Chapter 36

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Ashley's POV

I found myself tossing and turning and having trouble falling asleep. 

I was bothered by the shirt, because I knew it wasn't Ainsely's. 

I thought I smelled someone else on it, but there's no way it was her. Ainsley hates her. 

After enough time had passed and I thought she was asleep, I snuck into her room to look at the shirt again. 

As I walked in, I laid eyes on her phone, right next to me but I tried to forget it exists. 

But it's so tempting. 

She started to stir in her bed, and I quickly grabbed her phone without thinking. 

"Ash?" She yawned. 

"Hey." I whispered. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I just came to check on you." 

"Oh." She said. "Well I'm still here. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight." I said, stepping out and closing the door. 

I walked back to my room and opened her phone, immediately going to her texts. 

I gasped when I saw who's name was right under all the unread messages from me. 

She's kind of an idiot for not using a code name. 

A bunch of texts about coming over, hanging out, but the worst thing I saw were the suggestive messages. 

I threw the phone across my bed, knowing I saw something I shouldn't have. 

Just like my texts aren't for other people, Ainsley's aren't either. 

I just stared at my wall for a while, trying to process whatever the fuck I just read. 

I think my best friend fucked my sister. 

I wanted to cry, but also I wanted to get this phone away from me, so I clicked out of their texts and shut it off, then I walked back to her room to slip it back onto her charger and let it be over. 

I got the phone on the charger before she woke up again. 

"What do you want?" She yawned. 

"I don't...I don't know." I said. 

"Well leave me alone." 

"Sorry." I went to leave, but she called me back. 



"Can you stay with me?" 

"Why? I thought you weren't a kid anymore." 

"Maybe I still am." 

I laughed a little bit and got next to her. 

"I'm sorry for staying out too late." She said. 

"And I'm sorry for being such a bitch. You're right. You're not 14. You're an adult, you make your own decisions."

I put my arm around her shoulder, and she snuggled into me, her breathing steadying almost immediately. 


Ainsley's POV

The next day, I thought Ash was still mad at me, so I stayed away from her. And I avoided her for two more days after that. The guilt of keeping the secret was eating me alive, and I was also the slightest bit afraid that I'd let it all come out if I talked to her for too long.

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