Chapter 2

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"What sign? What sign are you talking about Zii?" I asked curiously, waiting for an answer.

"A sign that, maybe he will come around." She said placing her hand on my shoulder. "Well, I'll see you then?" She said before leaving.

I was there, staring on the ground dumbfounded. What did she mean by a "Sign"

Nevertheless, I just went to class.

During class, I couldn't focus. What did Zii mean by "sign". 

"How about... Athena!" My teacher called out as she points the white board marker at me. "Y-yes mrs..?" I slowly stood up my voice cracking in nervousness. "Please, read 203 page for us." I hurriedly find my textbook, as the whole class was looking at me waiting for me to read. I hurriedly turn the pages almost ripping my textbook. My voice was cracking, my social anxiety is killing me! I thought as I read word by word stammering every sentence I read. Finally, the last word. I thought sighing. After the last word. I looked at my teacher sitting down. Suddenly, my teacher spoke, "Alright then.. Thankyou Athena. Now, can someone tell me.."

I waited and waited, class after class, finally, we can call it a day! "Okay class dismissed." Our professor said. By the time class ended, I was already exhausted. I went to my locker to check and got few stuffs for studying. Before I went home I went to the café shop across the street to order coffee. I can already see that they're preparing to close, so I hurriedly rushed there. As I ran to cross the street, there was a car, speeding up its pace. I thought it was the end of me. Then suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist.

"Come on Athena!" He laughed. We both ran up on a hill to watch the sunset. We watched as the sun set. The nature breeze, and the smell of daisies was just perfect. I rested my head on his shoulder. Then I said, "I wish we are like this forever. Just like the sun sets and rises." After I said that he also rested his head on mine. Then he softly says, "Promise me that no matter where we are, we'll always find each other like the Sun and Moon. How they are always far from each other, but always manage to find their way back to each other. Just like the Eclipse."
I was confused on his statement. "What do you..."

"You're awake." I looked around to find myself laying on a hospital bed. "What... What happened..?" I asked in confusion. Wasn't I supposed to buy coffee? How am I here? Questions run through my head without an answer. I was dumbfounded. I looked at the marble tiles on the hospital floor. "You almost got hit by a car ma'am. Luckily, a kind young man brought you here. You fainted when you saw the car approaching you." She stated. "I will give you some meds tomorrow morning. You need to get some rest first. I'll inform the doctor that you are awake so that he can check if you are good to go." She said before she left. I laid back on my bed, starring at the white ceiling above me. I was puzzled. Who was that guy.. I kept thinking till I fell asleep.

Morning came, I woke up to a nurse beside me. The doctor was across the room doing something that I couldn't even tell. The nurse saw me and said, "You're awake miss! How are you feeling?" She asked. After she said that, the doctor heard her, and looked at me smiling. "Ah, miss... Perry! Correct?" He asked, and I nodded to the question. "We just need to run some tests to make sure that you are good to go." He said approaching me. I was curious on these so called "tests", so I asked, "What kind of tests?" He slightly smiled, and said,  "well, if you know these tests, you are ready what's about to happen. Well don't you worry, these test are tests to just see if you're good to go. These are not harmful at all." He said smiling, I was anxious, and scared of not knowing what these "tests" are. After awhile, they brought me to a room. The room was plain white, no furniture no anything. except this, thing above me. It looks like a speaker to me. I stood there not knowing what to do. I felt anxious. All I hear is the clock ticking across the room. I took a step, but then, the speaker above me fell.

I woke up, on a shore? And a guy beside me. "You're awake! Rise and shine!" He said chuckling. "How's your sleep?" He then said smiling. I was so confused. On what was going on. "I.." He waited for me to respond. "You were probably that tired last night. come on! Lets play in the water!" He said dragging me in the water. Then there was this big wave approaching. It hit us, making us soaking wet. We both laughed, but then I fell.

I blinked my eyes a few times, and I found myself laying on my hospital bed again. The doctor looked me in the eyes worried. Then he spoke, "I'm afraid you didn't pass the test." I was confused. "Huh..? What.. What do you mean? Test? Since when did we start the test?" I was puzzled. Not knowing anything makes me so guilty. "The test is the block falling at you." It struck me. "What..? I.. What do you mean?" I chuckled nervously. "You faint every time you think something is hitting you. Are you sure that you are not low on blood or anything?" I looked at the doctor and paused. "No.. I.. I- No.. I-I don't think so doc.." He looked at me in confusion, as I rose from my bed. "Well then, I also do not know what kind of symptoms are these, mostly syncope, but I cannot diagnose you that nor give you proper treatment. Just come here in the hospital from time to time so I know what kind of illness you are dealing with." He said to me with a worried expression and confusion.

As I was discharged from the hospital, I can't help but think about what the doctor said and everything that has happened. Everything is so messed up! I don't know what to do, nor where to start. 

Is it because...

The Man from my Dreams?


Hello everyone, sorry for the late upload. Due to conflicts of schedules, but I'll try to do my best to keep publishing more chapters. And I have been getting writer's block recently. I hope you all will understand. Again I am sorry. I don't know when I'll post, but just check my twitter/X for further announcements!




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