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Little lion man- Tonight Alive or mumford and sons

"You want us to go on a mission together?!?" 

Hunters pov: 

The mission top fetch the palismen failed, all because i let that stupid human get the better of me. When i returned empty handed i wasn't surprised to know ho furious Belos was. He shooed me away, making yet another comment about the Amethyst Guard and ordered me to get out. The crushing feeling stayed in my stomach as i walked out, forgetting to place my mask back on when i heard a-sadly-familiar voice approach behind me.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" She asked as i felt my face reden from irritant. I breathed and turned around.

"None of your business. How did your  "Sacred" Plaismtram wood hunt go?" i asked, my sarcasm heavily coating my voice. Everything about her annoyed me, the way she acts like she's better then me in every way, the way she treats any mission like a game. The first-and last-time we ever had a mission together she jumped head into the danger yelling a movie quote that i didn't understand like a battle cry. Needless to say i did most of the work that day and she went to healers afterwords. It was then that i noticed her shoulders seem to slump  that then reminded me i had forgotten to put my mask back on, and she just looked at me, no noise coming out of her mouth. Normally that would be a good thing but this... unsettled me.

"Better than yours, i would assume at least, and i will continue to assume if its 'none of my business.'" She then voiced, and then i seemed to be okay with the unsettlement that came with the prize of her being quiet.

She then strode off into the emperors room after i decidedly had too worse of a day to have any filter with no one else around and flipped her off. I would be lying if i said i wasn't proud of myself, for once. 

I was exhausted as i began walking away, my eye bags very obviously showing it. I was tired of failing and being a nucence for my uncle. I was tired of always being compared to that witch, and i was tired of being useless to help Belos curse. I would go to the library, yea. I could go to the library and search more books on wild magic, maybe if i can cure his curse... or help it... maybe he'll finally like me more then her. Or at least start acting like it. 

I ran my gloved fingers through my sandy hair.

No, I knew my Uncle loved me. I didn't need validation, I wasn't a sucker like that. What am I thinking? I'm acting like a child-

"Yo Lemon boy!"

Speaking of children...

The Amethyst Guard and her purple and black attire ran up to me before pointing to the throne room. "Belos said he needs both of us." 

I sighed and nodded a dropping pit in my stomach that i was getting used to. 

Your Pov

I walked with the Golden Guard back into the throne room, somewhere along the way  he had put his mask on, and i ignored the fact that i kinda missed his annoying new face.

We both knelt down but something stayed in my head that Belos had said, 'Speaking of mess ups?' I glanced over to the Golden Guard. Something about him did seem off. What happened.?

Belos stood, standing away from the throne chair he normally stood in, '"its been brought to my attention that a wild witch has been stirring up trouble for me down at the knee. Id like you to find her, and bring her to me."

I allowed myself to glance around. Which one of us was he talking to?

"Since our Golden Guard has been unable to successfully fulfill his missions, I would like you, Amethyst Guard, to accompany him. Make sure he actually completes his mission. I have faith that you'll do that for me yes?" He said, a tinge of frustration in his voice.

I glanced over to the Golden Guard who seemed to flinch at his words. Holy shit, what did he do?

I then paused realizing what Belos said, "Wait, you want us to go on a mission together?!"

I paused and cleared my throat, "i mean, Im honored Belos. I- we- wont let you down." I corrected and Belos seemed pleased as he sat down, once again.

"Good. You leave by dawn tomorrow, i have already requested a ship for the both of you. " He added. I smiled under my mask and nodded knowing that was my que to head out. As i was walking however i heard Belos say quietly to  the golden boy, "Dont disappoint me again. The Titan has big plans for you."

I kept walking letting it slide off my back but i couldn't help but wonder, What the hell did that mean?  

But, here i am, 

On a ship,

With a witch who hates me,

and who is always competing with me and vise versa,

working together:

Exactly how i wanted to spend my Saturday.

An: Sorry for such a short chapter, this was the best way to end it. As always, enjoy, and i cant wait to see you tmrw ;p

The Colors Yellow and PurpleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora