Wild magic had a way of doing that, enchanting you and then destroying everything you love.

I shook my head clearing out the thoughts.

"Ay- stop being emo and enjoy this.
Titian knows how long until you can see this place again." I thought to myself, stepping into the inn and shaking off as much water as I could on the welcome Matt.

A pretty server with pigtails and purple hair greeted us. She had a solid black outfit on that hugged her body with a matching black apron. The striking feature of the outfit was her white nametag that read "Lucy."

She smiled warmly at us, her dimples accentuating her already goregous face, "hello ya'll let me get ya'll seated. Would you be preferin' a booth or a table?"

"Booth please." I responded quickly while she walked us to our table. She gave us our menus and smiled once again.

"A server will be right with ya'll."

"That girls so nice and pretty-" I thought.

She then turned around and remember her tight black pants I mentioned? Yea, you can guess where I looked.

"DAMN." I audibly gasped before covering my mouth.

Hunter gave me a "you did not..." look.

I held my hands up, "hey. I am no better than a man and I have no shame."

Hunter stared at me blankly before his face contorted into a smile and then into a roar of laughter, "Titian you're awful."

I smiled hearterly, "oh tell me something I don't know."

The server came not too long after and the food soon came. I'll spare the details of Hunter being skeptical of the food and then, like at the fair, absolutely destroying the food.

I think he may have ate one of his fingers I will not lie.

After we finished eating I held my stomach a smiling, full, and happy camper with food that was actually seasoned- unlike at the castle.

"This was... nice." I heard a familiar raspy voice admit.

I looked up from my food baby and stared at him, "what.?"

He looked outside the window at the droplets on the glass, "I said this was nice. I don't get to get out often.. let alone with someone I..." he paused and looked at me giving him a smug I told you so look, "tolerate."

I laughed softly, "so... what did we learn?"

He looked down at the plate, "that the castle food is severely under seasoned?"


Well actually yes.

"No, that im always right." I stated with a proud smile.

He looked at me dumbfounded, with an unconvinced expression, "Uh huh.?"

I scoffed, "what?"

"You remember your call with the Everbeast last year?" He asked with a grin.

I cringed at his ask, "that was not my proudest moment I'll admit. But how was I supposed to know that the Everbeast could cause the ground to collapse??"

He rolled his eyes, "by studying your opponent?"

I laughed, "okay nerd."

Before he could say anything else I flagged over our waited and asked her for the check. She smiled and gave it to us.

I reached into my pocket but Hunter snatched the check and reached into his pocket and pulled out some snails.

"You ready?" He asked standing up.

I paused, "did you just pay for me?"

He looked at the check and than at me, "well yea, isn't that what guys are supposed to do..? Plus you payed for the other stuff earlier. It's only fair."

I stared at him blankly.

He looked at me confused, "do you want to pay for it... or..?"

I quickly snapped out of my trance  and shook my head, "no- uh thank you."

He shrugged as we walked out, holding the door for me on our way out.

Was Hunter actually being a gentleman..? Or was I imagining things?

The palisman turned into a staff, I looked up at the sky, the boiling rain had cooled to a clear sky.

"Looks like it's safe to fly, we should get back before anyone notices we were gone." Hunter addressed.

I looked to his palisman and nodded before securing a holding onto the base of the staff. The night was cooler and the stars shimmered with light.

I wondered if there was anything else out there, I mean there was a human rhelm, what else could be beyond our sight?

We soon landed on Hunter's window, he helped me inside as I walked into his room. I looked around and damn... it was messy as fuck. Hunters personality was so neat and tightly, I thought his room would reflect that in a way. Then again it somehow doesn't surprise me.

"Sorry, I was researching stuff and didn't have time to clean up. " he quickly apologized, clearly embarrassed.

I waved him off, "nah you're good. You should've seen my room the week the third season The Bachelorette came out. Whoo, it would put this to shame." I smiled at the tons of books and papers crowding his floor.

He laughed softly, "I have no idea what that is but I'll take your word for it."

I gasped, "you don't know the Bachelorette is??? Dude we're watching it, no it's or buts."

He laughed lightly, "oh Titian."

I laughed softly and turned to the door, "I should get going, but thanks... for coming with me. This meant more to me than you know."

Hunter nodded smiling as I left his room, no other words exchanged. Just a comfortable silence as I bid him a good night and went to my own bed to sleep.

Hunters pov:

That day, it meant more to me than she would ever know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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