Chapter 7

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"Go away, Jisung," Heikin warns him for the fourth time.
They're near the river where Heikin is tasked with filling buckets with water. Jisung wanted to go as well to wash off some bowls he used to marinate meat in and is now pestering the female alpha. He lost his bar of soap almost three times in a row, making the alpha pick it up before it would drift off with the current and after that he washed his bowls too wild, flicking off splatters of suds against her. Maybe intentional, maybe not.
And now he was balancing on one of the slippery rocks sticking out of the water for fun.
"I swear, if you fall—."
"I won't!" he nags back at her, making the alpha grunt and going back to her task of filling up the last bucket. She would've gathered enough water by now and that means playtime is over for Jisung.
"Why are you even here if you're not going to help?" she nags at him and Jisung simply shrugs his shoulders.
"I like being outside," he replies whilst almost falling over.
The alpha shoots up to him, but he catches his balance and lifts one eyebrow at her. "See? Won't fall."
She exhales out loud and turns around to search for the bucket she dropped. She looks around and Jisung points to her left.
"Byebye tiny boat," he coos at the bucket drifting away while he waves it goodbye.
"Are you kidding me?" she exhales and Jisung chuckles.
"Happens all the time. Wait, are you—," he halts mid sentence when she wades after it through the stream.
"Don't!" he tries to stop her. "Are you crazy? It's freezing cold! We'll gather it a bit— wait!"
He jumps off the slippery rock into the water as well when she pulls off her tunic over her head and tosses it to the river bedding and plunges herself into the deeper part of the river to swim after the bucket. Jisung gasps seeing her disappear under water and picks up her half wet tunic to clasp it in his hands.
"Heikin!" he yells.
After a moment he sees her popping up on the surface and swiftly swimming back towards him with the bucket balancing on her head. Jisung can only stare at her when she wades her way up to the shallow parts and throws the bucket on land before grabbing her tunic out of his hands.
"Happy now?" she bitches to him whilst pulling the tunic back over her head. Her wet undershirt stains her tunic and the wet fabric of her pants cling uncomfortably around her legs.
"Why did you go after it?" he finally manages to say.
"Why? Why not?! Losing a good bucket is costly, idiot," she scolds him and Jisung feels offended.
"And freezing to death isn't?"
She huffs and squeezes water out of her trousers. "It's worth the energy," she nags before stepping out of the water to pick up the remaining buckets.
"Would cost less energy if you just waited for it to wash ashore around the corner," Jisung mocks her.
She stills in her movement to turn around and look him right in the eyes. "And why mention that only now?" she says with a dangerously low voice, but Jisung is not impressed and puffs up his chest.
"Because a certain hothead didn't listen," he says with a tinge of schmuck in his voice whilst making an attempt to jump back on the rock he played on before.
"Hey, look over there!"
He shrieks when he tries to land and barely catches the bucket she throws at him. Jisung yelps and loses his balance, falling on his behind in the water. The bucket almost drifts off again before he quickly grabs it.
Heikin is lifting the other filled up buckets and smirks back at him.
"Won't fall huh?"

"Jisung!? Do you think these are ripe yet?"
Jisung sighs hearing the sweet voice of Nelaya calling for his help. He wanted to go with Seungmin and Minho to patrol on the north side of their territory, but instead got saddled up with babysitting the other omega. Now he knows how his pack members feel.
The female omega is a sweetheart, don't get him wrong, but she needs help with almost everything. Most of the time she asks her sister or Felix for help, but lately she started pestering Jisung for attention as well.
With her big doe-like eyes it's almost impossible to turn her down and he hates how he secretly likes having an excuse to do the utmost omega-like things with her. From flower picking and making flower arrangements to making delicate embroideries on their clothes, things he would never do as he felt it would be 'too omegalike' as a male.
Most of the time it's either Felix or Heikin watching over them and both don't seem to mind him doing the girly activities with her. No, Felix even encouraged him to keep doing them when Hyunjin had laughed at him when he saw them braiding tiny strings together for delicate bracelets. Felix even asked Jisung to make him one specifically.
Heikin is doting on her sister like always, giving her cuddles whenever she can or simply patting her head whenever she walks past. Always sure to avoid Jisung in the process.

"No, those are definitely not ripe yet," he hears Heikin tell her sister, but Nelaya isn't having it.
"I asked Jiji," she sasses her sister who scoffs at her with disbelief.
"Not ripe, but you can eat them," Jisung replies. "And my name is Ji-sung. J-I-S-U-N-G," he spells out.
She ignores his nagging and plucks one of the berries to put it in her mouth, only to make a sour face.
"Told you!" Heikin tells her when the omega spits it out and smacks her mouth.
"Why did you lie?" she whines.
Jisung shrugs and continues picking the ripe ones on top of the bush he's foraging and placing the berries in the basket under his arm. "I said you could eat them, not that they would be tasty."
She huffs and turns around to walk off towards Felix who is sharpening one of his knives whilst sitting on a tree trunk. "Lix, can you help me pick the ones higher up as well? I'm too short," she begs him.
Felix glances over to us, oblivious of what happened a moment ago and simply nods. "Should I transform so you can stand on my back?" he asks and with a slight blush she nods.
Jisung rolls his eyes seeing how she averts her eyes while Felix flicks off his shirt and turns around to take off his pants. He hears Heikin scoff behind him and sees how she's not ashamed of looking at the male alpha.
"Giving us a show?" she jokes and Felix quickly shifts to escape her staring.
Jisung makes a reprimanding noise towards her but she chuckles back without shame. "What? He mindlessly strips whenever to shift, but gets flustered if I call him out for it? That's bull."
Jisung pushes against her shoulder to stop her foul mouthing. "Be nice!"
Now she rolls her eyes and they both go back to their task for gathering more berries. After a while Jisung can't see Felix nor Nelaya and he mentions it to the female alpha.
"Nah, they're probably around the corner. She's okay if she's with your alpha friend."
Jisung can't help but feel a little knot in his stomach for leaving those two alone, but it is not his business anyway. He lowers his basket on the ground and sees some big, ripe berries lower to the ground.
"Jackpot!" he happily exclaims, carefully reaching around the thorns of the bush to reach forward.
"Do you watch out?" he hears Heikin say behind him.
"Well, there's a lot of thorns and there are certain animals using them to protect their homes."
Jisung ignores her and crawls back with a handful of the juiciest berries he proudly holds up.
"I don't care about a few pricks. It's worth it. Look!"
She curiously inspects them and even dares to steal one out of his hands to gobble up.
"Hey!" Jisung retracts his hands quickly to protect his prize.
The female alpha closes her eyes and savors the taste with a wide smile. She reaches her hand out again, but Jisung holds it out of her reach.
"Go pick your own!" he scolds her and the alpha sighs before lowering on her knees to see where Jisung picked them from.
"Doesn't that look like a nest?" she asks him and Jisung looks down at her with his cheeks filled with the juicy treats.
"You look ridiculous," she snickers and Jisung can only give her an angry stare back before lowering himself as well to glance past her to where she points.
"Nah, probably just a pile of leaves caught together in spiderrag," he replies when swallowing.
"Are you sure? Let me check it." She reaches her arm out to touch the leaf pile when they get surprised with an angry shriek.
Out of the pile fly a few birds who definitely don't like being disturbed in their own safe home and two of them - probably the parents- zoom around their hands and pick them wherever they can.
"Ouch! Get back!" Heikin ushers Jisung who crawls back and scurries away when one of the birds flies up out of the bushes to dive towards him. Heikin follows him - scratching her arms and hands in the process- with the other bird pecking angrily at her.
"Stop- Stop that!" Jisung waves his hands above his head to scare off the birds to no avail. "Ow! What the hell! We weren't attacking your nest. Ah! Retreat!" He stands up and tries to run away from the bird still diving at him with its sharp claws.
"Jisung! Don't you dare leave me here!" Heikin yells at him, also protecting her hair and face for dear life from the merciless attacks the bird inflicts on her.
They both run into the direction they saw Felix and Nelaya for the last time and yell loudly when the birds don't seem to let them go.
"How are they- Ouch! How are they this aggressive!? They're- Ow! T-tiny!" Heikin whines between receiving two attacks and Jisung can't help but laugh maniacally while they run to retreat.
"Ow! Lix! Li— owowow! LIX!" he yells laughing and when they turn around the corner of a big oak tree he can see how his pack member lifts his head at them and stares together with Nelaya standing next to him as the two of them pass them with the birds still going after them.
"Are those-," Nelaya can't even finish her sentence when Felix sits up and smacks one bird out of the air with a soft paw. The other bird screeches at its mate and stops following Jisung who quickly hides behind Heikin.
The bird on the ground shakes its head, disoriented for a moment, before flying up again and going back to their nest together with its companion. Leaving them alone. They all stare at each other for a moment before Nelaya starts giggling.
"You let them attack you like that? Two wolves running for their lives from two birdies? Look at you!" She now laughs out loud and Jisung can't help smirk at the adorable sound she produces until he looks up to the female alpha he's hiding behind. Heikin crosses her arms and glares at him.
"This is your—."
"Not mine!" he interjects.
Heikin widens her eyes at him and gets ready to make him regret his words.
"Han Jisung! Get your ass over here!" she yells when he sprints away as quickly as possible.

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