Chapter 29

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Ainsley's POV

When we got out of the elevator, we walked through the hallway, hoping the stairs were on the other side. 

"I know you're on this floor, Ainsley." I heard my evil mother say from back down the hallway where we came from. 

"Shit!" I whispered. 

"It's okay." Trinity stopped. 

"Don't stop!" 

"Right here!" She grabbed my arm and whipped me into a different hallway. 

We were pressed together, standing right against a wall, her arm around my waist and my hand holding onto her shoulder. 

"I think-" I said, trying to wiggle out of her grasp, trying to convince myself that it was uncomfortable when really it wasn't. 

"Stay here. Stay. Here." She tightened her grip, and I sighed. 

"Wait until we hear her walk by." 

I nodded. 

I heard footsteps, and we both held our breaths, both of our eyes wide open. I felt like I was going to throw up, because if I had to come face to face with her again, there's no telling what I'll do. 

The arm around my waist kept me oddly comforted, which makes me feel fucking repulsed. 

I peered out, and it seemed like she went upstairs, so we headed down to find security. We had no idea if they could actually do anything, but it's worth a shot. 


Ashley's POV

It seemed as if every time I was able to open my eyes, Ainsley was gone. But I heard her almost all the time. I wish she had a clue that I heard everything she said. Every story she told, everything her and Tara said. She told me about a call from Mallory, one from Kelley, and all the people she sees when she leaves. She told me how we were supposed to leave today for national team duty, and she said she'd rather not be anywhere else. 

She would talk about the past, asking if I could remember things even though I couldn't answer. All the things I wanted to say, but all I could do was open my eyes occasionally. 

I was so weak, until today. 

I finally felt like I could actually move again, and I got the feeling right after I'd actually fallen asleep. When I woke up, I sat up, and she wasn't there. 

I just stared around the room, moving my arms and fingers around and stuff. I had some bandages covering burns and some scratches, but I was excited to be moving again. 

When a nurse came in, she immediately got a few others and they started doing all of these things, and it made me overwhelmed. 

"What?" I asked. 

"We're just fixing a few things." 

"Where's Ainsley?" 

"I'm not sure." 


Someone knocked and came into our room, and called one of the nurses over. He was talking quietly, but I could hear what he said. 

"Make sure you lock this door from the inside." He said. "There's a visitor that's apparently crazy coming to see the patient in here, but her sister warned the front desk about her. The visitor blew by the check in chasing someone, and security's scattered the building." 

"Oh no. That can't be good." 

"Doesn't sound good. We're going to put strict entrance rules on the floor until she's taken care of. Thanks for your time." 

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