Chapter 33

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Trinity's POV

"Anything specifically?" I asked. 

Ainsley propped herself up on her forearm and rubbed her forehead with her other hand. 

"First of all your fucking face." 

"This isn't supposed to be an attack on me." I sighed. She's so difficult sometimes. Well, most of the time really. 

"Sorry. I'm just frustrated." 

"With what?" 

"Just shut up, please."

"Ainsley, what's your deal?" I asked. 

She sat up, and I did the same so I could look at her face to face. 

"There's a lot, and I don't want to talk about it. I just...." She took a deep breath. 

I figured I'd just leave her alone, because I knew she would get irrational again. I honestly liked the Little Sanchez. She wasn't just Ashley's little sister anymore. She's Ainsley, my frienemy and teammate. I have no idea where we stand to her, but I consider her a friend. 

I adjusted my pillow and made like I was gonna lay back down. She grabbed my arm, and I looked at her again. 

"I'm sorry. You just really piss me off. So much. Like I hate you so much but-" 

"Thanks a lot." 

"You didn't let me finish." 


"Anyway, you absolutely piss me off and I fucking hate you, but drive me absolutely...." 

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, taking me absolutely by surprise. She absolutely has to be messing with me. There's no way. 

But it was too passionate and too fucking REAL for her to be teasing me. 

"You drive me absolutely crazy." She breathed. 

I sat there looking shocked, I was at such a loss for words. 

"You look so stupid right now." 

"So do you." 

"Do I?" 

We both laughed, and then she grabbed me for a kiss again. 

This time I loosened up, and I knew it was real. 

I got goosebumps as she ran her hand up my arm. 

"One thing." She paused for a second. 

"What's that?" 

"We need to at least try to be quiet." 


Ainsley's POV

I couldn't let Ashley find out. I just couldn't. 

I'm almost 19, and that's the third time I've ever had sex. Ashley scarred me when she caught me and my boyfriend when I was a sophomore. The other time was in college at some party that I can barely remember. 

This is the first time I went that far with a girl, and I had no idea if I wanted her to find out about it. 

Plus it's her best friend. Damn it. 

I laid awake, staring at the ceiling for hours, millions of thoughts and feelings running through my brain at 100 miles per hour. 

Maybe I'd get up and try to get a change of scenery or just take a walk around the house or something, but I was cuddled into fucking Trina, and if I moved I was afraid she's wake up. 

I think the thing that was keeping me up the most though, is the fact that I hate her. I still do. And that's not gonna change. But I quite obviously have feelings for her, because I'm not just going out and sleeping with just anybody. 

I'm such a fucking idiot. 

I was supposed to go back to hating her, wanting nothing to do with her, thinking of her as a teammate and nothing more than that. 

But instead, I let that weird feeling overwhelm me and I gave in, because my mental strength is at an all-time low and after everything that's happened the past few weeks, I needed an escape. 

Of course, that wasn't the escape I had planned, but it worked for a little while. 

I snuck downstairs, made myself a protein shake and sat at the table alone, contemplating my life decisions. I knew I'd have to g to practice later and face the team, pretending like nothing happened. The never ending questions about Ashley will be crazy too. 

We had about three hours until practice, but I went to go kick out Trinity. 

"Get up, Trina." I said, shaking her violently. "We have practice." 

"Damn it, I forgot." She sighed. "I'm getting up." 

I left the room and went to go watch something on the TV while she gathered her stuff to leave. I was wearing her sweatshirt, the one I told her she'd never get back. I would stay true to my word. 

"Later Ace. It's been real." She said, slipping on her shoes at the front door. 

"Bye Trina." 

"I had a good time." 

"Shut up." 


"This never happened. Do you understand me?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

"Absolutely no one hears about this." 

"I got it." 

"This is a threat."


"Good. See ya later." 


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