Chapter 56

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Ainsley's POV

Andi Sullivan is up first. She grabs the ball from the ref and stares at it for a few long seconds that felt like an eternity. 

I was squished between Sophia and Kristie Mewis. Sophia had herself pressed into me so hard that I could feel her body shaking. I moved my arm up to give her shoulder a squeeze as Andi put the ball down. 

The stadium went dead silent as she ran up and took her kick, slotting it in the bottom corner. We all broke apart to clap and cheer for her, then we got back into our line as the Swedish player was handed the ball. 

Sweden scores. 

Lindsey steps up to the spot and finds the back of the net. 

Another one for Sweden to make it 2-2. 

I gave Kristie a pat on the back before the got to the spot. She calmly converts. 

The next Swedish player ties it up once again. 

Then it was my turn. 

"You got it, Ains." Sophia whispered in my ear. She patted me on the back as I let go of her to go to the spot. 

The ref handed me the ball and I stared down the goalie for a few seconds before putting it down. 

Stone cold. I told myself. Stay stone cold.

I took the perfect amount of lead up steps. I've done this a few times before. This should be easy for me. I know what I'm doing. This is simple. 

The crowd was so quiet that I could hear Ashley's voice echo through the stadium. 

"Here we go, Ainsley! You got this!" 

I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips before I took a deep breath. 

Do your part. Just convert the stupid kick. 

I imagined myself kicking the ball right where I wanted it to go. Another deep breath and I took my run up. 

I was TERRIFIED  when I realized I'd fucking messed up my steps. But there was no going back now. 

I sent the keeper the wrong way and crushed the ball into the back of the net. The place went nuts, but I only cared about Ashley and Trinity, who were jumping around like crazy on the sideline. 

While my part was over with, I still had everyone else to worry about.  We're not done yet. 

Alyssa saves the next shot, keeping us up 4-3. 

Sophia up next. I cheered for her, trying to be just as loud as Ashley was for me. She turned to give me a weak smile, and that's when I knew.

She had zero confidence, she's gonna miss it.

I yelled at her again in an attempt to instill that missing confidence. 

But it was gone, and Sophia missed the net. 


I grabbed Soph and pulled her in line, doing my best to give her words of encouragement. I reassured her that everything was going to be alright, I tried to reassure her that it's not over yet. 

Our chances to make our mark on this game are over, now we just have to watch. 

Sweden tied it up, Sophia groaned next to me. 

"It's alright, Soph. It'll be okay." 

Alyssa Naeher stepped up to take the next one, and made it like a badass. 

Little Sanchez // USWNTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon