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Wanna be- jxdn
Hunters pov

Her mom... died?

That's what went through my head as she talked to me with kind words. I realized just how much I fucked up as guilt overwhelmed me.
How could I have been so..
Condescending? I dunno, all three.

Then she began to apologize.

Her! She apologized to me??

I protested and instead apologized instantly to her. Titian what was I thinking?

She's the only one that doesn't treat me like...


"There's people who won't make you feel useless."

I'm worth something..

I shook my head, "no. Friends."

That's what we were, I think. I haven't had one before so I didn't know how this worked, but I was hoping it wasn't complicated.

All sorts of emotions were running through my head but the weirdest one was warmth, especially in my face when she held my hand for longer than a usual hand shake was.

She just stared at me, I didn't know why but I stared back at her.

I then cleared my throat and took my hand back, "we uh, we need to get those shields down."

She blinked at me before she seemed to remember. "Oh! Yea ok. But how will we do that if any of our magic won't work on it?" She asked as we walked to it.

I noticed the guy she had nocked unconscious was on top of it when she dropped it.
Y/n began listing out ideas, "we could mabye find a spell to take them down? But how would we figure that out? Could we redirect the currents you were talking about like separate them?" She wondered out loud.

As I walked towards the small metal box I noticed the guy had fallen right on it. I shoved him off of it.

"I mean titian what if we need a unicorn horn to break it!?" She continued to wonder out loud.

That's when I noticed that the metal was cracked. I bent down to investigate it and noticed it was cracked at the same place that the guys head was.

It repelled magic, but not anything physical! That's why there were witches guarding it.

"Oh my titian y/n you're a genius!" I yelled as I smiled.

She looked at mw confused, "seriously? We're gonna need a unicorn horn? I mean I heard of suppliers but-"

I looked at her confused with a "girl what-" look on my face and shook my head, "No! When you dropped him the metal broke. We need to add a specific amount of force that can cause it to break. Seems like hefty over here was perfect."

She walked up and crouched down next to me. "Oh, I totally meant to do that."

"Can you use construction magic?" I asked and she whined.

"Ehhhh kinda. Why?" She asked tilting her head.

"Can you make a hammer?" I asked again. She nodded.

"Mabye?" She then twirled her finger making a magic circle and suddenly a hammer- a misshapen one- appeared. "Sorry it's the best I've got. "

I shrugged as I held it, "it'll work."
I assured her to step back and she groaned, "how come you get to break stuff?"

I laughed softly shaking my head, "you get the next one."

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