Chapter 17

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Jisung wakes up from his nap with the bickering of two people in the communal area where he slept. Winter knocked on early this year as well and the first snow has already fallen and covered the ground in a fine, white layer. It won't be long before it will be too cold to get outside again and honestly Jisung is dreading the idea more than every other year.
At least he's been sleeping like a rose these days. Where the others were complaining about the cold, Jisung hasn't had any problem warming up in his blankets and falling asleep in the blink of an eye. He has been tired often and blames it on the heavy work they had to do the last weeks before the snow piled up.
They had to gather potatoes and other tuberous plants out of their garden earlier than last year and that meant numerous hours of digging in the heavy dirt, cleaning their harvest and storing it properly in a week where they normally take two to four weeks. Jisung knows the hard work is what tired him out and sees it as his body reclaiming the rest for energy from those days.
But now his sleep is disturbed by none other than Felix and... Heikin?
Jisung rubs in his eyes as the two of them progressively get louder and louder in their argument and looks up to see them standing opposite of each other with angry faces.
"Stop it!" he hears Heikin yell. "I'm sick of the apologies. Just admit you're a worthless alpha and leave me alone!"
Now that wakes Jisung up immediately. No one ever called Felix worthless and for the female to say those hurtful words he must've said something equally painful to her, Jisung thinks.
"Worthless?! It's you who's one! You're the weakest alpha there is!"
The yelling wakes up other members of their pack and Jisung scrambles up when he sees Seungmin peek outside with a concerned face.
"Well, at least I protected her like someone else!" Heikin screams back and out of the other room appears Minho who blinks seeing them scream.
Felix growls deeply at Heikin who laughs at his face.
"Hah! See?! All you do is grunt and bark, but no bite. That's why you couldn't protect her. You let her die the moment you decided to run back home with your tail between your legs!"
Jisung now hurries over to stand between them, but he's already too late when Felix - Yeah, their always calm and collected pack member - lunges at her and tries to bite her in her arm. Heikin retracts her arm on time and growls back at him before raising her fist to stomp him in his face.
Within a moment all hell breaks loose and Jisung is pulled back by Seungmin who launches himself at him before the two fighting alpha's can harm their youngest omega. Jisung falls to the ground and with a big 'oof' the air is pressed out of his lunges. Meanwhile Felix kicks Heikin in her stomach making her take a few steps back before both fly at each other to keep fighting.
"Minho!" Seungmin yells at their pack Luna who is already running back to his room to get their pack alpha.
Jisung watches in horror how the two are throwing punches and kicks to each other, scratching at each other's skin and leaving bite marks on their arms.
"Stop them before they shift!" Hyunjin yells out of the other room with Changbin behind him, readying himself to get in between.
"Stop!" Chan hollers his voice through the room and sprints towards them to break up the fight.
Both alpha's don't seem to hear him and Chan physically has to stand between them - taking blows and claw marks - before snarling so loudly everyone in the room visibly shrinks from the intimidating sound.
"I said stop! You imbeciles!" Chan snarls at them and that gives Seungmin and Changbin enough time to pull the two away from each other to the other side of the room.
"What for the love of the moon has gotten into you two?!" Chan scolds to his left and right. "One moment you're ignoring each other and now you decide it's a good idea to fight? In the middle of our home?! You better explain yourselves right this moment!"
Both alpha's look away with angry looks, unwilling to speak up for their wrongdoings. Both are equally stubborn to admit their faults.
Jisung whimpers softly and Chan turns his head to him, seeing him on the ground with his hand around his chest.
"Don't tell me you attacked the pup?!" he hollers again before rushing over to Jisung who softly shakes his head while both Felix and Heikin look up with shocked faces.
"No! We never would!" Heikin exhales.
"Did we hurt him?!" Felix asks at the same time.
Jisung lets Chan inspect his chest and Seungmin quickly answers he had to push him away to avoid getting the omega trapped in between the fight.
"I think I pushed him too hard. He was gasping for air when he tried to get up," Seungmin explains to Chan who rubs Jisung's back before turning around with a face contorted with anger.
"Out! Both of you! Go stand in the snow cooling your heads till I call you back. I don't want to see both of your faces right now!"
Seungmin and Changbin take the two with them to the exit of the cave and all Jisung can see is how Heikin and Felix both try to look at him worriedly before running out when Chan gives another snarl.
"Oh Sungie!" Minho hurries out of his room when they are gone and crouches next to his mate to see if the youngest omega is alright. "Where does it hurt?" he asks and all Jisung can do is whine and nodding towards his chest.
"I seriously hope it's not a bruised rib," Minho mumbles and Chan grunts furiously next to him.
"What did we do wrong?!" he yells hopelessly. "Why were they fighting in the first place? And why didn't we pick up on their scents?"
He's blaming himself and Jisung tries his best to breath slowly to subdue the pain to talk to his pack leaders.
"Felix's smell turned sour before they came in," Hyunjin says behind them. "I thought he was having a brooding mood like a few days ago, but then I woke up to them fighting each other."
"Heikin has a weak scent. Maybe that's why you didn't pick up on it," Minho helps the stressed beta who walks over to Jeongin for comfort.
Jisung is confused with that as he was quite literally sleeping beneath their fighting and can't remember if he smelled Heikin at all before he woke up. That being said, he was deeply asleep.
"T-they blamed e-each other f-for Nelaya's d-death," Jisung huffs out, gaining the attention of Minho and Chan who both share a look.
"Explains a lot," Minho states and Chan nods.
"Still, that isn't an excuse to fight each other. If Seungmin hadn't stepped in, Ji would've gotten hurt."
"For now, let's get you some ointment and leave those two knuckleheads outside to cool off completely. You can scold them some more later," Minho calms his mate who still seems fed up with the situation. "Jeongi? Jinnie? Care to help me out in the kitchen? I think we could all use some hot soup and tea to get the day started."
He nods to Chan to help him get Jisung up and the youngest omega grunts when they lift him on his feet. The hard floor really got him and he has to grab on Chan's arm to stay up. They move him towards the seating area around the fireplace where Chan pokes up the smoldering pieces of coal from yesterday's fire. He sits Jisung down on a log seat before grabbing a few pieces of wood and a handful of twigs to get the fire properly started.
Jeongin rushes over from the kitchen towards Jisung to help him lift his shirt to put on the ointment.
"Don't think you bruised it, but it will leave a pretty ugly mark I think," he winches upon seeing the reddish skin on Jisung's back and front where Seungmin shoved him.
Jisung can only nod while holding up his shirt to let the beta leader do his work. Meanwhile Changbin comes back in, shaking fresh snowflakes out of his hair, telling them they're both back to ignoring each other and standing outside with Seungmin keeping an eye on them.
"Thank you," Chan says to him before looking over to Minho who enters the room with two mugs of tea. "Take one to Seungmin and tell him I'll get them in a few minutes. We have to check up on Jisung first."
The older omega nods and takes both mugs from his Luna before walking back to his mate. Minho walks back to the kitchen and Chan gives him a loving glance.
"I am planning on roasting the hell out of them. We don't tolerate fighting among each other in this pack and they should know that. Especially Felix. I don't know if I have to use my alpha voice again if things go south so I want to know if you want to stay in the same room or prefer to stay with one of us in another room?"
Jisung looks at his leader who gives him a warm glance back, wanting to ensure Jisung feels safe and not threatened by his intimidating stance.
"I'll stay," Jisung mumbles with a steady voice. "I'm worried about them."
Chan coos at him with that and Jisung has to withhold himself from nagging at his elder. Chan stands up to get the others and sends Changbin to the kitchen with Seungmin to help their mate while Jeongin and Minho come to assist their mate in scolding the two wrongdoers.
Both stay silent the whole time while Chan drills them with their pack rules and berates them for resorting to violence instead of talking things out.
"And you better apologize to Jisung," Chan nags at them. "Without Seungmin interfering in time you two would seriously have injured him!" He points at the young omega who stares from his leader towards the two alpha's who both lower their heads and give him apologizing looks.
"Oh, don't do that," Jisung softly says with his hands waving in front of him. "I get why they fought. We're all upset with the loss of Nelaya. I'm just sad you fight each other because of that."
Chan sighs while both alpha's glance over to each other ashamed. Minho strokes Jisung's head and purrs softly at him.
"You're too soft, Ji," he says, playing with the younger's hair.
Chan glares at the two in front of him. "Well then, I think snowshovel duty for the next two weeks is a sufficient punishment." He looks over his shoulder to Minho and Jeongin. "And the two of you have to talk it out together. Doesn't matter how long it takes, no meals before you two work it out."
With that he walks over to one of their storage rooms to gather shovels to hand them over. They both don't complain and silently walk after the pack leader towards the exit and Jeongin can't help but chuckle softly. "Chan went soft on them too," he smirks and Jisung hears Minho humm above him. "That's because he has a soft spot for both of them."
"And you don't?" Jeongin teases his mate.
Minho growls playfully at his mate and Jisung crunches up his nose at them.

Later that evening Jisung finds his bed occupied with none other than the two alpha's. Curled up against each other and asleep from exhaustion it seems. Hyunjin walks past Jisung who silently points at his bed. Hyunjin snickers and shrugs before walking over to his own room. The young omega blinks a few times to make any sense out of the situation.
"First they fight, now they claim my bed," he mumbles to himself.
Not sure what to do, he decides to walk over to the other side of the room to prop up a spare blanket and makes himself comfortable to sleep there. It's not as warm as his own furs, but good enough as the omega already feels warm. He glances over one more time to the cozy alpha's and he bites his lower lip when his stomach makes a weird turn. Gosh, he hopes with enough distance they won't trigger his heat like this, cause in his mind he wants to snuggle up in between them so badly right now.
No, it's the heat thoughts, he shakes himself out of his thoughts.
"Just go to sleep, you idiot," He mumbles to himself before closing his eyes.
Ouch, his back hurts...

The next day he wakes up sweating buckets. His vision is blurry and his muscles sore, but what did he expect with his bruised back and the uncomfortable positioning he must've wriggled himself in whilst sleeping.
With a cramped up stomach and a pounding headache he tries to get up and drags himself to the entrance of their cave to hopefully get some fresh air to lift up the fogginess in his head. To his surprise he stops when the entrance is blocked with a good few meters of snow where yesterday Heikin and Felix shoveled most of it away. Did he really sleep through the howling wind from the seemingly not calmed down snowstorm?
Although he can't go outside, he's more than happy feeling the cold air coming in and cooling his burning skin. Jisung crouches down to the ground when another cramping in his stomach plays up and he grunts to accommodate the spasming muscles.
"Gosh, why?" he mumbles softly.
He knows why, but tries to deny it. Not when he has no safe room to retract into without unwanted scents. But going back into the communal area is also not an option. He stays near the entrance and even though he's burning up he's also shivering from the cold.
He hears Felix waking up and calling for his name. He probably noticed he's occupying Jisung's bed with Heikin by now and doesn't know where he is. Jisung contemplates if he should call him over or not. He doesn't need to think for long, because his nose fills up with Felix's scent, indicating the boy is coming closer.
"S-stay there!" Jisung whines and the approaching footsteps halt.
"Oh...OH!" he hears Felix say, probably smelling him.
Behind him he hears Heikin come closer as well and Jisung wants to grunt frustratedly.
"Wait, Heikin— He's in—," Felix can't finish his sentence when Heikin ignores him and rushes over to Jisung.
Jisung expects to be hit with her alpha scent, although faint, but he's not picking up on anything. She kneels next to him and places a hand on his back.
"Oh dammit. You're burning up," she mumbles before wrapping her arm around him to help him stand up. "Why in your right mind would you go wander off when your heat is kicking in," she scolds him and Jisung can't do anything else than let out a muffled moan which makes the girl shriek and Jisung wants to visibly bury himself into the ground.
"Felix. Felix! Lix! Stop staring and get your Luna!" Heikin scolds the still frozen alpha.
"H-how are you— Why is he okay with you?!" he asks, but Heikin hisses at him to hurry.
"No time for useless questions," she scoffs. "Get Minho!"
And with that Felix scrambles out of there and a moment later Minho and Changbin come back to them.
"Where's Felix?" Heikin asks, looking behind them.
"Are you crazy?" Changbin hollers at her and Heikin looks at them with a big frown. "Get away from him and go gather your stuff from his room!"
Jisung feels Heikin stiff up next to him and he feels bad for them scolding her.
"H-hei?" he softly whimpers, gaining her attention. "A-alpha's are dan-dangerous f-for me r-right now, remember?" His abdomen cramp up again and he lets out a half laughing, half in pain sound and Heikin stares at him baffled.
"It's okay, girl," Minho appeases her. "Just gather your stuff from Jisung's room. He needs a safe place for now. We'll find another place for you to sleep. Don't worry. Chan can explain it all."
Heikin retracts her hands of Jisung and uncertainty steps away from him. She glances over at Changbin and Minho before rushing away to find the others. Changbin quickly replaces her to help Jisung stand up and walk him back to the communal room.
"Did his heat finally pop up?" Jeongin asks when they come back.
Minho nods and asks if Heikin already left his old room. Jisung scrunches his nose when they walk past his makeshift bed on the ground where Heikin and Felix slept on and he can't help but let out an embarrassing moan. His eyes roll a little back in his head and his knees get weak.
Changbin grabs him firmer by his waist and Jisung drops his head to hide his red face. Why?! Why did it have to kick in when all of his pack members are there! And why did his body find it a good idea to show his neediness exactly at the place where the two unmated of his pack were not too long ago. He. Is. Not. Interested!
He can repeat that logic as much as he wants, his wolf is wiggling and whining for them. Useless, stupid omega brain.
Heikin comes out of his old room and stiffens again, seeing the weak state he's in and the others all staring at the two of them. Her face gets as red as Jisung's and she hurries over to Chan who's waiting for her in his room to explain how his pack deals with Jisung whenever his heat kicks in.
"I-I want to be a-alone," Jisung mumbles, embarrassed to the max.
Minho goes to his room first to sniff if there's any lingering pheromones that could cloud Jisung's mind, but after a moment he pops his head out and says it's clear.
Changbin drags Jisung over and just like Minho said, the room doesn't smell like alpha scent at all.
"Thank the moon she's nowhere near as strong as Felix," Changbin grumbles, putting Jisung in his original bed and gathers different furs and clothes for him to build a nest. Jisung firstly lays there, his knees reaching up to his chest and groaning in pain before he holds his hand up when Changbin grabs a blanket. That particular piece calls for him and he snuggles up on it when Changbin hands it over to him.
"JiJi, do you need anything?" Minho warmly asks him.
Jisung shakes his head and points at the door. A silent request for them to get the fuck out to leave him alone with his miserable state.
Both omega's do as asked and Minho tells him he'll check up on him in a few hours.
Jisung doesn't want that, but knows he will need it. No way he's gonna go outside of his room with the knowledge Heikin and Felix both witnessed how his heat triggered. He's better off wailing in his own sorrow and shame.
And oh, the shame... It. Is. So. Wrong...
The pure longing and lusting thoughts popping up. His body is craving them and his brain is one big mess after a few hours. And this isn't even on his peak, he knows. It's one big circus of him shivering, cramping and wanting relief.
He bites down in one of the furs to muffle his embarrassing moans and groans. His desperate mumbles for an alpha or beta to help him go through it. To satisfy him.
The worst part - as he had feared - is when the unknown ones are replaced with available ones. Oh he despises his brain and body right now. He would much rather imagine his pack alpha or Luna go at it and help him. Heck he would much rather fantasize about his beta leader than having Felix and Heikin pop up in his mind, whispering sweet or even vulgaire things to him and helping him go through his heat. Is he really nothing more than a sick little puddle of biology? He's handed over to his subgender which can only think about one thing; breeding.
Successful or not. His body wants to mate, to breed and to feel satisfied.
At one point he doesn't even know if the tears running down his cheeks are those of despair or pure frustration. 

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