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I knocked twice on the window. My urge to see her was unbearable. My emotions were confused. Palms sweaty, heart racing, no appetite. Could it be possible that I've fallen in love with her but I was too blind to see it?

Growing impatient, I frantically climbed down the tree to just use the front door. I wanted to avoid her parents. To put it short they don't trust me, well her father doesn't. I guess I just got used to it. It bothers him, not me.

I knocked as calmly as my hand would allow but it ended up sounding like the police were at the door. I stepped back and began to pace a bit on the spot.

What happened Dude?

I turned again about to beat the door when Amber's mum opened the door. I almost hit her but caught my hand just before the impact.

"Oh, hey Dimitri, she's up in her room." She said shaking my hand warmly as though she didn't notice I was about to ram her face in.

I forced a smile and slide past her and ran up the stairs. Each step I skipped I felt my heartbeat. I was getting nervous.

I stopped at the mini corridor that leads to the different rooms. I walked all the way down the hall to hers. Still the same purple as the day we painted it.

I knocked softly and caught my breath as I heard the door to her parent's room open. Her dad came out and saw me.

"You came back?! I thought I told you to get out of my house and never return!" He shouted.

I tried to swallow but my throat was as dry as the Sahara. I looked at the stairs and saw her mum come up.

"I let him in Derrick. All the boy wants is to be with his best friend," she pleaded.

He didn't listen and he walked towards me and grabbed me. As he did, her door opened, revealing the wall covered in posters. Half of which I had bought for her.

"Let him go, dad," she said. It sounded like she had been crying. Probably my fault as well.

He let go of me, well more like threw me at the wall. I got up and my knee began to ache a bit. He gave me a mug look. I put my jumper on properly and entered her room after her. She closed the door behind me and I went to sit on her bed.

She followed suit and sat next to me. I looked at her. She looked at me.

"What happened?" She asked.

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