It's Ok. ( Hunger Games AU ) Pt.3

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A/N: Remember when I said I was crying in that one announcement? Ha- Yeah- this chapter's the reason why- ENjoY- 

..I'm so sorry-

Varian swallowed. " You really think so?" He asked hopefully.

" Yes! If we can deonate all of the mines, it'll destroy all of their stuff!" Rapunzel knew the dangers of the explosives, the mining district had worked with them all the time.

" But how? We'll be blown to smitherines if we take one step over there. And thats if the Careers don't find us first."

Rapunzel was silent a moment, considering their options. She turned to the boy. " I have a plan." Her eyes were determined. Maybe they would live through this after all.


The morning was beautiful. Rapunzel knew none of it was real, but it reminded her so much of home.

Varian dragged a large green branch over to a large pile of freshly cut branches. " Alright, that's the last one."

Rapunzel nodded. " Ok. Remember the plan?"

The boy nodded. " Set all 3 piles on fire for distraction, while you blow up the supplies at their camp."

" Exactly. Now, should..we have some sort of call for if one of us gets into trouble?" The girl asked. Varian stood with a hand on his chin as a few thoughts ran through his head.

"...Yeah! I got it!" The boy turned his head to look at the canopy above. Birds flitted about in the high branches of the trees in the forest.

" Do you know what these birds are?"

Rapunzel looked more closely. "..Mockingjays." She realized. The boy smiled.

" Exactly. Back at home, we used to use the Mockingjays to send a signal that it was quitting time in the fruit tree fields.." His eyes were distant for a moment, and Rapunzel knew that the boy missed his home. It didn't matter to him that the mayor of his district had burned his creations. It was his home nonetheless.

But just as the boy's eyes were distant, they returned to the present. Varian whistled a few notes, and soon the birds chirped the same notes. The birds chirped all throughout the forest, passing along the same notes the boy had whistled.

Rapunzel's eyes shined with wonder as she heard the melody that her small companion had started. It was as if Varian had conducted an entire choir with the melody of the forest. It was beautiful. But just as quick as it started, it was gone, and the birds had gone back to their usual songs.

" When you hear those notes, it means I'm okay, or I'm checking to see if you are." Varian said as he turned back to Rapunzel. She nodded, and turned to the canopy of birds, singing a few notes of a song her mother used to sing. The birds soon rang out their mocking reply, spreading the melody across the forest. The boy smiled as he watched the birds sing.

" Alright, are you ready?" Rapunzel asked. The boy took a shuddering breath.

"...As I'll ever be." He said. His voice trembled, and his blue eyes shined in the morning light as he gave a small smile to Rapunzel. The girl turned to walk away, when suddenly the boy tackled her in a hug.

" ..Sorry." Varian whispered as he buried his head in Rapunzel's jacket. The girl smiled as she hugged her friend back. " Don't be. I'll be back soon, okay? After I blow up the Career's supplies. Then we can celebrate with some nice roasted squirrel. I promise. Who knows? Maybe we'll even be gifted some more fruit salad by a sponsor." She said hopefully. Varian smiled.

Varian Oneshots and Imagines ( VAT7K  & xReader ) DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin