Chapter 45

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Ainsley's POV

Days without Trinity got harder and harder. We won 2-1 in North Carolina, then we went straight to New Jersey the next day. Challenge Cup game 1. 

I got my first Spirit start in that game. Weird that I got a USWNT start before a Spirit one, but again, I won't read too much into it. 

We ended up losing to Gotham FC 1-0. 

I had never been more tired in my life. The excessive traveling and playing was starting to get to me. But I pushed through. 

I checked up on Mal every day. I spent a lot of time with Tara. I tried to distract myself from thinking about Trinity, but I just couldn't. It was too hard. 

Our next game was against Houston Dash at home, and it ended in a 0-0 tie. I came on with 20 minutes to go and had 3 chances, one called BARELY offside, one was a REALLY good save by the keeper, and another hit the post. It sucked. 

I stayed for some extra time after practice every day until travel day and worked on shooting to ensure it would never happen again. Aubrey Kingsbury helped me once, and Lyza, our rookie keeper, helped me the rest of the days. I really appreciated it. 

I was hoping it was all going to pay off in Chicago this weekend. 

Travel day was awful. We had two fucking weather delays. We were supposed to land in Chicago at 2:00 pm, and I was supposed to go visit Mal.

But instead, we didn't land until fucking 11:00 pm. 

I was annoyed. 

I had to spend so much time with stupid Trinity. I didn't mean to, but she was at the back of the line of us walking into the airport. The only open seat was next to me. 

I twisted my body so that my legs were facing her and I was leaning on Tara, who was next to me. She rolled her fucking eyes at me and I rolled mine right back. 

I fell asleep on Tara and we napped for, like, an hour, and the rest of the time we played card games and phone games and stuff. My personal favorite was the game Tara, Ash, Marissa and I played, which was literally just counting until someone hesitates or messes up. You wouldn't believe how much we struggled with it quite frankly.

Mal was just going to have to wait until tomorrow to see me. That's probably very hard. I feel bad for her. 

But seriously, I want to see her so fucking bad. If we didn't have this stupid ass weather, I could have spent more time with her. 

We got to our hotel late, and we were so tired that they pushed back training until the afternoon. 

I was rooming with Tara this time around. For the long road trip, I was with Ash. 

The next day, training was light because it was the day before game day. 

That evening was rough for me. 

We had a team dinner, and something about that set me off about Trinity. 

"I'm not feeling well. I think I'm gonna go back to my room." I said, putting down my fork after only eating half of my food.

"What? You don't wanna stay for games?" Marissa asked sadly. 

"I think I just need to go up. I'll see you later, Tara." I said, tapping her shoulder as I walked by. 

Trinity's eyes followed me as I left. 

I know it was her, because I feel the same thing every time it happens. I blush. Somehow I always know it's her. 

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