Chapter 9

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"Geez, what size is this, extra extra small?" Kelley asked as she pulled my shirt over her head. 

"No. It's a medium." 

"Definitely not." She said. 

"I think it shrunk in the wash." 


"Doesn't fit me too well either." 

"Okay, enough about shrinking shirts. Ashley, you pick for Trinity." Said Alex. 

"Truth." Trinity said. 

"Alright...." Ashley grabbed a piece of paper. "Hottest person sitting in the circle?" 

"Um...." She looked around, and did a pretty obvious double take of me. "Alex." 

"Valid!" Kelley yelled. 

"The double take at Little Sanchez says otherwise." Mallory said. 

"Pugh I'm gonna fight you." I said. 

"Mallory be careful. She will." Ashley said. 

"Yeah. I slapped the SHIT outta Edelman the other day. It was hilarious." 

"Why would you do that? He's like 6'5. You're like 5'3. He would eat you up." 

"Would he?" I said. "He started crying when I hit him." 

"Let's be honest, here. You're not as tough as you let on, Little Sanchez." Said Trinity. 

"You really wanna start with me Trina?" 


"No you don't! No you don't! Stay sitting!" Ashley pushed her friend back down. 

"No, Ashley, I wanna know what she has to say!" I stood up. 

"I've got a lot actually." She stood up as well. 

"Oh yeah? Like what?" 

"I wanted to be friends with you. You're my best friend's little sister. And she talks about you all the time. How funny you are, how talented you are, how kind you are, how much she misses you....I waited to meet you here because I wanted to see that girl. I didn't want whatever asshole version I'm getting. And it honestly pisses me off. Like a lot. So spend all the time you want trying to make me miserable, and I'll do the same. Just keep in mind that it wasn't my intention coming into this." 

I didn't let my expression falter, I didn't move. I just stood there staring at her with my arms crossed, thinking of the right thing to say. 

Everybody around us sat there in silence holding theor breaths. 

"Got nothing to say to that?" She smirked. 

"I won't stop making you miserable. I hate you." 

"What did I really ever do that was soooo terrible?" 

"This dates back pretty far, but let's start with something the other day. It's my first camp. I know no one except my sister. Obviously I'm going to want to room with her, right? But noooo. You two are already getting your keys. Then she ignored our calls for an hour when I was in the ER getting 23 stitches in my wrist! I'm deathly afraid of needles and not that I didn't feel comfortable with Mallory and Kelley but it would have been so much easier for me if Ashley hadn't showed up last minute. I just need you to know your place. And my mission is going as planned, because I'm under your skin. That was my goal." 

Everyone around us was quiet and staring at Ashley. 

"Under MY skin?" Trinity asked. 

"Hell yeah." 

She scoffed and looked me dead in the eyes. 

"Well, consider me...." She did the most unexpected thing when she lifted my chin and kissed me, moving her hands down to my shoulders. "Under yours." 

I wanted to sit there shocked, but my snarky brain had to come up with something quick. 

"Get your hands off me, Rodman." I said, pushing her away. "Don't touch me." 

"Did I kiss better than Hatch?" She smirked. 


"Hell no." 

"You sure?" 


"Hell yes." 

"You wanna try again-" 

"Don't fucking touch me." I pushed her again. 

"You touched me first there!" 

"And there was no reason for you to fuckin kiss me but here we are!" 

"There was a need, because now I'm under your skin, in your brain, in your mind, I'll be there 24/7 and you know it." 

"No you won't." 

"Yes I will!" 

"Shut up!" I yelled, and everybody around me looked shocked, even Trinity.

"Ashley where'd your sister get this attitude?" Kelley asked quietly. 

"No clue." Answered Ashley. Then she got up and stepped in between Trinity and I, pushing me back to my spot. "We're gonna leave each other alone now." 

The rest of the time we played, we didn't have to talk or do anything. I think everybody was too afraid I'd knock the shit out of her if given the chance, and they were right. 

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