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Back with Eijun who's listening to Chris, "You were too concerned about control, ending up losing the stuff of the ball."

Chris remembers when Tetsuki show him how far Eijun fast ball is through the videos of Rei that show her when Eijun was in middle school as he continues "Your fast ball is not even 130km/h fast as best in the first place. Given the situation, no wonder you got hammered."

Eijun expression shows shock when Chris comment "We told you, didn't we? That you're different from Furuya or Tanba." Chris face forward "Mark today with remembrance of this defeat. That'll take you somewhere higher."

"Good control faster ball- these two are not something you can acquire so easily." Chris thought back when Tetsuki gives him notes of Eijun and menu as he continues "But for now don't rush. If you can dedicate yourself to building up the basis...."

Eijun looks at Chris as Chris looks back at him "I'm sure you'll make more of your strong point."

Eijun look disbelief while Kazunari saw then let out a small smile a bit even Kotaro who can see a bit from where he is at the left field knowing this will be alright.

Meanwhile with the other group.

With Furuya along with Seidou against Teito baseball team.


"W-What is that !?"

"Wasn't that like 150km/h!?"

"Can a first-year player ball be that fast!?"

As the opposite team talk, even some were surprise while for Tetsuki who's with her uncle as she looks over the manger shoulder to see the scores as she then looks back of the game.

Satoru hold up his hand and said "Excuse me, timeout please."

Tetsuki squint her eyes a bit as she read his body language as she saw on his hand.

Kazuya goes up to him to see what wrongs as he come closer, he saw why "Y-your hand..."

Back with Tessin and another advisor who asked "Has anything happened?"

Tetsuki spoke which makes him jump a bit (still not used to her lack of presence) while Kazuya thought the same as Tetsuki of what she spoke "His hard throwing integrates all his weight into his fingertip, his fingertip can't take the load caused his own pitching anymore."

Tessin let out him of what his niece said as they saw Kazuya talking to Satoru to go back to the bench without anyone seeing it even the scout. Tessin let out a sigh as he knows that his niece is right and probably guess that Miyuki knows as well as he said "Hey Kawakami...warm up your shoulder now!"

"Y-yes sir."


Tanba said "I can go anytime!"

Tetsuki saw this knowing how her uncle is as the advisor panicked a bit "Tanba...you pitched the game yesterday, didn't you? You seem to have already warmed up, but today..."

Tessin said with a grin "Ok...you pitch! But just for three innings..."

Tanba shout "YES SIR!"

"W-wait Mr Kataoka"

"You go after him, Kawakami!"


While Satoru walk back to the bench as he mumbles "I could still pitch..." as he near the bench Tetsuki observe next to her uncle as her uncle said.

"You had your nail torn, didn't you Furuya..."

Satoru looks surprise as Tessin continues "Fingertips means life to a pitcher...that proves your insufficient care of what you play base-ball with."

Satoru about to say something as Tessin said "No pitching training for the next two weeks! Just keep running in the second team's ground!"

Satoru shock but didn't want to say anything as the game continue on while Tetsuki didn't bother just to let Satoru think as she watch back to the game to see how well they play not like back in her middle school that they use to be in the team and smiling with joy of the sport they play, she grateful that Shigehiro is slowly getting their but for her it hurts to remember them as she shake her head a bit and watch the game.

Game finish its night time as Eijun laying down from training as Satoru came by to talk after what happen to them in the game they play until some others heard if they on the mound as they saw Eijun and Satoru with tires.

Just one and half months to the summer preliminary. Not much time left for the survival race to the first team. 


Author-san: Hi...How u doing? Don't kill me

I know its been awhile okay

Now here's chapter 21, woohoo

Everyone online

Tetsuki: It has been awhile



Kazuya: hahah

Youichi: hyahhaha

Kazu: Yes the chaos is back

Yukio: Please no

Shoichi: Please Yes

Yukio: Shut up Shoichi

Makoto: Great...

Kotaro: Hell yeh

Tatsu: Oh dear

Shige: Well anyways hope everyone enjoy this chapter

Author-san: Seriously

Don't steal my line!

Makoto: It ain't urs to begin with

Author-san: Makoto Hanamiya want to die

Makoto:....U don't scare me

Shougo: Dumbass

Makoto: Wtf u call me

Shougo: U heard me

Makoto: Well then fuck u

Kazu: Guys their might be kids reading this

Makoto: Who cares

Shougo: ^ I agree sadly

Tetsuki: Why is Night-san quiet?

Eijun: Is it bad that they are quiet

Shige: Bad its-


Kotaro: Rip Makoto🙏

Tatsu: ^



Yukio: ^

Makoto offline

Shoichi: ^ Seems to me they got Makoto

Shougo: Haha deserve

Author-san: Ur next Shougo

Shougo: Fuck

Shougo offline

​​​​​​​Chris: Umm anyway see you in the next chapter

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