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Dear Starrrys,
Before starting let me explain something..
This chapter is written by AI.. I have only complied the data together for this chapter..

Author's POV

In the quiet corners of matrimony, Mihir and Shatakshi began their married life, stepping into the unknown with a canvas waiting to be painted. The days after their wedding unfolded like a storybook, each page holding moments of understanding, laughter, and the gentle blossoming of love.

As the morning sun bathed their Delhi home in a warm glow, Mihir and Shatakshi sat down for breakfast. Mihir, still wrestling with his anxiety, felt a sense of comfort in Shatakshi's presence, like a lighthouse guiding him through the stormy seas of his mind.

"How was your sleep, Mir?" Shatakshi asked, her eyes filled with warmth.

Mihir, sipping his morning tea, grinned. "Surprisingly good. Your presence has a calming effect."

Shatakshi chuckled, "Maybe I should market it as a remedy for sleepless nights."

Their laughter echoed in the cozy space, a melody hinting at the growing connection between them. Yet, beneath the surface, Mihir's anxieties lingered like shadows, waiting to be dispelled.

As the day unfolded, Shatakshi, always the storyteller, began sketching the narrative of their shared life. "Mir, let's explore this beautiful city together. There's so much to see, and I want us to create memories that will last a lifetime."

Mihir, grateful for Shatakshi's proactive approach, agreed. "That sounds wonderful. I've spent so much time buried in work; it's time to rediscover Delhi through your eyes."

Their exploration became a journey of discovery. From serene parks to bustling markets, Mihir and Shatakshi navigated the city hand in hand. Shatakshi, like a guide to the unexplored facets of life, introduced Mihir to the joy of spontaneity.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Mihir and Shatakshi found themselves on the shores of a tranquil lake. The fading light painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, mirroring the evolving palette of their relationship.

Shatakshi, gazing at the horizon, said, "Mihir, life is like this sunset—full of colors, each representing a different emotion. We're on this journey together, and every moment, whether vibrant or serene, contributes to our shared canvas."

Mihir, moved by Shatakshi's analogy, whispered, "I never thought I could experience life this way. Your presence has truly changed my perspective."

Their quiet moment by the lake soon gave way to a more profound conversation. Shatakshi, sensing the lingering shadows within Mihir, gently broached the topic. "Mihir, I've noticed there are moments when you retreat into yourself. I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

Mihir hesitated for a moment before opening up, "Sia, it's not easy for me. Anxiety has been a constant companion. I fear that it might affect us, but I want to change that."

Shatakshi, her eyes filled with empathy, replied, "Mihir, we'll face it together. You don't have to carry the weight alone. Our love can be the anchor that steadies you in the storm."

They looked at each other and shared an intense eye contact.. He made her turned towards him and bent a little to join their foreheads together.. He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes for permission.. 

He pecked her forehead and then leaned in to connect their lips in a slow kiss.. After few minutes hey broke the kiss and connected their forehead..

Encouraged by Shatakshi's unwavering support, Mihir decided to seek professional help for his anxiety. Shatakshi stood by him, attending therapy sessions together and fostering an environment where Mihir felt safe to confront his fears.

As the weeks turned into months, a transformation unfolded. Mihir's anxiety, once a tempest threatening to engulf him, gradually subsided. With Shatakshi's steadfast support, he learned to navigate the waves of uncertainty and rediscover the strength within himself.

One evening, as they stood on their balcony overlooking the city lights, Mihir turned to Shatakshi. "Thank you for being my anchor, Shatakshi. I never imagined I could find such solace in someone."

Shatakshi, her eyes reflecting the warmth of their shared journey, replied, "Mihir, love has the power to heal. We've created our own horizon, where the sun and the sea meet in perfect harmony."

As Mihir and Shatakshi stood hand in hand, gazing at the city below, they understood that their journey was not without challenges, but it was a journey they were ready to navigate together—a horizon where the colors of their love painted a story of resilience, growth, and the beauty found in embracing the unknown.


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