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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Araansh awoke to the soft melodies of the morning, the sun painting hues of warmth across his room. As he moved through the routine of dressing and preparing for the day, a subtle yet undeniable excitement hummed beneath his surface. Today was significant, a milestone marked not just by the present but a poignant anniversary from a decade past.

Araansh cast a glance at the calendar, a silent acknowledgment passing through his gaze. Today marked ten years since he first encountered Geetanjali Arora, an encounter that would shape the contours of his heart for years to come.

In the quiet solitude of his room, Araansh allowed the tendrils of memory to wind around him. Ayaansh's school, a new chapter in his life, and a chance meeting that would set the stage for a tale of love and destiny.

Araansh's POV

The first time I saw her, I was a mere stranger wandering through the unfamiliar halls of my older brother Ayaansh's school. Ayaansh had insisted on showing me around, introducing me to his friends. Little did I know that amid the chaos of that first day, I would lock eyes with the captivating Geetanjali Arora.

She was two years my senior, a fact I would only discover later, but at that moment, all I knew was that she possessed an aura that drew me in. Radiant and intelligent, Geetanjali, or as everyone called her, Geeta, stood out effortlessly in the crowded school corridors. As I became a part of the same school, I couldn't help but observe her from a distance.

My fascination with her only deepened as I noticed her interactions with Ayaansh and their shared friend circle. Geeta's laughter echoed through the hallways, and her confidence left an indelible mark on my impressionable mind. I found myself caught in the gravitational pull of her charm, unable to divert my gaze whenever she was around.

In those early days, I would catch glimpses of her through the classroom window, surrounded by friends, her laughter carrying through the air like a melody. I couldn't deny the magnetic force that pulled me towards her. Ayaansh noticed my preoccupation and chuckled, "Arrey bhai, kya hai? Kuch zyada hi focus hai tu Geeta pe!" (What's up, brother? You seem a bit too focused on Geeta!)

But my infatuation remained my secret, my silent admiration, and I resolved to keep it that way. Geeta was older, and rumors swirled about my feelings for her from our brief encounters. I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, especially when Ayaansh and I were still adjusting to being in the same school.

As the years passed, our lives took separate paths. I moved to a different school, and the memory of Geeta lingered like a sweet fragrance. Fate, however, had its own plans. We found ourselves once again in the same space, this time in the hallowed halls of a medical college. The senior-junior dynamic emerged, but my feelings for Geeta remained unchanged.

Geetanjali's POV

As the soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, I roused from my slumber, greeted by the promise of a new day. With a sigh, I pushed aside the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, my mind already buzzing with the tasks that lay ahead.

"Arre, ye 8th March hai na?" I muttered to myself, the date stirring a memory buried deep within the recesses of my mind. A memory that held the echoes of a chance encounter ten years ago – a moment that would shape the course of my life in ways I couldn't fathom then.

With practiced ease, I made my way to the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath my feet grounding me in the present. As I brushed my teeth, my gaze wandered to the mirror, and for a fleeting moment, I caught sight of a girl with a past she couldn't escape.

Back to the present, I continued getting ready, my mind drifting to the freshers joining the medical college today. I scanned through the list, reading the names with a mix of curiosity and routine. And then, there it was – Araansh Khanna. A name that sent a ripple of memories through the corridors of time.

I remembered the way he had looked at me, his gaze lingering a moment too long, as if trying to decipher the mysteries hidden beneath the surface. Despite his reserved demeanor, there was a warmth in his eyes that drew me in, inviting me to unravel the layers of his quiet intensity.

"Nahi yaar, yeh wahi Araansh hoga?" I questioned myself, unsure if time had played its tricks. But somewhere deep inside, an anticipation stirred, as if the universe was conspiring to bring together the threads we had unknowingly woven in our past.

As I stepped into the medical college, my heart echoed with the footsteps of the past, the promise of a day where the old and the new would collide, setting the stage for a tale that defied the boundaries of time.

Author's POV

As the morning sun cast its golden glow over the world, Araansh and Geetanjali found themselves on opposite ends of the same journey. Araansh, lost in memories of a decade-old encounter, and Geetanjali, stirred by the unexpected familiarity of a name from the past.

Little did they know that the threads of their shared history would weave them together once again, guiding them down a path where the echoes of the past would shape the contours of their future. As they stepped into the day ahead, each carried with them the weight of unfinished stories and the promise of new beginnings yet to unfold.

The stage was set, the characters awakened from the depths of the past, as the day unfolded, revealing the chapters of a story that transcended time and circumstance.


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