Chapter 23- Now

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Its early morning and the sun beams through the uncovered window like a bolt of lightning, slicing a blade of golden brilliance across the room. My back arches into a stretch that radiates throughout my entire body, and I groan softly, "Mmmm," for a second, I am unaware of my surroundings, momentarily forgetting where I've spent the night, until Darrin's smiling face comes into focus.

"Morning," he says sitting across from me, handing me a Styrofoam cup filled with coffee. He leans forward to kiss me, and I flinch.

I cover my mouth, "Eh, I have morning breath, it's disgusting."

He chuckles, "Nothing about you could ever be disgusting," he continues to lean forward but places a small kiss on my cheek instead, he on the other hand smells of all things delicious. Leftover cologne, musky with sleep mixed in with the fresh aroma of dark roast coffee beans.

"It's unfair for you to look this good in the morning," I say, reaching behind my head attempting to tame the rats nest I know flows wildly.

His eyes travel along my bare legs up to my face, "I could say the same about you," he sips his coffee slowly, "this is a look I could get used to."

I blush uncontrollably, "And this," I say taking my coffee from him, "is something I could get used to."

I can't remember the last time I slept straight through the night, the memory of him wrapped around me like a heavy blanket comes to mind. The comfort of his body must have lulled me into a deep sleep, I didn't think, I didn't dream, I just drifted unknowingly.

"What time is it," I ask sitting up.

"It's eight thirty," he says grinning.

"What's so funny?"

"Were you aware that you snore?" he chuckles

I gasp, "I do not!"

"Oh trust me, you do, very deeply, very loudly."

My cheeks grow red, "I've never...I didn't think I did...did I keep you up all night?"

His hand finds my leg, tracing circles along my thigh, "Not all night, honestly, you just looked so adorable and peaceful lying there snoring like a...a banshee," his mouth breaks into a lopsided grin.

"Hey!" I swat him, "I was exhausted."

He continues to chuckle and pulls me into his arms, "I'm kidding, it didn't bother me at all, if anything I was just happy you were getting a good sleep."

I roll my eyes, " know if it's too distracting you can sleep in the family room tonight."

"No way!" He sets his coffee cup on the floor and jumps into bed next to me, the momentum of his weight sends me flying nearly spilling my coffee all over the place, which causes me scream out in laughter.

He seems to find my misfortune amusing and attempts to scoot back under the blankets while I hold my cup in the air vowing to protect and save every precious last drop. And just when I think I am safe to continue drinking he takes the cup from my hand placing it on the floor next to his and begins to tickle me. I burst into a fit of squeals writhing my body around, despising yet relishing in the pure joy that escapes me. Finally, when he is either pleased with his efforts or realizes I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe he stops and plants a kiss directly on my mouth.

"Mmm," he says.

"Mmm," I say breathless.

There's a light tap on the door, "Safe to enter?" Leah asks from the other side.

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