Chapter 8

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"Thanks to you, we lost another good basket," Heikin whispers at him when they arrive back from their foraging trip with empty hands.
At least Nelaya and Felix did their parts and showed Minho their findings. The pack Luna croons at them and rewards them with a soft scratch under his muzzle for Felix and a doting hand caressing Nelaya's cheek.
"Good job my cuties. Now go get yourselves some tea and wait till lunch is ready." He pats them both again and ushers them towards the kitchen before turning around. His smiling face drastically turning into a storm and Jisung knows he fucked up.
He gives a small whine, but it has little to no effect on Minho.
"And for you two. Really? Birds made you drop your baskets? Do you think I would ever believe that petty excuse?"
Heikin opens her mouth, wanting to interrupt Minho, but Jisung knows it's futile.
"Ap! Zip it!" Minho barks at her and Jisung is again surprised how quick the alpha complies to his pack Luna's words. If it was Seungmin he would at least try to growl or huff at Minho. Heck, even Felix would keep defending himself until Minho would grab him in his neck glands to calm down. But the female alpha just pouts and lowers her head.
"Sorry, Minho," she says, glaring at Jisung as if it's all his fault.
Jisung stares back and makes a mocking face to her. Minho swats his head and Jisung holds his hands protectively over it in case there would be another swat coming his way.
"As punishment for losing yet another basket, you'll be crafting what you lost. No food until you're finished."
Minho points to their storage room and tells Heikin Jisung knows where the materials are.
"Aw come one!" Jisung huffs, but already makes his way over to the room. "No food?! You know it takes at least an hour to weave one, Minho hyung!"
The pack Luna doesn't give in. "And it took you less time to lose one. Now hurry up if you still want lunch at a respectable time."
Both whine and pick up the needed materials and carry them towards the cave entrance to start crafting there. Jisung pokes up the smothering fire outside to at least keep them warm while he sits on the cold ground and starts bending twigs and securing them with twine.
Heikin watches how his fingers weave the start without trouble and Jisung can't help but feel a little bit proud.
"Intrigued? I bet your stupid alpha paws can't weave this delicate at all. Should I help you start, hmm?"
Instead of getting angry, Heikin looks bored with his mockery and places one hand under her chin.
"Oh by all means, my lovely, crafty omega. Please help this stupid alpha set up a weave so she can try to follow your lead."
Jisung is thrown off a little by her words and he feels how his neck heats up hearing her mockery pleads at him. He scoffs and hands over the weave starter he just made.
"Don't try that stupid flattery. I'll show you how it's done. I'll be eating lunch within half an hour. Mark my words!"
Heikin chuckles and reaches forward to pick up some dried leaves.
"Sure thing, but you better hurry up. Would be a shame if I already ate up your portion."
Jisung gasps and immediately ducks to get to work, turning his back towards the female.
His hands work like crazy and he mumbles to himself how he would show her. Just like that.

After a good thirty minutes Jisung holds up his work. It's most definitely not his best, but he did it! Half an hour later, the whole basket finished.
She's probably still struggling with the first few rows, Jisung thinks smugly. Where alpha's are renown for their strengths and agility, omega's are known to be precise and secure workers. Weaving is like his second nature by now.
When he turns around to see how his opponent is faring he is shocked to see she's almost finished as well. She still has a few rows left to go, but those won't take her long.
The other thing Jisung notices is that - against his earlier beliefs - she did a fairly decent job. No, she managed to make a pretty good weave on par with his own!
Not wanting to admit defeat when he looks at his own hastily made basket he scoffs and keeps his craft behind his back.
"Seems like I will feast like a king," he teases her.
Heikin doesn't look up from her work and tells him to have a nice meal, but Jisung can see her small smile when she notices he's been staring at her working hands.
"Euh. I will," he stumbles over his words and scurries his used materials to bring them back to the storage room.
Minho hums at him when he shows his work, but gives him the benefit of the doubt and tells him to pick up his food from the kitchen.
For a moment Jisung considers stealing the alpha's meal as well, but decides to only steal one piece of meat out of her stew and leave her the rest before sitting with the rest of the pack members.
When Heikin is done and also goes into the kitchen, she comes back with her bowl and a frown on her face when she looks over to Jisung who averts his eyes.
Her low chuckle can only be heard by her sister who curiously stares up to her, tilts her head and decides to let it rest.

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