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Author's POV

The therapist's office exuded an air of calmness, but for Mihir and Sia, it was a battlefield of emotions. Soft lighting and comfortable chairs cocooned them, yet the shadows of anxiety loomed large. Weeks of therapy hadn't lifted the storm in Mihir's mind, and Sia, sitting by his side, felt the weight of the unresolved.

As they stepped out into the city, the therapist's words faded, replaced by the bustling sounds around them. Sia paused, turning to face Mihir, her eyes a reflection of determination. The city's cacophony seemed to hush, leaving just the two of them standing at a pivotal moment.

"Mir," Sia began, her voice a mix of gentleness and urgency, "We can't keep avoiding this. Therapy hasn't given us the clarity we need. I can see you hurting, and I need to understand. What's happening inside you?"

Mihir's eyes, once bright, now carried a distant gaze. "Sia, it's not something I can easily put into words. It's like a cloud, following me, casting shadows on everything, even us."

Frustration tinged Sia's voice. "Mihir, we've tried everything, but it feels like we're stuck in a loop. I can't watch you struggle in silence. I need to know what's happening, what's trapping you in your own mind."

Mihir's gaze dropped, avoiding the intensity in Sia's eyes. "I can't just explain it, Sia. It's irrational, uncontrollable. I can't make sense of it myself."

Sia's patience, worn thin, echoed in her words. "Mihir, we're a team. I married you for better or worse. I need to know what's haunting you, what's trapping you."

Mihir's frustration surfaced. "You wouldn't understand. It's like a fear of losing control, of not being enough. The anxiety tells me I'll fail, that everything will crumble."

Sia stepped closer, her eyes unwavering. "Mihir, I married you because I believe in us. I can't stand watching you fight alone. Tell me what scares you, what keeps you awake at night."

Mihir ran a hand through his hair, a sign of exasperation. "I'm scared of not being enough, of losing everything. The anxiety makes me doubt everything."

Tears welled in Sia's eyes as she reached for Mihir's trembling hand. "You have me, Mir. We can face this together. Your fears are not the truth. But I need you to let me in, to share the burden."

Mihir's shoulders slumped, weariness etched on his face. "I don't want to lose you, Sia. But I don't know how to let go of this fear."

Sia embraced Mihir, her words a soft assurance. "Then let's figure it out together. We'll find a way to chase away the shadows, Mihir, one step at a time."

As they stood entwined, the city resumed its symphony around them. In the embrace of their shared vulnerability, a new chapter unfolded—one where shadows were confronted, and the journey toward healing began.

Same evening, Shatakshi sat Mihir down and gently spoke to him about his anxiety. She told him how much she loved him and how she wanted to help him overcome this obstacle. She also expressed her concerns about their marriage and how she missed the intimacy they could've shared.

Mihir's eyes filled with tears as he realized the toll his anxiety had taken on their relationship. He apologized to Shatakshi for not being able to control his feelings and promised to try harder.

After cooking and having dinner together, they decided to watch some movies while having some wine to celebrate the new beginning in their relationship.. They were ready for the next step in their lives..

After completing 2 and an half hour of the movie they were not very drunk and still in their senses.. They helped each other to carry themselves towards the shared bedroom..

As they lay in each other's arms, Sia couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness. She had never imagined that an arranged marriage could turn out to be so fulfilling.

 She had always wrote stories of couples in arranged marriages being unable to connect with each other, but she and Mihir were different.

Their love will blossom slowly but surely. Although it started with small gestures of kindness towards each other, they will eventually turn into deep admiration and love. 

She was amazed by how well they complemented each other, despite being two completely different individuals. As they gazed into each other's eyes, they both knew that tonight was going to be special.

She traced her fingers along Mihir's jawline, and he leaned in to kiss her softly. Their lips met in a gentle and loving kiss, and they both felt a spark ignite within them. Alcohol surely had an effect on them..

As they continued to kiss, their hands roamed freely, exploring each other's bodies. Shatakshi could feel her heart beating faster as Mihir's.

They both lost themselves in the moment, forgetting about everything else. It was just the two of them, wrapped in each other's arms, and nothing else mattered. Sia felt a sense of completeness as she gave herself to her Mir completely.

But as the night turned into day, Mihir's emotions started to change. He couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion that was creeping in his mind. He had always thought that an arranged marriage would never work, but here he was, deeply in love with his wife. Mihir couldn't understand his feelings, and it scared him. His behaviour was still unknown to her.

As he got ready for work, Mihir couldn't help but feel like he had made a mistake. He couldn't imagine a life without his Sia, but at the same time, he wanted her to leave before his condition worsen. He tried to push these thoughts away and focus on his work, but they kept coming back.


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