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dark red- steve lacy

Hunters pov

After what felt like only a few minutes y/n decided to call it a night and headed out of the library. It was... strange to commune with her with such informality but it was nice, I hate to admit it, but talking to someone my age was nice. To be fair the only other person I've been able to base it off was the human so...I wasn't entering the ring with high hopes. Though as I got up and the book fell I was reminded why I was there.

Right, the book.

I looked back at the other books in my hiding spot that I realized wasn't so hidden anymore.

Right the books.

After some minutes of contemplating I decided the safest bet would to be just to take them to my room and stash them under my bed, its not like Belos would search my room without reason. I walked the halls putting my mask back on and keeping my stance tall for any guards that I passed that has the misfortune of a night shift. My chocolate brown door unlocked with a click and opened with a creak as I walked into my very messily organized room.

I had a system okay?

I sat them under my bed, changed out of my Golden Guard uniform putting on grey sweats and a black shirt, and sat the book onto my desk. The cardinal palismen sat in the nest I had made it- in the experiment Im conducting ((which is why im keeping it, its not like i enjoy its company or anything)) I need it to be well rested and since its a bird I assumed it needed a nest, I was right- and looked down at me chirping happily.

"Are you asking me to thank you?"I asked skeptical.

I swear to Titian it nodded its head at me.

"um... thank you.?" I just said blankly, too tired to fight the tiny red demon spawn from hell.

I sighed and shook my head as I brought out a notebook and pen and began taking notes, "Palismen are carved out of palistram wood, know that... their essence allows them to distribute magical properties to the user, also knew that, newly carved palismen cant become animate until their owner expresses their deepest wish.. with them."

I looked at the palismen, "You.. you chose me right? But I didn't express a wish or an ambition, so why me?"

The palismen turned to me, and flew over gracefully, it opened its beak and I felt my heart racing. No way...

Then he pulled on my hair strand, "Ow! Titian what the heck is wrong with you?!" I swatted it gently away with my hand and groaned as I kept reading, everything I had already known. I book marked the page and continued through the book but found nothing I didn't know.

I scanned through the pages, my tired mind thinking rapidly and expressing more and more frustration. Finally I slammed the book down and it flipped to a random page, "Why cant uncle just tell me more! If he did I could figure this out!" I hit my firsts on the table, shaking the bird awake, "I can be useful! I can prove that Im enough if he would just let me! I want to cure his curse, I want him to be okay, I want him to love me and treat me like Im worth something!" I laid my head on the book as tears threatened to leave my eyes, "But I guess you'd have to actually be worth something to be treated as such... and the whole mission situation... If I just had a chance to prove myself... Titian this is so frustrating..." I said to no one but myself, then a tear slipped out from my eye and onto the book and I let out another shaky breath when the bird gave me a nudge on the cheek with its head.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply but when I opened them again I noticed the see-through of the page due to the moisture of the tear. I groaned as I picked up the book, "great now its ru..ined..?" I began but noticed words forming. Because it was see through I could now see the words on the next page, I flipped it over thinking I had somehow missed the blue Ink but nothing; it spelt something completely different.

"Titian Blood..?" The blue letters wrote. I paused and then looked over at the water cup at the edge of the desk. Then I poured it on the book.

I was desperate.

"Oh my titian."

The page then read in dark blue ink, "Palismens existence are a mystery to witches today and how they survive, many speculate that the titian blood itself is found in the veins of the trees and in short powering their magic. Titian blood is one of the most powerful substances on the boiling isles, creating life from everything and nothing. They can create portals to the human rhelm, make time pools, give life to wondrous creatures imaginable, some even speculate that Titian Blood if gathered enough of it can heal the sick, many people wonder what happened to the Titian blood but in later years after using it for healing magic its gone practically extinct."

"Isn't Belos trying to get to the human rhelm? And it can heal!! I know he needed the key but maybe... maybe if I could get enough Titian blood... Maybe I could prove myself. Yea, yea! Its gotta work," Then i slumped over my chair ignoring some type of cousin to palismen called grim walkers on the next page. I happily picked up the bird, "Do you know what this means palismen?! I can get my missions back! I can get my worth and Uncle back!" Then I paused and realized the page where the blue writing was fading as it dried was the same page the bird had flipped to.

"Wait... did you... did you flip to this page on purpose.?" I asked finally realizing that these creatures may be more than just animated tools.

It chirped and jumped happily and looked at the page and then me, I held it in my gloves and smiled a gap toothy grin at it, "Wow... I-um, thank you-I think is a proper thing top say when a bird helps you find what youre looking for." It chirped again and apart of me wished I could understand him.

I just realized thats the first time I've ever called "it" a "Him" huh, weird. I smiled bigger but then it fell and I put a thumb up to my chin.

I paused holding the palismen in my hand, "I could've gotten Titian Blood on the mission that was supposed to be mine but was handed to... K... Kik- ugh I dont even want to say that troll demons name... but what if after my mission with Y/N tomorrow... yea, yea! that could work!" i exclaimed to the little bird, "If I could hurry up the mission, and then change into a guards uniform I could sneak into her mission, take Titians Blood before anyone else gets to it and then boom! No more duo missions with the Amethyst Guard! Its fool proof," I smiled warmly at the red cardinal, "Finally..." I looked outside the window at the night sky creeping into the yellow light from my candles in my room. The colors mixing but staying apart enough they dont blend, even though they were complementary colors they fit well together.

"I can be useful again."

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