Chapter 4

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40 minutes later I was sitting in the ER with Mallory and Kelley.

They wrestled me into the car. As strong as I am, I stand no chance against Kelley O'Hara.

"I want Ashley." I sobbed. 

"I'm trying to get her for you. She hasn't picked up and I've been calling her for 25 minutes." Mallory told me. "I have no idea where she is." 

"So Mal, she very clearly isn't going to answer, so why don't you call someone else?" Kelley said. "Logical brain thinking skills?" 

"Sorry I have no idea how to deal with a crying teenager." 

"I'm an adult." I sobbed. 

"No honey, you're 18." 

"Legal adult."  

"Still a kid to me." Kelley said. 

"I'm calling Lindsey to check if Ashley's in her room." Mal sighed. 

The ER nurse called us back finally, and Mal was trying to get ahold of teammates so Kel took me back. 

Mal followed us but far behind. 

While we were waiting for the doctor, she walked in and told us that she was out shopping with Trinity and would get here as soon as possible. 

I sat on the scary ER bed and curled up into a ball. I don't think I've ever been so vulnerable in my life. 

"Uncurl, Jr. You're gonna get blood on your shirt." Kelley told me. 

"Too late." 


"I don't care about this shirt anyway. I changed in case this happened." 

The doctor came in and told me had to take a look at my wrist, but I stayed curled up. 

"C'mon, Ains. You need to let him check it out." Mallory told me. 

"But he's gonna give me a needle." 

"That's okay. It's gonna make you feel better so you can practice tomorrow." 


Then the two girls came over and uncurled me. Mallory climbed up next to me and pulled the rest of me in close while Kelley held out my hand. 

"Oh man you need stitches." He said almost immediately. 

"Nonono." I said, burying my head into Mal's chest. "Where's Ash?" 

"Are you her sisters?" Asked the doctor. 

"No actually. Teammates." Kelley replied.




"Her sister is on the way though. Hopefully." 

"I'll kill her if she's not." I muttered. "I'm serious. She's too busy to hang out with that Trinity chick to even see her little sister in the ER." 

The doctor left to go start to prepare things, and I plotted my escape. 

"If you weren't so cute I'd be really scared of you, you know that?" Mal whispered. 

"That's my goal." I laughed. "Now I need to get less cute and my goal's achieved." 

"Just stay the way you are. I bet the guys at school love you." 

"Oh they're obsessed." 

"Not surprised." 


When the doctor came in accompanied with his nurses, I knew it was too late to leave now. 

I felt my whole body tense up, and I pressed myself on the back of the chair. I started to shake, really really hard, and everyone moved away from me except Mal. 

"We're just going to take your hand and clean it up a little bit. You took those painkillers right?" The doctor asked. 

"She did." Kelley told him. 

"Good. We just have to numb her here." 

I kept my eyes pressed shut as they wiped my hand ans stuff. 

As they finished preparing me, I was shaking so bad you would think I was sitting on a washing machine or something. 

Just as they were about to do the needles, someone walked in. 

"What the-" A nurse said. 

"I made it!" Ashley announced. 

"ASH!" I said happily. 

Some of the nerves disappeared as she slid into Mallory's spot and then pulled my head in close. 

I almost screamed when they put the numbing needles in, but I was able to contain myself. Then I didn't even feel it when they stitched up my finger. 

"You did it!" Ashley said softly. "And you didn't scream or yell and you're alive." 

"Good." I said. I didn't want to look at my hand so I clung to her for a little bit longer. 


On the car ride home I fell asleep resting on Ashley's shoulder And when we got back to the hotel I had enough energy for movie night, so Mallory made it happen. 

"You're really inviting Trinity?" I asked. 

"Okay what is your issue with her?" My teammate asked. 

"I don't like her." 

"What'd she do to you?" 

"She stole my sister." 

Mallory nodded. 

"I wish I could help ya, Little Sanchez, but I can't tear them apart." She told me. 

"I get it." I sighed, and started popping the stolen popcorn. "You know, Mallory, I'm still mad that this is the gross kind." 

"I don't give a shit." She sung, and continued to hum as she cleaned up random things we had already made a mess of. 

People started to fill up the room. Some girls squeezed on the couch to the side of the room and a bunch filled the beds. 

Ashley came alone, and I was so happy. 

She climbed up next to me on my bed in the spot I saved for her with my pillows. 

"Trinity was talking to her mom. She'll be here any minute though." She told someone who asked. 

I rolled my eyes and luckily she didn't see it. 

"So what movie are we gonna watch?" Ashley asked. 

Everyone started to fight, and then finally Mal just picked one and everybody shut up. 

About 20 minutes in, Trinity came in. 

Everyone was happy to see her and started talking to her, making it too loud to hear the movie. 

"Trina thanks a lot! Now I can't hear the movie!" I complained. 

"That's...not my name." She said, and found a spot on Mallory's bed. 

"It is to me." 

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