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Shresth's POV (9 years ago)

I saw Kashish and Sirisha talking and giggling with each other.. I feel like a part of them don't like each other, but they still care for each other.. 

Today our friends were still shipping each other again as usual when she stood up.. "Guys.. If she is not saying anything, it's not like we are going to use her.. It's more than enough for today.." She said.. Although she teased me about her later, but still.. Definitely a weirdo

I feel like nowadays all I do is talk about her.. And I can't understand why Karan is behaving like a dog (I can't curse here) to her.. Like she does not even say anything to him.. Maybe insecurity.. But why is he getting insecure..?

Sirisha's POV (9 years ago)

Being a new admission is hard.. Finding yourself between new faces is even harder.. If I ever had a chance, I would never come here in the first place..

Hi.. I am Sirisha.. New student of Greendale Community School.. The most talked about school in the town..

I don't know what to talk about.. About my classmates, let's skip this part.. I don't know how to describe them yet.. Someone of them are one of the kind and some one of them are..
Let's move on..

I am an outspoken person.. I am not able to command on what I speak sometimes.. I try to control myself, but when people get on my nerves (which is most of the time) I end up saying something which hurts me more than them..

I made some new friends.. Vishakha, Sanya, Avni and Kashish.. I tell you don't listen to the Shresth guy of my class.. He is just like a manipulative person.. I don't know why, but he is someone who is so unacceptable by me..

From the first day to know.. Everything in school is managed by Mr. Shresth Chaudhry.. It's not like I am jealous or something, I know that he has achieved all this from his own efforts.. But can't these people get some new ideas.. Some fresh minds..

He is a nice guy but you know some points about him is so irritating.. But he and Kashish look good together though.. (Sorry K)
I don't know what they feel for each other.. All I want is them to be happy.. With each other or without each other

Kashish.. She has a similar nature like me, but still very different.. She is talkative, non serious and definitely someone who blushes too much.. (Shresth's ideal type)
And then Shresth.. A typical elephant.. I don't know why I call him elephant.. But whenever I see them, it reminds me of him..

I don't know if it is stupid of me, but I feel like Shresth is getting too attached to me.. Like we just know each other for few months, but he behaves like I am someone so close or precious to him.. I don't want to disappoint me, but I will advise him to stay away from me..

And his bestfriend Karan.. He is so creep.. Like okay, I know I judge people too quickly, but I just hate like typical hate him.. He is so annoying.. During the school function he was after me like a creep and when it all ended he started behaving like a dog.. (No curses)

I don't know much about him, nor I want to know.. Maybe I have to accept him the way he is after all..

Leave him.. We were talking about my classmates.. I am most close to Vishakha and Avni.. They are kind of someone who help to grow a lot.. About Vishaka.. I can't say this is 100 percent true, but this how we are.. Nobody is perfect.. And they don't even have to be perfect..

Shresth's POV (Flashback Over)

I am sitting inside a cafeteria near Safdurjung AIIMS.. I don't know why, but the thought of having her all attention over me gets butterflies in the stomach..

I heard the door bell ring again, but stayed on my place.. I am sitting here for half an hour and still their is no clue.. Last night I talked to Vishaka.. She invited me in her wedding and also told me about Sirisha's visit to this cafeteria.. We talked face to face after so many years.. We were in touch with each other through social media accounts..

They did their MBBS together in Rishikesh so maybe that is why she knows this much about her.. She was the close friend of Kashish also.. I asked her about her, but she replied in negative.. I hope she is happy.. Sometimes I feel like I should have confessed to her about my feelings of Sirisha..

She was putting efforts over me.. And I took them for granted.. I am really changed from what I was earlier..

Outspoken and always fun going Shresth got changed into strict into few years.. I am going to  be the new CEO of the hospital chains around the country which were operated by my family..

I never wanted to be a businessman, so they decided make me the CEO of the hospitals.. And the other industry business was handled by younger brother Yuvaansh.. He is two years younger than me..

I lifted my eyes from my phone and found her sitting over a chair and texting someone with a smile on her face.. How could she smile at someone else..?

I went near her and coughed a little to get her attention.. She lifted her eyes and chocked on her coffee.. I passed her a tissue.. She cleaned her mouth and motioned me to take a seat..

I sat in front of her with a smile on my handsome face..

"Hi.. You here..?" She asked while placing he phone on the table.. "Hi.. I was passing from her, so decided to take a break.. What about you..?" I asked..

"My shift got over early today, so I came here.." She said and sipped her coffee.. We were quiet for sometimes when I started to speak..

"You left the party early yesterday.. I felt like you were running away from me.." I asked.. She sighed and looked down..

"It's just.. I never thought I will see you again.. It was quite surprising.. Maybe that is why.." She was confused.. "I love giving surprises.." I joked..

"And I hate surprises.. I think you remember.." She smirked.. 

Sirisha Roy is the woman of few words.. She is the most planned person you can ever meet.. She has her timetable ready for everything.. One thing off from her schedule without planning and she will make sure that you will never talk to her again..

She never sugarcoats her talks, which the best thing about her.. She is honest.. Brutally honest.. But however she is.. She is very simple..

However she is.. She is mine...


Sirf TumNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ