Chapter 4

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Keefe hummed to himself as he doodled in his sketchbook in his room that was at the Neverseen base.

There was a sudden knock at his door and Keefe looked over.
"Uh, come in." Keefe said, setting aside his sketchbook and closing it.
His mother didn't like it when he wasted time doodling, so he had to hide away his sketchbook in case it was her.

The door opened and Keefe noticed Tam looking in.
"Uhm, your mom told me to just come over here to 'bond' with you." Tam said.
Keefe let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, okay, come on then." Keefe said, waving Tam in.
Tam entered the room and he shut the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" Tam asked as he made his way over to Keefe, who was sat on the bed.
"Messing about." Keefe said, holding his sketchbook up as Tam sat down next to him on the bed.
"Can I look through it?" Tam questioned.
Keefe shrugged as he handed Tam his sketchbook.
"Sure, I guess." Keefe responded.

Tam opened up the sketchbook and looked at the first page. Tam studied the drawings and sketches carefully as he slowly flicked to the other pages.
"Mmh, you're talented." Tam said.
"Like, you're really good at drawing."
Keefe smiled slightly.
"Thanks... my mom thinks it's a waste of time though." Keefe said.
Tam scoffed.

"If it makes you happy, or it relaxes you, or whatever. Do it." Tam stated, glancing at Keefe before looking back at the sketchbook.
Keefe blinked and he studied Tam's face as Tam was admiring his work.
Keefe stayed silent and he smiled as he stared at Tam. Tam flicked the page and he raised his eyebrows at the sketch on the page he just opened up.

Tam looked at the sketch and he studied it carefully. It was a sketch of everyone from their... well, if you could still call them friends, friend group.
"This is... amazing."
Tam studied the sketch of himself and he noticed that there seemed to be a few attempts that Keefe made when he sketched this out, he could see that Keefe seemed to struggle with his face.

Keefe cleared his throat as he took his sketchbook away when he noticed Tam studied himself in the sketch.
Tam looked at Keefe and smiled slightly.
"You're really good at drawing." Tam said.
"Like... seriously, Keefe. Don't give up on it, don't listen to your mother."

"She's our leader, I have to listen to her." Keefe stated.
"Yeah, for missions. For things that'll help us move along with our plans on making the Lost Cities a better place." Tam stated, staring at Keefe.
"You don't have to listen to her when it comes to taking away the things that you love."

Keefe looked at Tam and they held eye contact. Keefe bit his lower lip and he studied Tam's face. Tam seemed to gulp and he looked away, breaking the eye contact they formed.

"So, how is Sir Erebus?" Keefe asked, leaning back on his bed, laying down on his back now as he held his sketchbook up, flicking through some pages.
"Who-?" Tam began.
Tam then sighed and he couldn't help but scoff, smiling as he shook his head.
"The eckodon plush."

"The eckodon plush. How is Sir Erebus?" Keefe smiled at Tam.
Tam laid back next to Keefe. Tam looked up at the ceiling as he held his hands over his chest.
"Sir Erebus is quite alright. Linh keeps wanting to steal him but I'm not letting her. I won him, fair and square." Tam stated.
"Well, technically I won him fair and square."Keefe corrected Tam, looking over at him.

"Well, if I told Linh you won him for me, I think she'd start getting ideas that we're infatuated with each other." Tam raised his eyebrows at Keefe.
Keefe glanced at Tam's lips for a moment.
"Is that so bad? The thought of Linh thinking we're together?" Keefe smiled softly, looking back up at Tam's eyes.
Tam noticed how Keefe had glanced at his lips just a moment ago.

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