Chapter 19

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When we got back downstairs, Kelley had broken into the beer. She had one, Sonnett had one, and Ashley had one. 

Trinity was sitting on the couch next to Ashley in the spot I wanted to sit, but whatever. I just sat on the floor leaning against the couch and Tara sat next to me. 

"Want one?" Kelley asked her. 

"Why not?" She reached and grabbed it from Kel's hands. 

"I'll take one." I said. 

"Aren't you only-" 

"Who's stopping me, my parents?" I joked, and an awkward silence fell over the room. "Tough crowd." 

"Ashley?" Kelley looked over to her. 

"I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions." I said, reaching for a bottle. "You don't need to run it by my 'big sissy.'" 

I opened it and took a big sip. 

"Took that shit like a champ." Sonnett laughed. 

"Yeah well, I went to college." 

By 10:00, I had drank too much and had no idea what was going on. All I knew is some other teammates had crashed and I found myself following Tara around like a lost little puppy. 

Eventually Tara and I decided our heads hurt so badly that we went upstairs to my room. 


Trinity's POV

"They're fucking noisy as hell." I heard Ainsley giggle from outside. 

"We have to hide. Sonny monster is gonna get us!" Laughed Tara. 

"No that's gonna be Ashley and she's gonna tell me that I'm a stupid idiot, just like my mom told her. It wasn't funny when she did it, but when Ashy does it it is." Ainsley opened the door. "WHat are you doing here?" 

"Hiding from idiots like you." I replied, keeping my eyes on the TV. 

"I'm not an idiot, you are." 

"That's your comeback?" 

"Tara cab you give me a minute?" She asked the girl behind her. 

"Yeah. Of course." 

"Thanks Tara Tara Tara." 

"You just said her name three times." I said, trying not to laugh at her slurred words and stumbling around. 

"You need to loosen up and have some fun! Dance! Drink!" 


"Because you're annoying and you need to DO things." 

"What kind of things?" 

"I just listed them for you. Think back, Trina." 

"I am thinking back, Ace." 

"You know that I say I hate you?" She said, coming closer to me. 

"I do. I hear it approximately 50 times a day." 

"I don't really really hate you." 

"I know." 

"I mean I'm alive because you're stupid. But you're still dumb and I don't like you." 

"Why not?" I figured this would be the only time I could get it out of her. 

"You took my best friend from me. My best friend, not yours. Mine. That's my best friend. Ashy is the only person I really love. There's nobody like her. Except my dad. But I don't have him anymore. So I love one person. And that not you." 

I felt bad, because this is the weakest I've ever seen her. No other time has even come close. Her walls are built high, but now they're down. 

"You know." She said. 

"What do I know?" 

"I might....I might love you a little bit." 

"You might?" 

"And you, Trina, should go have fun because you should." 

"Alright, but no thanks." 

"Why are you being such a hard ass? Loosen up that ass." 

"Listen, Ace. You're drunk. You need to stop telling me you love me before something goes horribly wrong."

Then she looked right into my eyes with her killer brown ones. The most perfect color I've ever seen. Then I watched them as she scanned me up and down. 

"You're a killer, Trina. You really are." She giggled. "You're hot." 


"You're hot." 

"You're drunk." 

"So we're both right about something." 

"Okay. need to calm down." I stood up and pointed to her bed. "Time for bed." 

"You're not my mom. I hate my mom." 

"And you hate me too. Get in bed." 

She just stared at me, her eyes getting big. 

"But there's a party!" 

I sighed and started for the door, trying to remember where I put my keys. 

"Ace, that sweatshirt I gave you? I want it back at practice Monday morning with no stupid flour on it. You understand?" 


"That sweatshirt-" 

"You're not getting that back. It's mine now." 

"I would take it now but I'm pretty sure you like made out with Tara in it....I don't know. Just give it back." 

She looked down sadly as I shut off the TV and headed for the door. 

"You're leaving so soon?" 

"Yes. I'm out of here before something goes horribly wrong." I said, reachind for handle, but she practically jumped across the room. 

In one fluent motion, she grabbed my hand and pinned me against the wall. 

For a split second, I thought she was gonna start to beat the shit out of me. 

But instead she kissed me, and I was caught so off guard. 

When I stepped away, I slipped out the door, not even looking back, and made a b-line right for the drinks. 

"Got a beer for me, Kelley?" I asked, and everyone cheered. 


I really hate this chapter, but whatever. I hope you all enjoyed anyway :)

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