fire of vengeance

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Amelia parked her car outside the bridal boutique, humming joyfully. Her heart swelled with anticipation as she contemplated the upcoming wedding. Stepping out of the car, a fleeting figure in the alley caught her attention, only to vanish upon closer inspection.

Relieved of her unease, Amelia and her friends entered the boutique. Soft lighting and shimmering gowns awaited her, immediately transporting her into a romantic realm. Her gaze swept over lace and chiffon, finally settling on a breathtaking gown.

"This is perfect for you, Amelia," gasped Jennifer. "You simply must try it on!"

The gown, resplendent in ivory, boasted a scalloped neckline and a snug bodice that flowed into a sweeping skirt. As Amelia donned it, the approving sighs of her friends confirmed that it was meant for her. She gazed at her reflection, beholding for the first time a blushing bride.

"When Dominic sees you walk down the aisle, he will be in awe," Jennifer remarked.

Amelia, uplifted by her friend's words, smiled, her love for Dominic rekindled. Outside, Reed watched jealously as Amelia basked in the adulation of the laughing crowd. He longed to strip away the facade, to remind her who held her heart, instead of the feigned love of Dominic.

But Reed knew that violence would only push Amelia further away. No, his revenge required patience and manipulation. As she and her friends departed the store, Reed discreetly followed, plotting the subtle first move of his cunning plan. Amelia's world was about to crumble, and the man truly destined for her was about to unveil himself. This time, no one would persuade her. As Amelia and her friends left the bridal boutique, Mr. Reed's hungry gaze followed her, unbidden memories of a time before agony took root resurfacing.

He remembered that sunny afternoon two years ago, when he strolled outside a bustling café on his motorcycle. One glance, and he was breathless—Amelia, carefree and radiant in a sundress, her laughter dancing in the breeze.

Derek introduced himself, wearing a relaxed smile, utterly captivated. As they sipped cappuccinos, their banter felt as effortless as their first genuine date with Chianti. Every moment with her was intoxicating.

In their early days, he brought romance to Amelia—picnics under shooting stars, dancing on driftwood-strewn beaches, listening to the roaring waves serenade them. She enchanted him; she made him want to be better.

They spent nights curled up on the couch, conversing for hours, Derek hanging on to every subtle thought of Amelia. Her caring heart and wisdom drew him in, like a moth to her radiant flame. Was this what happiness felt like? He would never let her go.

But bitter times followed, turning once sweet moments sour. Now, venom replaced affection, yearning transformed into a vengeful scheme. Amelia belonged to him; he would ensure she remembered that, no matter the cost. The story continued...

Derek's charming exterior masked his dark dealings, but with time, the cracks began to show. When Amelia implored him to change and walk the right path with her, arguments erupted.

"I can't keep pretending your 'business' is legitimate," she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes. "What will happen if you get caught?"

His stubborn pride reared its ugly head. "This is who I am, Amelia. You knew that from the start."

Derek longed to break free from the criminal life deep within. Yet, habit still held sway. He felt powerless against their disappointment and Amelia's.

Soon, their quarrels erupted like a volcanic eruption, past hurts spewing out like molten lava. One night, Derek, unable to bear it any longer, lashed out, and Amelia fled in terror.

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