Chapter 1

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I have been dreaming about a random guy recently.. In my dream he's caring, sweet, kind and protective. Ever since I started university, I have been getting dreams about him whenever I sleep in my dorm. As if his soul is haunting me. Maybe it's a sign? Whatever place it would be, at the mall, café anywhere I could always see him. But I had this dream that I actually saw his face. But it was only for a split second before I woke up.

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window. The sun was shining bright once I moved my curtain. I could see the busy roads across the street, since my dorm is on the fourth floor. You can see the busy roads and the shops across the street. Once I got out of bed I smelled a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. It was oddly weird since... I am the only One living in my dorm...

I rushed into the kitchen, and I saw a guy... With black hair and his hair cut that I couldn't even explain. He has messy hair and he's wearing a black shirt and somewhat more of a brownish blackish pants. He was about to look at me but suddenly I felt like I fell out of my bed. It was a dream. Again.

My heart beating fast, as I rose up and processed everything that has happened. "Why do I keep having the same dream over and over again?" I mumbled. I lay back down and took my phone to look at the time. "2:34 A.M." I placed my phone back on my study table. I sighed, as I stare at the ceiling. This always happens around 2-3 am in the morning. Ever since I moved in my dorm, I also started dreaming about "him." Everytime I awoken from my slumber, I would always have these weird thoughts like, "what if his soul is trapped in this dorm and haunting me in my dreams." Or, "what if this is a sign?" As these thoughts run through my head, I always find myself having a hard time sleeping. I feel like that he's haunting me in my slumber. But it's not a nightmare. It's more of a love life. In one of my dreams, we were on a some kind of flower field. We played till' sunset and be back in the mornings for a mini picnic. Till' I woke up. No matter what dream it is, I never seem to see his face. He would never look at me which is weird. But, It felt REAL. And eventually after these dreams I would be really sleepy in the morning. My professor is always mad at me for sleeping in class. But no matter what I do, I always end up dreaming that same guy in my dream all over again.

I recently moved here in Saints City. I moved here for university. Saints City has one of the best architecture university. Which is Saint University.

At Saint University

"Mrs. Athena Perry!" My professor exclamied. After shouted, I immediately woke up as everyone turned to look at me. "Yes, sir Hudson?" I said my voice cracking in embarrassment. "God this is so embarrassing!" I thought. "This is the fourth time this week! You can't even pass your quizzes! How can you be an architect if you keep sleeping in my class?!" He yelled at me as if he's a volcano that hasn't explode in years! "Won't happen again sir..." I said trembling. "Make sure of that. Next time you fall asleep out of my classroom." He said as he turned back to the white board. I sighed, trying to survive the period. The bell rang after 4 more periods. Its finally lunch break I thought. I took my books, notebook and pen and put them in my bag, and after that I went out to eat lunch. I went to a near by café across the street. The barrister was very sweet and nice as he served me. I ordered their best seller which is a sandwich that has lettuce, tomato, chicken with dressing. Its like a chicken sandwich if you ask me, with a pair of mocha cappuccino.

I sat in a vacant seat as I waited patiently for my order. After some time, the barrister called out my name to get my food. The barrister was odly familiar. It's like I've seen him before. As these thoughts run through my head, the barrister snapped at me.

"Are you alright miss?" He told me. "I'm sorry, I'm alright." I replied and took my food to eat. I went back to my table, which I pulled out my sketchbook to draw. I have alot of thoughts right now, so why not draw it? I thought. After a while I finally drew something... The Faceless Guy in my dreams... But something tells me that there's something up with that barrister... He's giving me flashbacks.

Back at Saints University

"Athena!" Someone called out. It was my best friend Zia Millers. "What's up Zii?" I replied, as I walked over to her. "So? How are you? You good? You seem to be in deep thought earlier and I was finding you so we can eat together but I couldn't find you, where have you been?!" She said, almost rapping! "My bad, my bad. Sorry I just happened to run off somewhere." I replied with a slight smile, I zoned out after that. Suddenly Zia spoke up. "Is something going ng on in your head? You look bothered." She blurted out. "Hello? Thena?" She asked. "Oh right, sorry. I'm alright no need to worry" I replied slightly smiling. "C'mon! You're my best friend and you're hiding secrets from me? I've known you since last month but I know you!" She exclaimed. "Fine, fine I just... I have been getting these weird dreams lately and I don't know how to handle them. Any advice?" I asked curiously and waited for an answer. "Gurl! What type of dreams?" She asked. "About a guy... And a faceless guy to. Whenever I look at him, I feel like I'm falling from my bed but no.." I replied, I couldn't even look her in the eyes. "Oooh damn girly! You got that imagination!" She teased. "You know.. That 'dreams' that you are having could be a sign right?"

"A sign..?"

★Chapter 2 will be posted next friday! ✨🫶🏻

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