Deception and Guilt: The Cross of Love

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I will only provide the corrected and improved version of the text in English, without explanations.

Amelia was awakened by a low, murmuring voice outside the cottage. She tiptoed toward the window with a crack and peered inside through the thin opening. There stood a blurry figure, Derek, whose face appeared ominous in the moonlight.

"In three days, the wedding will take place," Derek said. "It will be your time to act. When they exchange vows at the altar, slit his throat."

Amelia's blood turned icy. Did he really intend to murder Dominic?

The shadowy figure replied, "Are you sure she will be yours once he is gone?"

Derek nodded. "Once Dominic is dead, Amelia will have no choice but to be with me. She will realize that I am the only one who can ensure her safety."

Amelia held her breath, stunned by the evil intent in Derek's words. He wanted Dominic dead just to force her into a loveless union. She had to escape and warn Dominic before the wedding. But how could she slip away from this remote place unnoticed by Derek? Her only choice was to pretend she hadn't heard anything and pray for an opportunity.

As the men walked away, their voices gradually faded in the distance. Amelia searched the room for anything sharp and finally found a rusty nail protruding from the loose floorboard. She frantically scraped at her bound wrists.

After agonizing minutes, the rope wore down and snapped. Massaging her chafed skin, Amelia looked for a way out. The cabin door remained locked, but she discovered a dusty window with a fragile, cracked frame.

Steadying her breath, Amelia exerted all her strength to push a chair to the window. Shattered glass rained down like tears on the forest floor below as she climbed out, scratching her arms in the process.

Amelia landed unsteadily and sprinted away. As she gasped for breath, branches whipped at her face, and she dodged Derek's echoing shouts in the woods. Running until her lungs burned, she dared not look back, striving to put as much distance as possible between herself and that malevolent place, then tremblingly collapsed on the ground. Now, she was free—but could she reach Dominic in time?

Amelia staggered along the dark forest path, every muscle burning from exertion. In the distance, headlights appeared, and she wildly waved her arms. A rumbling truck came to a halt.

"Miss, are you alright?" a concerned voice asked. "You're bleeding!"

"Please..." Amelia rasped, clutching the open window. "Take me to the nearest police station. It's an emergency."

The man stared at her disheveled state, eyes wide. "Miss, come in, I'll take you there right away."

As the truck sped through the night, Amelia breathlessly recounted Derek's dreadful plan to the driver, urging him to hurry. Upon arrival, police officers surrounded the vehicle with flashlights.

"I need to speak with Detective Walker immediately," Amelia hoarsely said, collapsing into an officer's arms. "Someone is in grave danger, you must believe me..."

Her vision swam, distant voices echoed. Then Detective Walker's calm voice broke through the turmoil: "It's okay, miss, you are safe now. We will stop him."

When the torment finally left her exhausted body, darkness pulled her under. But she had issued a timely warning. Now the real battle began.

Amelia woke in the silent conversation and harsh lighting. Detective Walker sat by her bedside, his face full of concern.

"You're awake. Can you tell me what happened?"

Walker's kind gaze brought the terrifying truth to the surface—Derek's chilling scheme, their frantic conversation, and her deep concern for Dominic's life.

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