It's Ok. ( Hunger Games AU ) Pt.2

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The blurry image of a boy with messy hair the shade of night shook her shoulders. Was he real? Who was he?

" What are you doing here? GET OUT OF HERE! GO! HURRY!" His muffled voice broke as he yelled.

The last thing that Rapunzel noticed before she passed out was how blue the boy's eyes were. Like the ocean.


The forest around her slowly came into vision as Rapunzel blinked.

She was lying on the forest floor, her backpack under her head like a pillow. Which- she did not remember doing.

She looked down at her arms, which had little plastered leaves on each of her stings.

" What? Who..."

She heard a twig snap and looked at the tree in front of her. She saw a body that quickly disappeared behind the tree.

Rapunzel recounted her memories. She slowly stood and walked gently over to the tree.

" It's ok." She smiled. " You can come out."

The boy's head slowly peeked around the tree. His shaggy dark hair and blue eyes seemed to bore into Rapunzel's soul.

" I...I remember you." Rapunzel gasped. " You were the boy from District 11, I remember seeing you practice in the trap section at training."

The boy came into full view, shyly. " Um...yes. Yeah."

" What's your name?"

" Varian."

Rapunzel sat on a log and opened her backpack.

" Well, Varian. I'm Rapunzel, are you the one I have to thank for saving my life?"

" I-I uh, I suppose." Varian said. Rapunzel noticed that he had a few leaves on his arms and neck as well. From stings.

" the one that chopped down that bee hive?" She asked.

Varian nodded. " It was a trap I rigged. I warned you that night because, weren't my target."

Rapunzel tried to put the pieces together. " You were targeting the Careers?"

" Yes. I only got one of them though. Andrew and the other two are still out here somewhere." The boy seemed disappointed as he spoke. Maybe even a little scared.

" They were after you, weren't they? Andrew and Caine, what did you do that made them so angry?" Rapunzel questioned the boy.

He didn't seem dangerous, but the boy was setting traps. He was sneaky. That was for certain. She hadn't even noticed that he had rigged the bee trap only a few feet above her when she was in the tree.

" Well, you see- The careers captured me about a day after the Games started. They were going to kill me, but I said I could build them traps for other tributes. I..I didn't want to. But they made me do it. They made me rig bombs all around their camp where they're keeping their supplies. So no one can steal it. I escaped because they didn't realize I had set another trap, a ditch covered in sticks and leaves. They got caught in it and I ran. And well, I guess they didn't like being outsmarted, because they've been hunting me ever since." Varian seemed a bit proud of his trap work. Even though he said he hadn't wanted to do it. But Rapunzel understood. The boy seemed a bit like the workshop type.

But there was another emotion in his eyes. Fear. " They didn't hurt you, did they?" Rapunzel asked.

Varian's excitement toned down. He pulled up his pant leg to reveal a healing wound. A spear wound. " One of them didn't like me, and gave me this. That night I got medicine from a sponsor. I couldn't have escaped without that."

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