Grape girl

74 3 7

Jackie Chan- Tiësto the London sessions

Your pov:

Honestly I was suprised Hunter agreed but I was unruly happy none the less. Once Hunter came back in and we discussed the plan, or I more showed him, he pulled out the pasisman. My heart dropped, I completely forgot he had that.

In an instant feelings of dread came flooding back that I forced myself to get over as I saddled with Hunter on his staff.

I looked over his shoulder I saw the bright lights of the carnival and in an instant my mood came back. As I forced him to eat the cotton candy I forced myself to ignore the Palisman as he bregrudingly ate the sweet food. Then I saw one of my old favorite rides and pressured him to get on, yet again I noticed his red palisman. As he sat against the metal walls with bars that you'd see on one of these he held onto the bird.

"It's only for research to cure Belos's curse."

As I looked at it and how he protected it I started to realize that that likely was t the only reason anymore. Despite it being wild magic seeing him be so overprotective of something made me smile. I think I might've been the only person in the world that got to see him like this and for some reason I felt grateful.

Then the bird looked at me and my blood ran cold. It chirped and closed its eye as if it were smiling. My heart started up again and I felt myself smile at it, even if it was dangerous it was so damn cute.

Then the ride started and I watched Hunter hold onto the bird tighter as the anti gravity began to work. I cheered as Hunter squeezed his eyes shut and screamed. I giggled as I looked over at him as the ride reached its peak. He looked legitimately scared and I felt bad so without thinking I, struggling, picked up my hand and placed it on his and in a way kinda confronted my own fear of the bird as my fingertips rested on its wing.

Hunters eyes looked over at me and I smiled brightly at him. Then the ride slowed down and we finally got off. Hunter did not like, thank titian, and I parted his back.

"You did great."

"Shut up."

I chuckled and decided to be nice to him, "ok ok what ride do you wanna go on?" I asked and he paused looking at me and then looked back up at the fair.

"I... don't know.? I've never been to a fair before." He admired and I paused.

"What about a carnival game?" I asked and pointed to a sharp shooter game.

He thought for a moment before speaking again, "no metal, it doesn't spin, yep okay let's do it."

I smiled as we walked over to the game and I gave the game master a coin for both of us. After he explained the game we held up the guns at the clowns.

The game was pretty simple nockdown as many clowns with the squirt guns as possible, winner got a prize. I smirked as I rolled my shoulders back mostly for dramatic effect, "ready to loose golden boy?"

He looked at me blankly and I began to feel insecure. I felt like I dragged him here and in the end he really wouldn't have a good time. Titian I was being so selfish what was I thinking-

"Hey Grape Girl."

I quickly looked up to him to see him readying his gun to the clown before he looked back at me and smiled a signature gaptoothy grin.

"Are you gonna play? Or are you too scared to loose to "Golden Boy"?" He asked as he readied his gun.

I beamed and quickly reconsentrated. "Yea. Yea I'm ready."

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