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Level of concern- twenty one pilots

Your pov

Hunter flew on my staff and noticed another saturated part of the shield, "there!" He yelled. The other box I'll just call it was a good ways away:

"Then what are you waiting for?? Go!" I yelled due to the fact that-at least compared to me- he flew like a grandma.

He rolled his eyes and then quickly bent forward and sped up quickly causing my grip on his shoulders to loosen and I instinctively grabbed onto his waist.

I felt his stiffen at the contact and due to my head leaning on his back to help with balance at this speed I felt his heart beat pounding.

Weird? Damn how much of a virgin is this dude that physical contact makes him react like that?

Ok I'm a virgin but we'll ignore that.

Weirdly though my own cheeks began to heat up as I shook my head. Then instantly my thoughts ceased as Hunter slammed on the brakes so hard I basically slammed into him.
"WHOA! Dude!"

He then quickly covered my mouth with his hand... again.

"Hey!- mpf!" I tried to yell but I turned to me quickly and shushed me and pointed. The last box we needed was guarded by five witches.

I nodded and tapped his shoulder as he scoped them out. He turned around and I tapped his head and then mine.

See? Warning.
I notified as I used telepathy.

TITAIN- damn I am never gonna get used to that.

Ha. Anyway how are we gonna get past them? We're outnumbered?

He thought for a moment before looking  down. I noticed when he was focused on something he brought his thumb up to his chin and rested her other hand in the crook of his forearm.

Well we could always do a distraction? I mean are you good at being creative and making illusions?

Ha. Creative, Hunter do you know who you're thinking to?

A long silence filled my mind as he blinked twice at me.

So can you do it-?

Yes I can do it.

He nodded to give me the okay and I nodded.

I drew a spell circle and suddenly a coven scout ran up to them, their mask falling off and showing their face disfigured as he screamed at them to get out. Suddenly his whole body exploded into confetti and bits of blood as a unicorn appeared behind him.

When I tell you unicorn horns are sought after and have dealers this is why.

They're beautiful killers.

The perfect distraction.

One witch covered their mouth and ran over to puke in the bushes and the rest of them scrambled and ran away screaming. Once they were gone the unicorn began to do a silly little dance as I looked over at Hunter and his hand was covering his mouth looking at me and the unicorn in horror.


"Yea I got that. But... why.?"

I shrugged, "it came to mind. Unicorn horns are very expensive because of how deadly unicorns are. No one in their right mind would mess with one."

Hunter shook his head before just softly laughing, "you're messed up."

"Thank you." I smiled as we flew down.

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