Chapter 3

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"You're... hanging out with Keefe?"

Tam draped his cape over his shoulders and he looked at Linh.
"Yeah." Tam nodded.
Linh raised her eyebrows.
"... Why?" Linh tilted her head.
Tam shrugged. "Uh, we just realized that we have to start getting along if we want to... be successful with our plans in the Black Swan. You know?"
"Uh-huh." Linh stared at Tam.
"So, you're meeting him at Atlantis then?"
Tam nodded.

"Yeah, I'll probably be back in a few hours. I might miss out on dinner. I'll message you if I won't be able to make it, okay?" Tam smiled.
Linh hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, okay, have fun."
"Bye." Tam said as he held up the crystal to Atlantis and light-leapt away.
Linh was definitely suspicious of this, but she'd just ask Tam about it later on.

Tam looked around Atlantis once he light-leapt there. He and Keefe agreed to meet in the central of Atlantis, so he was just searching for the stupid-

"Guess who?"
Someone's hands went over Tam's eyes from behind him. Tam sighed as he took Keefe's hands away from him and he turned around to face the blonde.
"I don't want to play games, Sencen." Tam stated.
"Then why are we going to an arcade?" Keefe asked, walking off as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
Tam rolled his eyes as he caught up beside Keefe, walking alongside him now.

"So, what were you going to do today if your mother wasn't forcing us to hang out?" Tam asked.
"I was thinking of asking Sophie out on a date." Keefe said, looking at Tam.
"Y'know, for my mission."
Tam hummed.
"... Well, I apologise for preventing you from gathering more intel from your... 'girlfriend'." Tam said.
"Not my girlfriend." Keefe grumbled.
"Not yet." Tam shrugged, grinning at Keefe.
Keefe rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. The arcade is just up ahead, so let's hurry up and get this 'date' started!"
"Please stop calling it a date."

The two of them made it to the arcade. When they were inside of the building, they looked about how huge and how many different games there was.
"Woah..." Keefe looked around.
"Eugh, it's so loud." Tam said, looking around at all the children who were running around and screaming.

Keefe looked at Tam, a devious smile on his face.
"What do you say we have a competition?" Keefe questioned.
Tam raised his eyebrows.
"What do you mean?" Tam questioned.
"I mean..." Keefe pointed towards a game.
Tam looked to where Keefe was pointing at and Tam's eyes widened.
"Oh god no."
"Oh hell yes!"

Keefe grabbed Tam's wrist and dragged the male to this wonderful machine called 'Dance Dance Revolution'.
"God, I do not have the stamina to do this." Tam said as Keefe let go of his wrist and dug through his pockets for some coins.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! Plus, you don't want to lose to me, do you Song?" Keefe grinned at Tam.
Tam huffed.
"... Fine. One round." Tam said.
Keefe had a cocky expression on his face as he stepped onto the machine and Tam stepped onto the machine.

Keefe inserted the coins needed into the machine. He then began to press the buttons, inputting the amount of players and everything he needed to do. Keefe then glanced through the selection of songs.
"Do you mind what song we do?"
"I do not care."
"Sheesh, grumpy pants..."

Keefe picked a random song and Tam glanced at the arrows below him. Tam gulped and he glanced at Keefe who looked confident about this.

Tam was definitely not going to win.


Tam leaned against the machine, catching his breath as Keefe looked absolutely delighted.
"Wow, how many times have you won now? Zero! And how many times have I won? Like four or five?" Keefe grinned at Tam.
"Ugh, shut up." Tam scowled.
"We're done with this stupid game."

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