Forest Stars. ( Varian x Sibling! Reader ) ( Black Widow AU )

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A/N: This oneshot's a bit long, and I might make a part 2 to it. I will give a few trigger warnings? In the movie it's heavier than it is written here, I think.  

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Blood, guns being shot, people being shot, a little violence, government, child trafficking? ( Y/n and Varian are orphans, and they're in Natasha and Yelena's place. ) 

( Don't worry ya'll, there's no sexual content in the movie or in this oneshot. and no romance between these two. I'm mainly saying this for those who haven't watched the movie in case they're confused and horrified. :D )

I know the Red Room was only for girls, but we're gonna pretend that both genders are in the Red Room for this oneshot.

Nothing too bad, if you've seen the movie then you know. Varian is 7 and Y/n is 5. Enjoy ig?

Sunlight peeked through the green branches of the trees as a boy rode his bike down the street. His black hair flew behind him as he rode through the neighborhood.

Ohio. 1995.

He seemed to be in a daze as he looked at the other kids playing on a tire swing. He blinked with tired eyes as he rode by.

Soon he pulled his bike into his driveway.

A little girl a few years younger than him was playing on the swings in the backyard. She tilted her head back as she swung back and forth, her hair flopping upside down.

The boy walked to the backyard as he whistled a small tune, to which the little girl answered by whistling the tune back.

" Have you been on that swing all day Y/n?" The little boy said as he watched the young girl swing as she giggled.

" Yeah, and don't even think about trying to boss me around Varian. Just because I'm 2 years younger than you doesn't make you the boss of me."

Varian's blue eyes flickered at the young girl, studying her for a moment. " It does when I just want to keep you safe, Y/n."

Y/n giggled as she jumped off the swing. " You're only 7 years old! What can you do? Besides, mama and papa keep us safe."

Varian's eyes went stone cold for a moment as he looked to the side, but it was gone in a heartbeat as he quickly put on a smile. " Yeah. It's just that you're a troublemaker, N/n." He said as his small body lightly pushed her shoulder playfully. Y/n's face scrunched as the two chased eachother, laughing.

Y/n tripped and her knee fell on a twig, scraping it. " Ah! MAMA!" She wailed as she tucked her knees to her chest. ( She's 5 years old okay guys don't start with me in the comments ) Varian put on a solemn face as he walked to her and kneeled down, pulling her into his arms. " It's okay- Shh-"'

" What happened?" A serious woman's voice said as she walked over.

" She scraped her knee." Varian said quietly, his eyes fixed on the ground.

" Oh. Is that all?" She said in a sweet voice as she kneeled down, pressing a kiss to the girl's knee. Y/n cried and whimpered a bit as her mother shushed her gently.

"Shh, shh. It's alright. Get up. You're okay." She ushered sweetly.

Varian stood and walked over to the slide he looked back at the woman with a muted look on his face. But there was also twinge of fear in his eyes.

But what was he afraid of?

No. Not his little sister.

Y/n eventually stood as she held her mother's hand.

" Good girl. Your pain only makes you stronger." The woman said to the girl.

Varian Oneshots and Imagines ( VAT7K  & xReader ) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now