni frowned.
Tam felt awkward and he looked at the ground.
"The talk didn't go well yesterday." Tam mumbled.

Rayni sighed and she ran her fingers through her hair.
"Okay... stay here. I'll get some lotion and elixirs to fix you up. Hopefully Keefe doesn't say something he shouldn't to his mother..." Rayni said.
Tam stayed silent as Rayni let out another sigh and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Tam really hoped that Keefe wouldn't let his emotions get the best of him while talking to his mother.

And Tam wasn't sure if he trusted Rayni to take care of him...


Word count: 1094

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